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Classicism in Russian Literature

Classicism is a literary style that was developed in France in the 17th century. It received its distribution in Europe in the 17-19 centuries. The direction that turned to antiquity as an ideal model is closely connected with the Enlightenment. Based on the ideas of rationalism and reasonableness, it sought to express social content, to the formation of a hierarchy of literary genres. Speaking about the world's representatives of classicism, we can not fail to mention Racine, Moliere, Corneille, La Rochefoucauld, Boileau, LaBrueira, Goethe. In the theatrical art, the ideas of classicism were imbued with Mondori, Leken, Rachelle, Talma, Dmitrievsky.

The desire to display the ideal in the real, eternal in the temporal is a characteristic feature of classicism. In literature, a character is not created, but a collective image of a hero or villain, an ideal person or a lowly person . In the classicism is unacceptable mixture of genres, images and characters. There are borders here that anyone can not ruin.

Classicism in Russian literature is a definite twist in art, which attached special importance to such genres as an epic poem, an ode, a tragedy. The founder of the ode genre is considered to be Lomonosov, the tragedy is Sumarokov. Publicism and lyrics were combined in clothes. Comedies had a direct relationship to the ancient times, while in the tragedies it was narrated about the figures of the national history. Speaking of the great Russian figures of the period of classicism, it is worth mentioning Derzhavin, Knyazhnin, Sumarokov, Volkov, Fonvizin, and others.

Classicism in Russian literature of the 18th century, as well as in French literature, was based on the position of tsarist power. As the representatives of classicism themselves said , art should stand guard over the interests of society, give people a certain idea of civil behavior and morality. The ideas of serving the state and society are consonant with the interests of the monarchy, so classicism has become widespread throughout Europe and in Russia. But do not associate it only with the ideas of glorifying the power of monarchs, Russian writers reflected in their works the interests of the "middle" layer.

Classicism in Russian literature. Main features

The basic ones include:

  • The reference to antiquity, its various forms and images;
  • The principle of the unity of time, action and place (one storyline prevails, the action lasts up to 1 day);
  • In the comedies of classicism good triumphs over evil, vice is punished, at the heart of a love line is a triangle;
  • Heroes "talking" names and surnames, they themselves have a clear division into positive and negative.

Deep into history, it is worth remembering that the era of classicism in Russia originates from the writer Antiochus Cantemir, who first wrote works in this genre (epigrams, satires, etc.). Each of the writers and poets of this era was the pioneer in his field. Lomonosov played a major role in the reform of the literary Russian language. At the same time, the reform of versification took place.

As VI Fedorov says, the first prerequisites for the emergence of classicism in Russia appeared during the time of Peter the Great (1689-1725). As a genre of literature, the style of classicism was formed by the mid-1730s. In the second half of the 60s, its rapid development is under way. There is a dawn of journalistic genres in periodicals. He evolved already by 1770, the crisis began in the last quarter of a century. By that time, sentimentality had finally taken shape, and the tendencies of realism had intensified. The final fall of classicism occurred after the publication of "Conversations of lovers of the Russian word."

Classicism in the Russian literature of the 30-50's influenced the development of the sciences of the Enlightenment. At this time there was a transition from the ideology of the church to the secular. Russia needed knowledge and new minds. All this gave her a classicism.

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