HealthWomen Health

Why are the monthly browns: the causes

Absolutely for any woman, vaginal discharge is a natural normal phenomenon. Only it is necessary to be able to distinguish daily allocation from a symptomatology of various gynecological diseases. Many ladies are wondering why the monthly browns? For the female body, this factor is not normal. Therefore, if you have already noticed that during the monthly excretions have a dark brown color, then this really is worth paying attention to! These findings indicate a violation of the genitals.

Brown discharge can be the first sign of the chronic form of endometritis. With such a disease, vaginal discharge can appear both before and after menstruation. Usually the smell is very unpleasant. It even happens that the mucus of dark color is allocated and in the middle of the cycle. In this case, it often accompanies aching pain in the lower abdomen. It is believed that chronic endometritis does not cause any discomfort, however, it presents a danger in pregnancy. This disease can cause miscarriages at different times. Appear chronic endometritis may due to an incomplete severe postpartum endometritis. In addition, the disease is not rarely developed due to intra-uterine interventions, a violation of the balance between the immune system of a woman and hormonal. Such a picture of the disease is guaranteed to provoke a violation of the monthly.

Many young girls do not understand why the monthly brown color, but do not pay due attention to it. And such secretions, especially with an admixture of blood, are considered the main symptoms of a very serious disease called "endometriosis of the cervix." In this case, pain can be completely absent.

Spotting periods of brown color may indicate endometrial hyperplasia. The causes of this disease are of different nature. Most often it develops due to hormonal failure or metabolic disorders. Huge influence is exerted by hereditary predisposition, the presence of hypertensive disease, breast cancer and so on. In adulthood, the disease can develop due to abortion or surgery in the genital area.

Dark discharge can be signs of a polyp in the uterus. The most common cause is hormonal disorders and a serious pathology of the uterine mucosa.

Monthly dark colors are characteristic of ectopic pregnancy. In most women, this is accompanied by lowering blood pressure, lower abdominal pain, rapid pulse, dizziness.

So, you better make a competent conclusion. It is not necessary to puzzle, why monthly brown color, it is necessary to go urgently on examination to the gynecologist. Because it can be a dangerous disease. Only a doctor can give an explanation of why the monthly brown color. Timely diagnosis and treatment scheme will allow you to avoid health problems in the future.

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