EducationSecondary education and schools

A story about the profession of parents in the 1st grade. Recommendations for teachers

A lot has already been said about the importance and indispensability of all kinds of human labor. As they say, all professions are important and necessary! From a young age, children need to develop an adequate attitude to virtually all possible professions of mankind, with rare exceptions. And in the life of the child, the story about the profession of parents always takes one of the main places. About where and who work mom and dad, a child, especially a small one, always tells with pleasure and admiration.

Structure of the lessons

Work with schoolchildren on the topic "Professions of my parents" begins with the very first class, continues in the middle, and in the senior takes the form of vocational guidance: a preliminary choice of the future profession. Thus, this topic is a multi-level structure that affects all age categories of schoolchildren.

In the 1st and 2nd grade, the purpose of the lesson with the theme "Professions of my parents" is acquaintance with the types of work, formation of good attitude towards the work of other people. The lesson is held in the form of a class hour-meeting with representatives of various professions who are parents of students. Extracurricular activities are carried out, excursions to the production, dedicated to some kind of activity, talks about work. In the form of games for junior schoolchildren, the advantages of various professions are explained.

The composition "Professions of my parents" in the 1st grade

Important for the fuller disclosure of the theme is the writing of the essay by the students. It is recommended that the teacher first talk with the children, during which it becomes clear that some children are not sufficiently aware of the professions of their parents. Sometimes they do not even know the names of specialties, they do not have any idea of the duties of a mother or father. So, one of the answers to the question about what the father is doing: "He plays the whole day on the computer" or "Works at work". Another popular answer for junior schoolchildren: "I do not know."

Thus, it becomes clear that there is a clear need for a more focused approach to obtaining knowledge about the possible types of work of adults and their main occupations, with the example of the parents of pupils. And the composition "The Professions of My Parents" helps the child better comprehend this topic.

Cognition and creativity

For the pupil of the junior classes in the process of cognition, creativity plays an important role. As a stage of preparation for the writing of a composition, an excursion to the place of work of the pope or mother works well, conversations with the child about what tools parents use for their work, what the result of the work is. For example, a dump truck driver uses a special car with a folding body for his work. A doctor - a set of tools: a scalpel, scissors, cotton wool and medicines. The result of the baker's work is bread, which we eat every day, or delicious buns for tea.

Give the task to the child to be photographed with the daddy or mum on their workplace. The idea: the story about the profession of parents should start with a game, a creative approach to the question, only then this topic will be able to fully provoke a genuine interest in the younger student.

Preparatory work with parents

In order for the process of disclosure of this topic to be most effective, it is necessary to conduct preliminary discussions with the parents of the students. For these purposes, the class teacher is recommended to collect a school meeting and discuss with the asset a further action plan. Some of the parents will be sincerely happy to help the child understand the topic. Some will be even negative, but they can try to convince them of the importance of the questions posed.

To organize a class hour, which will be preceded by a story about the profession of parents, you need to select several active members of the parent committee that will tell the children about their professions. To do this it is necessary in a colorful and creative form to maximally interest the students.

Also, before writing a composition on a given topic at home, parents should tell children in an easy and interesting way what they are doing at their work, what tools they use, what to do to make the work effective and other people appreciate the result of their work. So the child will be better prepared to write an essay on the topic "A Story About the Profession of Parents".

You can also choose from the class a few active students who are well versed in the question, and ask them to talk about what their dad or mother (orally or more or less briefly) are doing. So the rest of the students will develop a story plan for writing the composition.

Children about the professions of parents

The work itself children write, relying on the knowledge obtained previously. If the guys are both interested and prepared, the result will exceed the expectations of the teacher. A story about the profession of parents will bring maximum benefit to children for the future choice of a profession.

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