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American writer Clive Kassler: biography, author's books

Clive Kassler is a famous modern American writer, famous for writing adventure and adventure novels. His works are very popular with the mass reader. In addition, a number of his works were screened, which indicates the interest in his books around the world.

short biography

Clive Kassler was born in 1931 in Illinois, but spent his youth in California. He received a good education, served in the US Army, fought in Korea. After demobilization, the future famous writer worked in the advertising business. At the age of forty, after the publication of his first novel, The Mediterranean Pirate, he became famous as a talented prose writer. For a long time Clive Kassler worked in a company to raise wrecks, which affected the subjects of his books.

He actively engaged in marine and underwater research and is therefore a member of a number of leading international geographic organizations. Currently, his authority in this field is extremely high. The author collaborated with film companies during the filming of the film based on his novel "Sahara". The writer's novels came in multi-million copies, and the main character Dirk Pitt of his popular series about the adventures of the famous scientist became one of the most popular modern characters.

The first work

Clive Kassler became known as the creator of a series of adventure novels dedicated to the search for sunken ships, treasures. His first novel in this series tells about the adventures of Pitt and his partner Georgino, who are trying to neutralize the head of smugglers, traveling both on land and in the depths of the sea. The plot of the novel turned out to be intriguing: the US naval base was attacked by airplanes of the First World War. The search for a mysterious criminal leads the protagonist and his friend to the depths of the Aegean Sea, where they have to find the answer to the tragedy in the cave, which in ancient times had a gloomy fame.


Readers appreciated the interesting intrigue, which keeps in suspense until the end, fascinating adventures, as well as the creation of a specific world - the underwater environment and the colorful Greek islet in the Aegean Sea. Nevertheless, some users note a number of shortcomings in the novel: uninteresting humor, the author's inattention to secondary characters, too much emphasis on the figure of the protagonist.

Composition from the new series

One of the most recognized contemporary authors of adventure prose is Clive Kassler. "Lost City" - a novel, built according to the classical scheme of composition of works of this genre. In the beginning, it is told about the episode from the First World War, then the action is transferred in our days. A group of researchers find the remains and weapons of the dead pilots, followed by a chain of incredible events, which at first have nothing to do with each other, but in the end the intrigue ends with a general denouement. The plot lines are quite unusual: a terrible hunt begins for the helmet of the deceased pilot, a television group that is engaged in reporting on the place of death is exposed to a terrible attack, and the ocean threatens to absorb some new species of algae.

The main characters, a professor and an oceanologist, are trying to unravel the mystery of what is happening. This work, along with other eight novels, is part of the so-called NUMA series, created by the writer in collaboration with P. Kemprekoz. According to readers, this work does not differ in originality, although everyone recognizes that the plot captures. However, a number of users note that the presence of a large number of mysteries in the book makes it difficult to understand the plot and weakens interest.

Adventure prose

Creation of works adventurous adventure fiction famous Clive Kassler. "Silent Waters" is a typical example of the work of a writer of this genre. The plot is based on the unsuccessful launch of NASA, the wreckage of which is lost in the American jungle. The main hero, an agent of secret services, is sent to search for the remains of the ship.

For many of the writer's novels, a combination of fantastic, adventure and scientific elements is characteristic. Another characteristic feature of his prose is that adventures occur literally in all parts of the earth: on the water, under the water and in the air. This brings his works together with the works of another famous science fiction writer J. Verne. Historical subjects often used in the creation of their works Clive Kassler. "Treasure" - this is another book, telling the story of the untiring archeologist Dirk Pitt. One day he gets information that makes him make an incredible assumption that the famous Alexandria library is not destroyed, but preserved in one of the ancient cities of America. The hero embarks on a journey, but in the course of his quest he will face terrorists and fanatics who do not want the ancient knowledge to return to people. Readers positively evaluate this work for its interesting intrigue and plot, but the drawbacks include the fact that it lacks romance, although the composition itself presupposes it.

