HealthWomen Health

White curdled discharge in women - a sign of thrush

Any discharge from the female genitalia, which differs from the natural in terms of texture, color and smell, indicates the development of a disease.

Most women are familiar with white curdled vaginal discharge, which in most cases are a sign of pathological growth of the Candida fungus. This disease is known in people under the name of thrush.

Candida is a natural inhabitant of the vagina, digestive tract and oral cavity of a healthy person. When certain conditions come, the fungus begins to multiply, causing a serious disease - candidiasis. Thus, the reason for the appearance of white curdled discharge in women is not the fungus itself, but the favorable state of the organism for its growth.

The main signs of thrush include:

Allocations in the form of white flakes resembling cottage cheese, with the smell of bread or sour milk.

Itching and burning of the external genitalia and vagina.

Soreness with urination and sexual intercourse.

May be present, like all signs of illness, and any one or two.

So, under the influence of what factors can develop candidiasis, or white curdled discharge in women?

Quite often candidiasis develops because of uncontrolled antibiotic intake. In this case, they can be used, both for the treatment of the genital area, and any other organs. Therefore, prescribing antibiotics, doctors at the same time prescribe antifungal drugs.

Very often white curdled discharge in women appears during pregnancy, which is associated with a change in the hormonal background. The intake of hormonal drugs and some types of contraceptives can also cause thrush.

Conditions for fungal growth can appear with reduced immunity, which is due to any long-lasting infectious diseases.

Thrush can occur on the background of STIs, such as mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia.

Candidiasis often accompanies diabetes mellitus and disorders in the thyroid gland.

Eating large amounts of sweet and floury foods creates favorable conditions for the growth of Candida in the body, resulting in the formation of curdled discharges in women.

Thrush requires long-term treatment and great patience. An important role during treatment is proper nutrition. It is necessary to abandon the products that promote the yeast-like fungus reproduction. Such products include sugar, yeast dough, coffee, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, beer, fatty, spicy, spicy foods, sweet fruits, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, dairy products (except kefir and butter), alcoholic.

When thrush is recommended to eat lean meat and fish, vegetables and fruits cooked for a couple or boiled, cereals, stale bread, legumes. Drink herbal teas or clean water.

Medication depends on the complexity of the disease and the causes of the onset. Patients with thrush are prescribed antifungal and immunomodulating drugs. In the modern market a wide range of very effective antifungal agents is presented. Medicines are released in the form of tablets, capsules, creams, suppositories.

Treatment with drugs in combination with the right diet gives a lasting result. In itself, nutrition can not be cured of candidiasis.

If there are white curdled discharge in women, you need to quickly turn to a gynecologist. Candidiasis is one of the diseases that are difficult to treat, so it is important to start it on time. Especially do not engage in amateur. A badly treated disease usually comes back again and again.

Thrush is transmitted by sexual contact, so both partners must undergo treatment.

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