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Zheleznovov's algorithm is music for the development of intelligence

Many fathers and mothers want their kid to be diversified, but do not know where to start. Zheleznovov's algorithm will turn out to be a wonderful find in this case.

Developing according to this technique, children literally live to the sound of music. Kids not only receive an early musical education, but also have advanced hearing, so that speech develops faster.

The algorithm for Zheleznov's kids is based on the child's cooperation with parents. Children learn everything in motion, so classes are built on dance, aerobics, games for a variety of melodies. Kids can not only listen, but also create music themselves. Therefore, the handles of children are given noise and musical instruments.

Music must be rhythmic, bright and high-quality. The cheerful logarithmic of Zheleznov is based on classic and traditional folk melodies.

Thanks to the mobile games and gymnastics, health is strengthened and motor skills develop. Finger games for music perfectly train fine motor skills, and this is very important for the development of speech and for the development of writing in the future. In addition, such interesting activities contribute to the development of the horizon and memory improvement.

Zheleznovov's algorithm is perfect for organizing classes in a kindergarten and at home. With their audio recordings, you can have fun.

The discs and books of Zheleznovy are popular with caregivers in kindergartens, speech therapists and many parents, suitable for babies with developmental features.

For the youngest, the first part of the "ABC-poteshki" is useful, it is interesting to spend massage and gymnastics to the newborn. "Mom's lessons" will make fun and bathing and dressing. Listening to the "Songs of exclamations", the kids try to repeat onomatopoeia, and this has a favorable effect on the development of speech.

Children from two years can quite consciously be engaged in "Aerobics for kids" and "Game gymnastics." For kids, one and a half years of great pleasure will bring the sound of fairy tales and stories with the help of the disk "Fairy-tale-noise".

Zheleznovov's algorithms help to overcome various sciences: using the disks "Account Within Ten" and "In the Country of the Multiplication Table", the kid learns mathematics in game form, and the "The Key of the Kingdom" disc teaches English.

It is also useful to purchase music coloring albums that are suitable for teaching kids from two years old.

If you want to deal with the baby yourself, then buy toys and musical instruments that will be used only for classes. To inspire the child, show yourself how fun and healthy it is to learn. Lessons with the smallest should not be long. It is better to conduct short lessons in the game form several times a day.

Great, if you have a piano or a metal phone at home. Also useful bells and bells, wooden spoons and pipes. Kids like to take out different sounds, especially loud ones. The sense of rhythm is simply excellent.

Zheleznovov's algorithm is one of the most fascinating and fun ways to harmoniously develop your child. In an easy entertaining form, kids learn complex concepts of accent, rhythm, tempo and from a small age feel naturally in the world of music.

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