
Cylindrical epithelium in the smear in men: a transcript of the analysis

Taking a smear from the urethra is an analysis performed by a male urologist. It can be carried out for the purpose of prevention or in cases of symptoms of various diseases. Soskob, allowing to diagnose the presence of pathogenic bacteria or signs of inflammation, is taken from the urethra, the urethra. What is the cylindrical epithelium in the smear in men, we will understand in this article.

In what cases is this analysis administered?

For the prevention of diseases, this smear should be given systematically. But often a man turns for help to a specialist already in case of unpleasant sensations of the genitals. The doctor prescribes taking a smear if there is a suspicion that the patient develops any disease of the genitourinary system or when observing obvious deviations from the norm. Also, indications for the purpose of the analysis are the use of antibiotics for a long time and a preventive examination.


Symptoms that are indicative of a mandatory smear appointment:

  • Feelings of pain, severity and discomfort observed in men in the genital area.
  • Complaints of burning and itching in the urethra.
  • The appearance of a rash on the penis.
  • Rapid, painful urination and other related problems.
  • Observation of pathological discharge from the urethra.
  • The appearance of swelling in the genital area and groin, the emergence of discharge from the penis or blood in the urine and semen.

In the presence of unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor, take a swab and do an analysis for the presence of sexual infections. What epithelium means in the smear depends on the characteristics of its cells and their structure and quantity.

Why is the cylindrical epithelium in the smear in men? This we will tell you further.

What is determined by a smear from the urethra? Various venereal diseases, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, the progression of the inflammatory process.

What is defined in the smear in men?

In the smear from the genital organs in men, the presence of the following parameters is revealed:

  • Leukocytes.
  • Cells of epithelium.
  • Mucus.
  • Microflora (what kind of microorganisms is represented by flora).
  • Gonokokkov, Trichomonads, fungi of the genus Candida.
  • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Herpes simplex virus.

Preparation for the analysis

Before sending a man to the doctor, it is necessary to prepare the body:

  • Wash off a few hours before the admission of a specialist genitals for analysis.
  • To abstain from sexual intercourse about two days before taking a doctor.
  • Before a visit to a doctor recommend not to urinate for two or three hours, so that the microflora of the urethra is not washed away.
  • It is also advised to refrain from taking medications two weeks before taking the test for flora. In the case of taking antibacterial drugs, the analysis will be administered seven days after the course of treatment has ended, since it can not be interrupted.

Proper preparation for delivery of a smear will allow you to determine the number of cells in it and determine the state of health of the reproductive system. Epithelium in the smear indicates the condition of the mucosa. With a change in the norm, it can be concluded that there is inflammation or atrophy of the epithelial layer.

Cylindrical epithelium in the smear in men is an important indicator.

When a specialist has reason to believe that there is a latent infection in the patient, he can recommend a provocation that increases the manifestation of symptoms and improves diagnostic performance. As a provocation, a gonovaccine may be offered to a man; The arrangement of a dinner consisting of salty, spicy, fatty and smoked dishes, before the delivery of the analysis; Taking a small amount of alcohol; A hot bath or a sauna.

Then reveal the epithelium cylindrical in the smear in men? Decoding should only be done by the attending physician.

How to take a smear from a man?

In the procedure for taking a smear there are no difficulties, so it is done quickly. The instrument for the procedure is:

  • Tampon and urethro-genital probe;
  • Bacteriological loop;
  • Volkmann's spoon;
  • Cotton swab.

Instruments must be sterile and new. They are introduced into the orifice of the penis of a man by two to four centimeters, are scrolled a number of times and removed with the help of rotational movements. Then the instrument with the material taken by the doctor should be placed in a sterile tube or a smear on the slide. The duration of the procedure is no more than three minutes. Thus, a cylindrical epithelium is revealed in the smear in men.

In some cases, a prostate massage or a urethra is performed beforehand to take a smear. The prostate gland is massaged through the rectum, using a thick bougie inserted into the urethra for the entire length. Such actions contribute to improving the sensitivity of the analysis and revealing hidden diseases.

The procedure for sampling a biomaterial from a man can be painful, with a sense of discomfort. After manipulation, discomfort can be felt for several hours. But after a while they completely pass.

If the smear is performed correctly, it should contain cells of glandular, multilayered flat, cylindrical epithelium, a small number of neutrophils, mucus. The early pathology of the male and female reproductive tract can be detected by the state of each cell type and the ratio of components. So, let's consider in more detail the cylindrical epithelium in the smear in men. A large number can talk about pathology.

Epithelium - what is it?

Cover epithelial cells protect all organ and tissue surfaces. The lining of the fabric has a different thickness and structure, which depends on the intensity of the mechanical load and its functions. Skin, which is subject to the greatest external impact, is covered by a multilayer flat corneal epithelium. Separate urino-genital, respiratory and digestive pathways are lined multilayered, which can be explained by a close external environment and frequent contacts with microbial agents.

Flat epithelium in the smear in men

In the outer genital tract, the integument is not uniform. When the basal layer ripens (young), it seems to repel it from the membrane. As a result, it changes the size and cell form. The cytogram contains a flat epithelium of the surface layer, that is, the most mature elements with abundant cytoplasm and small nucleus.


The bulk of the smear is made up of squamous epithelial cells. However, among them you can meet small groups of cylindrical.

Epithelial cells slough from the surface of the mucosa, which covers the urethra. These are such cellular structures. Normally, in a swab of genital organs, there may be five to ten epithelial cells in the field of vision. If more than ten epithelial cells are found in the smear, this indicates an inflammatory process in the urethra (urethritis). Acute inflammation in the smear increases the white blood cells and epithelial cells. Chronic inflammation may not provoke an increase in the number of leukocytes, but here the epithelial cells will always be more than normal.

Epithelium cylindrical in the smear in men: norm

The quantitative and qualitative composition of the smear taken for cytology may depend on two factors: the correctness of taking biomaterial for cytology and the state of the genital tract of the patient. On the glass should be urethral and flat epithelium. Only then will the specialist be able to evaluate the material for diagnosis properly.

The laboratory analysis of a male normally includes cells of the urethral and multilayered flat type. The urethra is lined with multiple rows and does not separate into layers, like the cervix in women. This is the reason that the urethral component represents the same cellular elements - a prismatic transitional type. Also, urine, a few salt crystals, may be present. Single cocci are allowed, but not more than five elements of the inflammatory series (leukocytes, neutrophils).

What does it mean if there is a large amount of epithelium in the smear?

We consider the cylindrical epithelium in the smear in men. A lot of it happens with various pathologies. Which, we will understand further.

In a normal cytogram, the smear contains twelve or twenty epithelial cells per field of view. With an excessive content of the squamous cell component, one can speak of the presence of stimulation, accelerated rejection of the cover layer. The cause can serve as an inflammatory process of various etiologies. In this case, the specialist should see a large number of white blood cells (the norm is no more than five). Often the following pathogens can be detected: viral inclusions, trichomonads, gonococci.

If inflammatory elements are absent, it is worth thinking about leukoplakia and other types of dyskeratosis. Similarly, an allergic reaction to local medicines occurs.

It also happens that the flat epithelium in the smear in men is moderately elevated.

In men, the cytological picture varies. With age, an increase in the squamous cell component is possible, the amount of which should not be more than 15 units in one field of vision. With an abundance of leukocytes, epithelial masses and mucus impurities, we can talk about the presence of an inflammatory process. However, self-medication should not be used, as it can lead to the elimination of symptoms, but it will not help cure the disease.

We examined the cylindrical epithelium in the smear in men. What this means, it became clear. We hope that the information provided was useful to you. Be healthy!

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