HealthDiseases and Conditions

Adnexitis is a serious disease that can not be ignored.

The penetration into the body of bacterial, viral infections causes the development of such a disease as adnexitis. These can be chlamydia, intestinal and tubercular bacilli, streptococcal, gonococcal infections, mycoplasma and others. With abortions, childbirth, various surgical interventions, there is a risk of entry of dangerous microorganisms into the organs of the female reproductive system. Adnexitis is a disease in which the infection, getting on the uterine mucosa, spreads to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, causing the occurrence of inflammation.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of this disease are: abdominal pain, irregular and painful menstrual cycle, uncomfortable sensations during sexual intercourse, burning in the vagina, fever, gag reflexes, general weakness, irritability, sleep disturbances. All this indicates the onset of such a disease as adnexitis. This is a good reason to seek medical advice from a gynecologist. For an accurate diagnosis, he carefully examines you, reveals the localization of harmful bacteria. Treatment is appointed only after revealing the full picture of the disease. There are several varieties of this disease. One of them is bilateral adnexitis. This type indicates that the inflammatory processes cover the appendages of the uterus from both sides. Often this disease develops with the endometritis. With pain, on the one hand, the diagnosis is "left-sided or right-side adnexitis," although with severe pain it is difficult to determine which side worries more.


If the examination has confirmed the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. It includes:

1. Preparations of anesthetic properties.

2. Therapy with antibacterial agents.

3. Preparations from the group of desensitizers.

4. Anti-inflammatory drugs.

Adnexitis is a serious disease. If you ignore it, it goes into a chronic form of flow. It is much more difficult to treat it. In addition to the aforementioned medicinal preparations, various physiotherapeutic procedures, medications of resolving action, immunostimulants are prescribed. Applications are applied with the content of ozocerite, paraffin. Well proven and balneal treatment. Treatment of the chronic form of such a disease as adnexitis is a long-term and expensive process that can be avoided by contacting a doctor in time.

Suppurative manifestations

When a purulent form of inflammation is detected, laparoscopy is used, during which pus is removed and medications are administered.

Preventive measures to avoid the development of adnexitis

For the prevention of the disease, it is necessary not to violate the rules of intimate hygiene, to follow the recommendations of a specialist after surgical interventions, not to conduct a disorderly sexual life. Strengthen immunity and avoid hypothermia.

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