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Your online coach: how to pump your biceps with dumbbells

What do women most often pay attention to in the figure of a summer-dressed man? Of course, on his hands. Embossed biceps will impress any girl. It's so nice to be in a strong embrace. And a physically strong man is perceived as more interesting. He will protect or help with heavy things. However, first he needs to work with less heavy things - dumbbells. How to properly inflate the biceps with dumbbells?

You need to start with a preliminary inspection and evaluation. Be sure to measure your bicep in the widest place using a centimeter tape and record the indicators. Of course, the circle increases not only from the increase in muscle mass, but in a healthy man, usually the hands do not swim with fat, so this indicator is quite accurate, although not absolute. Measurements should be made and recorded in writing every two weeks. Less often makes no sense, since you will lose motivation, more often - the results will not be impressive enough. However, records should be kept regularly, you can record the measurement results in the same place where you count the amount of protein consumed per day.

On how to pump the biceps with dumbbells, they write a lot, it's easy to get lost among a huge number of exercises and instructions. However, a little is written about how to preserve muscle mass for a long time. First, you will need regular training, supporting training should be at least 75% of the load that you practice for muscle mass gain. So in advance, plan to devote some time to the training process. Secondly, in order not to lose muscle mass, it is necessary to feed it, so pay attention to slow carbohydrates, like cereals and legumes. With bread and sugar you need to be very careful, otherwise you can get a completely unnecessary layer of fat over the muscles. Thirdly, the amount of protein in the food will need to be reduced by 25% compared to the period when you gain muscle mass.

When you are looking for information on how to pump the biceps with dumbbells, a little weight is written about the weight of the dumbbell. Men need to start with 2 kg dumbbells, after 2-3 months you can start using three kilograms. In another 2-3 months you can move on to more difficult ones, if you can find them. And it's better to go to the gym, although, of course, home training has its advantages. It is better to begin to train at home, but to continue in the hall. After all, when you are properly prepared, you will look good even against the backdrop of the regulars of the hall. So start exercising immediately.

How often should there be training? Specialists who know how to pump biceps with dumbbells are recommended to practice 3-4 times a week. If you engage in less than three, the results will have to wait too long. If more - you will be very tired and will not let the muscles recover, which will also worsen your results. By 5-6 times a week you can start only well-trained athletes.

So, how to pump the biceps with dumbbells? We bring to your attention good exercises for biceps.

  1. Lay your back on the sofa (gymnastic bench, fitball), so that there is enough space behind your head, then slide off the couch until it is just a trunk above the loin. Legs are bent at the knees at 90 degrees. Hand with dumbbells should be raised upwards, completely stretching. Put your hands on the couch so that they are stretched parallel to the body. Then bend your hands, bringing dumbbells to the shoulder joints. Then raise your hands to the starting position. Repeat 30 times. At least two approaches.
  2. The legs are wider than the shoulders, hands with gantnels are stretched to the sides, forearms are raised upwards and make an angle of 90 degrees with the floor. Keep your elbows in front of you, not lowering your shoulders. 30 repetitions, 3-4 approaches.
  3. Maximize the shoulders and lift the forearms perpendicular to the floor. Forearms with dumbbells need to be lowered to the shoulder joints. 30 times per approach, 4 approaches minimum. Be careful with this exercise, do not take too much weight.

Work on your forearms regularly - and soon you will not be ashamed to appear on the beach or in the gym.

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