
Why does not windows load, and what should I do?

Sometimes it happens that you turn on your computer, but for some reason it does not boot. Although the last time seems to be working. Why is not Windows loaded? The reasons are mass.

To start, to look for a problem, you need to see how exactly the system is not being loaded. Up to what point is the download.

Consider the option with the advent of the "blue screen of death." If the computer starts to load, and then issues a blue screen, it means, most likely, that you have problems at the physical level. That is, the problem is in the gland. But it also happens that the operating system has flown down , or some files that can not be read from the hard disk are corrupted.

Read the message that will be on the screen. If it is said that it is impossible to read a file, then problems with the hard drive. If the message describes some other error, then, most likely, there is said about the hardware conflict.

So, you do not load windows, and a blue screen appears. We do the following. Disconnect all connectors, devices and stuff. That is, almost everything that is inside the system unit. Blow off the contacts and reconnect them. You can also try to connect the hard drive to another SATA connector. On a normal board, there must be a minimum of 4 connectors.

If you still do not boot XP, you can turn off the optical drive or connect it to another connector. Pull out the lines of RAM, blow out the slots and reinsert them. Run it. If it does not boot again, then you need to think about installing a new operating system. We'll talk about this a little further.

It also happens that nothing is displayed on the screen.

In this situation, the problem is exactly related to the video card. Either it's out of order, or just bad contact. Look closely at her. If the capacitors do not explode, then pull it out. Purge the slot and then reinsert it. If no more information is displayed on the monitor, then you need to check the monitor and video card.

You can find a neighbor or friend who will help test them. First, connect a foreign monitor to your system unit. If the screen went information, then you burned the monitor. If there is no data, and windows does not load, then the problem is in the system unit.

After that, put your video card in the system block of your friend, who kindly agreed to help you.

There are two options. Shows and does not show. If the system starts to load , and the information went to the monitor, your video card is OK. And this means that you have a problem with the motherboard, because the video card is alive. Try several times to insert and pull out the video card. If nothing helps, then change the motherboard, or try to insert a neighbor's video card, because maybe it was the conflict of your video card and your board.

If there is nothing , and Does not load windows and BIOS, the video card is burnt. I'll have to change it.

Black screen after BIOS.

A variant is possible when the system starts loading, but then a black screen appears, and a minus (underscore) flashes in the corner. Here, you should also purge and reconnect the devices in the system unit.

Usually, in this case windows does not load because of some problems with the program part. If connecting the hard drive and drive to different SATA connectors does not help, then try reinstalling or reinstalling your operating system.

You can try to restore the boot.ini file. This can be done using System Restore, using the command line.

A common way to solve this is to disable the automatic reboot of the system when an error occurs. To do this, after displaying information from the motherboard, press F8 and select the option to disable the automatic reboot. After that, Windows will give you a message about the real problem, not the black screen.

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