About Space

Clive Kassler, whose "Cyclops" is distinguished among the listed novels by the fact that it raises the theme of the development of the galaxy, is interesting to the modern reader by the fact that his subjects cover all corners of the globe. Heroes travel in all spheres, descend to the depths of the sea and overcome unimaginable spaces. A new novel is devoted to the development by the Americans of the lunar colony. According to the plot, this project is classified, but it becomes known to the Soviet Center, which threatens humanity with a new war. The Dirk Pitt, who loved the reader, is trying with all his might to stop the growing conflict between the two sides, aggravated by the fact that the Americans killed a Soviet exploratory probe. Readers note that the plot of this book is built on the classical principle inherent in this author, but many users did not like the way he showed the relations of the Soviet and American sides.

Other works about the famous oceanologist

The real master of adventure prose was Clive Kassler. Books, Dirk Pitt in which is the protagonist, enjoy great popularity and love of readers. The novel "Iceberg" tells how this hero is looking for a missing ship with a very important cargo. As always, the author created a large-scale plot: the solution of this problem depends on the lives of many people and even the fate of the continents.

Another work from the series about the adventures of the famous oceanologist is called "Night raid". This time, Pitt is instructed to get an important document from the seabed that the American government needs. However, the brave traveler is trying to prevent the British scout, who is given the task at any cost to stop the scientist.

Sea adventures

Clive Kassler, whose books sold out in huge editions around the world, wrote in an adventurous adventure genre. In his novels, the main actors are scientists and military people, all of whom equally well possess both combat skill and scientific knowledge, which the writer was accused of being reproached by some readers. Another novel of the writer "The Pacific Whirlpool" is dedicated to the next naval adventure of the cheerful explorer Dirk Pitt, who this time is looking for a sunken nuclear ship. The main intrigue of the work is that, according to the narrative, there is a threat that deadly weapons will fall into the hands of terrorists.

As a rule, the action of his novels is carried to the sea by the famous writer Clive Kassler. The author's books are distinguished by a dynamic and interesting plot, unexpected turns, intrigue. However, in some works Kassler uses clichés, which can be seen in modern blockbusters. In the novel "In the side!" The plot is based on the kidnapping of the president and the simultaneous catastrophe associated with the release of chemical weapons. The reader can draw in this work that here the main acting hero of dreams is Dirk Pitt. Some users note that this pattern technique somewhat spoils the impression of reading the novel.

Book and film adaptation

A whole series of memorable works in the style of adventurous novels was created by Clive Kassler. Reviews of his novels in general are very positive. Readers like the dynamic plot, intrigue, which keeps in suspense until the end of the narrative, as well as interesting characters. Others celebrate exciting adventures and riddles, which are connected either with history or with scientific problems. An indicator of the popularity of the writer is the fact that his novels were filmed. The book "Sahara" and the film with the same name are well known to the world viewer and reader, who here again meet with the favorite researcher Dirk Pitt. This time, he does not descend to the depths of the sea, but goes to the African desert in order to investigate the source of poisoning the environment. At the same time, he has to unravel a number of historical mysteries related to the past.

Reviews about the novel and about the movie as a whole are positive. Readers and spectators note that the plot, although predictable, is however presented in an interesting form. They say that the novel is read easily and simply, and the audience liked the atmosphere on the screen, the acting game, and also the moral idea that treasure seekers are able to forget about the riches for the sake of saving human lives.

Traits of the hero

The reason for the popularity of Dirk Pitt in the modern reader should be sought in the fact that he combined in his face a number of qualities that are inherent in the world literary and film heroes who have already had time to fall in love with readers and viewers. This character is a typical adventurer, somewhat reminiscent of the famous Indiana Jones. At the same time, he has a romantic mindset, is bold, enterprising and brave. The author forces his hero several times to save humanity and perform the most incredible feats, which, it seemed, could come up with the most ingenious fantasy. In addition, he is engaged in scientific research, travels a lot, is fond of collecting. Of course, this set of qualities could not leave indifferent the modern reader who is used to superheroes.

Features of creativity

Clive Kassler, whose books skillfully combine elements of science fiction, historical prose, adventurous genre, fit very well into a galaxy of contemporary authors who compete for their readers, each time coming up with ever more incredible and exciting adventures. Cassler's works favorably differ in that he came up with a new hero who became a symbol of his most famous novels, as well as the variety of places and tests through which characters pass.

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