
'Ambrobene' preparation, syrup for children, instruction manual

Ordinary ARVI can often give children such complications as bronchitis or pneumonia. To treat such diseases, it is often not enough only to take antibacterial drugs, it is also necessary to use mucolytic drugs. One of the most effective medicines in this group is "Ambrobene", a syrup for children, the instruction to which recommends it for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract for better sputum discharge.

The convenience of this form makes it possible not only to give it to babies without difficulty, but also to be precise in dosage, which is important at this age. The drug is effective due to ambroxol, the main active substance that is contained here. In addition, the preparation contains saccharin, purified water, propylene glycol, sorbitol, a flavor with a raspberry flavor.

"Ambrogen" syrup for children instruction is advised to use from an early age, but up to 2 years it should be used under the supervision of a doctor. The drug is not assigned to babies who are intolerant of any of the components contained in it. Also, contraindications are epilepsy and peptic ulcer. With caution, the remedy is used in small patients, with liver or kidney disease, accompanied by impaired functions of these organs.

When ingested, the syrup is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, enters the bloodstream and begins to work after half an hour. The duration of the effect is up to 6 hours, after which the drug decomposes in the liver and is excreted, mostly with urine. If used to treat "Ambrobe" for children, the instruction warns of possible side effects. They can manifest in allergic reactions, increased salivation or, conversely, dry mouth, headache, weakness, nausea. They usually pass after adjusting the dose. If the symptoms do not disappear, then the drug will most likely have to be replaced with a more suitable one in a particular case.

"Ambrogen" children's instruction does not advise to use in treatment simultaneously with antitussive medicines. This medication can be prescribed to patients suffering from diabetes, as there is no sugar in it. During therapy, it is advised to drink liquid in large quantities. The duration of the course can vary depending on the course of the disease. In this case, without the appointment of a doctor more than 5 days to use it is not necessary.

Take Ambrobene, a syrup for children, the instruction gives instructions half an hour after a meal, washed down with liquid. For this purpose, only carbonated beverages should not be used. In the medicine package there is a special measuring cup, thanks to which it is quite easy to measure the required dose. If the doctor does not prescribe otherwise, then children under 2 years are given 2.5 ml twice a day, for children under 6, the dosage is the same, however, it should be increased by one dose, children under 12 years - 5 ml 3 times a day .

"Ambrogen", a syrup for children, the instruction allows adults to apply. In this case, 10 ml is recommended, which at the beginning of the disease is taken 3 times, then 2 times a day. Sometimes this drug can be advised to use for premature infants, to stimulate the formation of a sufractant, a substance that prevents the adhesion of the alveoli of the lung. Possible use of the drug in the treatment of pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

Despite the high effectiveness and relative safety of the drug, it is impossible to use it independently without consulting the doctor. This can lead to the development of side effects, which is highly undesirable.

This drug is also available as a tablet and solution for inhalation, which in some cases can give a better effect in treatment.

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