
Where in Windows 10 Control Panel: Ways of Access

Many users of the "dozens", accustomed to working with previous systems in the form of the seventh and eighth versions, not to mention the "epsilon", often wonder about where in the Windows 10 Control Panel. Yes, all the same, where in the past systems. That's just access to it in several other ways. There are at least five of them today.

Where in the Windows 10 Control Panel? Its types

Indeed, compared to past systems, access to the Control Panel in the "top ten" can simultaneously be called both simplified and complicated. The only problem here is that depending on the choice of access to it, you can open tools of various types.

There are two types of Control Panel: classic and abbreviated. The second type is more suitable for regular users, and the second one is useful to all those who want to access advanced settings. In any case, access to all settings can be obtained both there and there. The main thing is to understand what parameters can be called from panels of different types.

How to open the Control Panel in Windows 10

So, as already mentioned above, you can access it in five ways. In the question of where in the Windows 10 Control Panel, you need to consider each method of calling it.

Let us dwell on each of them:

- Method 1. To call the shortened version of the Control Panel, just select the section of parameters in the Start menu and click on it.

Immediately, the tool window appears, which in previous versions of Windows did not exist. Although many people think that this is just a setup menu, in fact, this is the abbreviated version of the Control Panel.

- Method 2. In the main menu "Start" with the left click select the parameters section. Then in the appeared window we pay attention to the search line, located on the upper right. Here we enter the search query for the "Control Panel" parameter and press the enter key. As a result of the search, a line with an indication will be displayed. Click on this line and get access to the Control Panel in its classic form.

- Method 3. The third option in considering where in the Windows 10 Control Panel is somewhat simpler. To access it, use the same "Start" button, but in this case, use the right click. A link to the classic Control Panel is located directly in this menu. We press on it and, again, we see before ourselves a toolkit of the classical type.

- Method 4. Another method of calling the classic version of the Control Panel is to press the search button, which is located directly on the taskbar next to the start button. In the pop-up window that appears, we enter a search query. As the text is entered, the results are displayed. In principle, to the end of the request to prescribe is not necessary. As soon as the result appears, click on it and enter the desired panel of the classic view.

- Method 5. Finally, for a quick call to the Control Panel, you can use the standard "Run" menu, called by the Win + R combination. Here you enter the control command and the input key is pressed, and that's all. Again, this method allows you to call a classic version of the toolkit.

What to do if the Control Panel does not work

Now let's look at the situation, which does not work Windows Control Panel 10. It may be that access to it was blocked at the level of the security policy. You can correct the situation in this section, whose settings, by the way, are duplicated in the system registry.

In the simplest version, we call the corresponding editor with the gpedt.msc command, then we select the user configuration, and then in administrative templates we go down to the Control Panel section. On the right side there is a barring of access. Set it to "Disabled". After that, there will be no problems with the call.


Here, in fact, and all that concerns the call of the Control Panel in the tenth version of Windows. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and, as you can see, there are both fast ways of access and workarounds. Everyone can use any of them at will.

As for access rights, the simplest method is provided as a solution, since, as a rule, it is better to activate or disable all prohibitions and permissions here, rather than to edit the registry (the settings will automatically be duplicated in other services anyway). In addition, it is highly discouraged to fix keys in the same registry without special knowledge, after all, so the system can be brought to the point that it ceases to function. In some cases, even rolling back to the previous state will not work. So it's better to use the above method.

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