
Zinerit: instructions, indications, warnings

What if the general hygiene and cosmetic means for acne prophylaxis do not help?

Cosmetologists recommend using a new development - a cure for acne "Zinerit." Instruction to the drug, as well as cosmetologists, doctors warn that this medication should not be used alone. As any medicine, a remedy for acne, "Zinerit" in its own way affects the skin of different people. Therefore, in order to understand whether it is worth or not to use the drug, you need to get to know him better.

The drug "Zinerit" (the instruction tells about it in detail) is an erythromycin-zinc complex. This means that the drug actively affects those microorganisms that cause the appearance of acne: Propionibacteria acne and Streptococcus epidermidis. Thus zinc well reduces secretion of secret by sebaceous glands, renders an astringent effect on it. And erythromycin kills germs and bacteria.

Why can not you use erythromycin and zinc ointment separately?

Can. But only in the preparation "Zinerit" zinc and erythromycin are selected so that they not only struggle with the problem, but also improve the penetration of each other into the bloodstream. Moreover, the composition of the drug is so balanced that it has the most progressive effect on the skin.

"Zinerit", the composition of which is very simple, effectively fights against an unpleasant cosmetic problem, which is familiar to many people, especially adolescents.

However, the components of the drug "Zinerit" (the instruction warns about this) can cause side effects. These include the occurrence of itching and rash, the possible occurrence of an allergic edema, sneezing. Such side effects are rarely recorded, however, in order to prevent them completely, it is better to consult with a cosmetologist before using the drug.

In people with dry skin, the drug can cause even more dryness and peeling. Usually, this drug does not require withdrawal, however, it still costs to see the doctor.

Combined antibiotic "Zinerit" is a white powder intended for self-preparation of a solution.

How correctly to plant a medicine "Zinerit"? The instruction recommends that before using the preparation, the solvent, which is also in the package, should be poured into a vial of powder. Shaking, carefully move the contents and close the lid with the applicator, which is also in the package.

To lubricate the skin affected by acne skin with the preparation "Zinerit", the instruction recommends to tilt the bottle with the finished product, slightly pressing, using the applicator to apply the medicine to the desired place.

It must be done twice: in the morning before applying make-up and in the evening after washing.

The remedy "Zinerit" (the instruction calms) does not leave traces on the skin. It can be applied under make-up, without risking to spoil your appearance.

If the drug is applied twice a day to clean skin, then within two to three months it will be possible to permanently leave a problem with black dots in the past.

Can all people use the drug? He has no special contraindications. But since it is an antibiotic, it can provoke the appearance of various allergic reactions in people with hypersensitivity, pregnant, lactating, patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency. That's why the doctor's recommendations are necessary.

Using a remedy for acne "Zinerit", you should avoid it getting into the eyes, on the mucous areas of the skin.

Like any drug, "Zinerit" has a different effect on people. It depends on their individual sensitivity, the nature of the rash, the characteristics of the body.

Therefore, if for some reason the medicine "Zinerit" did not help (and this happens rarely), you need to contact a cosmetologist to choose another drug or method of treatment.

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