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A focus group is a method of collecting information in sociology

In sociological science and practice, it is customary to consider the focus group as a qualitative method of collecting information in groups of a homogeneous structure based on the provisions of group dynamics and assuming a focused work of the respondents under the guidance of the facilitator. In other words, the focus group is a focused group interview aimed at revealing the subjects' subjective perception of any objects or phenomena of reality during the discussion. Such a joint discussion is an indispensable attribute of any sociological focus group. It is with the help of collective communication and solving the problem situation that information is collected.

Focus group in sociology. Features of the selection of interview participants

The focus group, as a rule, consists of 6-8 respondents. Such a number of subjects is necessary to ensure that all participants are involved in the discussion of the proposed research topic. Participants in the focus group can be selected according to certain criteria (nationality, religion, marital status, level of education, age, etc.) or randomly (for example, by telephone directory for maximum validity). In the selection of subjects, intra-group homogeneity is observed, since it allows participants to feel more relaxed and free. A set of people for a focused interview is made using a preliminary questionnaire, observation or analysis of the data available to researchers. Also, to attract respondents, advertising and media advertisements may sometimes be used, but such selection may negatively affect the results of the study. Respondents, attracted by the announcement, may pursue the goal of additional earnings.

The scenario of group discussion is thought out in advance: questions, necessary methodical material, etc. are prepared. Conducting a focus group requires the participation of a qualified specialist - a psychologist (or an experienced sociologist) who is able to understand the present attitude of respondents to the material under discussion. The standard time allocated to discuss the two topics is 2 hours. To conduct a deep group interview, a room consisting of two soundproofed rooms is prepared, between which is a glass of one-sided transparency (this is necessary for observers to record all the nuances during the discussion). Everything that happens during a group discussion is necessarily recorded on the video camera, and subsequently the data is analyzed.

A focus group is a method of collecting information from a wide variety of topics

The problems considered by the participants in the discussion can vary greatly - from the choice of pharmaceutical products to subjective preferences in any food. In many questions, the focus group is indispensable: an example of a topic discussed in the discussion is the study of the attitude of consumers to a brand of a product or firm. Often the method of focused interview is used to address intimate, sensitive issues (for example, the preferred method of contraception, any disease or financial issues inherent in all members of the group). A focus group is an effective method of quickly obtaining truthful information about the most diverse subjects or phenomena of the surrounding world. Respondents express their thoughts in free form, while their true attitude to the object under discussion, including through non-verbal reactions, is clearly traced. Focus group - this is a serious event, suggesting a professional approach to its conduct.

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