EducationSecondary education and schools

Activities for patriotic education in school: a plan, a script

A patriot is called a person who truly loves his country, is ready to protect her in the event of a real danger, wishes the Motherland prosperity and development.

How to become a patriot

Activities on patriotic education in the school are aimed at inculcating the younger generation with pride for their native land, the country. Since birth these patriots do not become. Such qualities are formed when studying the history of their nation, people's traditions, in the process of communicating with nature.

The role of the family

Despite the fact that recently more and more activities are being carried out on military-patriotic education in the school, the foundations of civic qualities are born in the family. It is from the parents that the formation of the child's natural attachment to folk art depends. For this purpose, mother reads folk tales to the child, sings lullaby. It is in the family that the child's initial cultural development takes place, behavior patterns and family values are transmitted .

The importance of the school in the formation of patriotism

All activities for patriotic education in primary school are conducted in close connection with the family. This interaction between teachers and the family gives the maximum result - the formation of a true little patriot. Activities on civic-patriotic education in the school are realized with the help of a spiritual and moral direction. Such concepts as duty, honor, conscience, unfortunately, have lost their real value in the modern world.

Stages of education of patriotism

Work on the education of a highly cultured and honest citizen should start from the age of 6-7, that is, in the older group of the kindergarten. To do this, the educator introduces the children to the rules of behavior in society, moral norms. Activities on patriotic education in the school are built according to the plan. For junior classes they are presented in the form of role games, at the senior stage of training are divided into individual, collective projects.


The plan of measures for patriotic education in the school is made for the academic year. It indicates all the main developments of the school, district, regional levels aimed at developing civic education among schoolchildren. There are several main areas that distinguish the planning of spiritual and moral activities in an educational institution:

  • Formation of patriotic feelings, tolerant attitude to freedom and human rights, development of citizenship.
  • Education of respectful attitude to life, diligence.
  • Formation of attachment to a healthy lifestyle, family values.
  • Careful attitude to nature.
  • Development of a sense of beauty, proper perception of cultural and artistic values.

Involving the public

For the formation of such feelings in schoolchildren, it is not enough only the work of teachers, the efforts of parents. Activities on patriotic education in the school should include talks with members of the public, aimed at the development of moral qualities, rules of social behavior. Subbotniks, trips to nature, aimed at the formation of ecological culture, are organized jointly with parents, representatives of local government.

Business games, class hours, themed holidays help the teacher realize patriotic education in school. The scenario of the event can be developed by the teacher himself or a ready-made version created by the colleagues is taken.

The Purpose of Spiritual and Moral Education

It is a fundamental element of school education, aimed at forming in the younger generation such qualities as diligence, kindness, sincerity. Often, activities on patriotic education in the school have a cultural and historical specifics. The teacher tries to bring up in children a careful attitude to the historical roots, nature, people. Together with parents, representatives of the public, teachers create conditions for tolerance to representatives of different religions and nationalities. Each school develops its plan for the month of patriotic education in the school, trying to attract to them the maximum number of schoolchildren, teachers, their parents. There are many traditions in Russian culture, the teacher's task is to bring up a sense of responsibility to the schoolchildren before the family, the state, the Motherland, instilling love for the nature of their land.

Examples of developments

We propose the development of measures for patriotic education in the school. They are intended for the work of the class teacher at the senior stage of training.

Class hour "Onega - a town near the White Sea"

Purpose: the formation of love for the native city, the nature of the native land.

Educational aspect: the formation of a civic position, familiarity with the native land, the development of skills in working with computer equipment.

Educational aspect: to form love and responsibility for nature.

Developing aspect: develop communicative skills.

For the first time about the settlement Pogost on Onega mentions the charter of Svyatoslav Olgovich for the year 1137. In the 16th century Onega is the center of northern shipbuilding. The Pomor seamen went to Svalbard and to Norway on ships built by fireworks. In 1799 on the ship "Eagle" created in Podporozhye they reached Alaska. "Poor Onega and sad look in the eyes of everyone passing ... There are neat little houses in it - two or three, but these are the houses of the rich and the forest office, which has found shelter in this city ..." (Maksimov S.V. , "Year in the North" ", Page 62). "The sun lit Onega ... The stone church was flashing on the mountain ... The stone building was still white, it turned out to be an unchangeable treasury of the state ..." (Maksimov S.V., "The Year in the North", p. 62).

Teacher : "In the middle of the 20th century, Onega was a beautiful and clean city, your parents spent a lot of time on improving their favorite city." What do we see now? Dirty bottles and plastic packages lie on the streets, nobody cares about cleanliness in the city. Are we going to remain indifferent to what is happening in our city? "

Guys : "Of course not."

Teacher : "Guys, let's think together what we can do for our city."

The guys work collectively, they try to formulate what they can do to help the city.


  1. Greening problem areas and territories along roads.
  2. Put even more garbage containers on the streets.
  3. Create a platform for walking dogs.
  4. Form the ecological culture in children from an early age. To do this, conduct various environmental games, environmental holidays, olympiads, competitions, hikes, create ecological museums: to interest children in the environment.
  5. Strengthen environmental propaganda (shields, advertising, press, television).
  6. Create a "green intelligence" (schoolchildren). "Green scouts" will monitor the cleanliness of the city, conduct ecological subbotniks.

Teacher : "To live in purity or to vegetate in the mud? The choice is probably obvious for everyone! For us, the inhabitants of Onega, this is not an exception." We want to see flowering trees around us, not garbage heaps! Make Onega a clean and comfortable city - ours And this can be achieved only by understanding that the main thing is people, and all problems are solved! "

Conclusion : during the class hour the guys not only learn more about their hometown, they try to develop measures that will help the native city.

Military-sports game "Zarnitsa"

The purpose: the formation of a sense of civic responsibility in the younger generation.

Objectives of the event:

  • Formation of habits of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Development of interest in the history of the native land.
  • Preparation of future defenders of the Fatherland.

Plan of the event. To begin with, 3-4 teams are formed on the parallel of the 10-11th grades. The guys come up with a name, motto, they choose the commander of the detachment. Teachers develop tasks for each stage of the game, work in close cooperation with representatives of the military unit (if available), the military commissariat department, fire services. The history teacher prepares for the participants of the game questions related to interesting and important historical dates of his native land. Teacher OBZh together with representatives of fire services is responsible for the stage of "Chemical Defense". The teacher of physical culture paired with the representatives of the military commissariat (or the police) is considering the actions of the young defenders of the Fatherland at the stage "Artful and courageous". The children are introduced to the criteria for rating points at each stage of the game. At the end of the event the results are summed up, winners and prize-winners are awarded.

The interrelation of school and military collective in recent years has acquired special significance. In the course of joint work of teachers and military on the territory of the country, many military-patriotic camps were formed. In addition to field gatherings, meetings with military personnel, schoolchildren have the opportunity to strengthen their health, to better learn the folk traditions, the culture of their native land.


The system of military-patriotic education, created in an educational institution, contributes to the preparation of children for the protection of the country, makes the work of the pedagogical collective holistic, systematic, consistent, purposeful. It is in front of the school that such an important and urgent task is set as the formation of a true patriot of Russia. New federal state standards were created in order for the modern teacher to have a real opportunity to educate the true patriots of Russia. Special programs for the formation of citizenship in the younger generation are introduced in preschool institutions. Only in case of joint activity of parents, teachers, authorities can we cope with this complex and responsible task.

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