
What to do when your ears get sick

Autumn and winter are the period when colds progress with redoubled force. In addition to the appearance of a runny nose, cough, the body temperature may rise, so it also happens sometimes that the ears are ill. What can I advise in this situation? Certainly, to address to the expert, especially if these signs are marked at the child.

But there are situations when procrastination is caused by unforeseen circumstances. Take, for example, the night time or the absence of such services at the place of residence. What can I do if my ears get sick? First, you need to establish a possible cause for the appearance of pain. It is worth mentioning at once - it is necessary to be treated independently only in the most extreme cases, and in the very near future it is necessary to appear to the doctor, in order to more accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

If the ears suffer together with the manifestations of all signs of ARVI, then most likely, this is a manifestation of the common cold. In this case, the ear is usually noisy, and in a calm state, painful sensations also arise. When the cold is hurting the ear, drops for the nose - this is something that can help you at first time to hold out to qualified help. And in the ear canal itself they can not be dripped, drip into the nostril and tilt your head towards the sick ear. The liquid through the channels will go there on its own. Pain will help to remove analgesic drugs.

The situation is worse when suddenly a sharp clap in the ear aperture and an incomprehensible liquid flows out. In this case, do not even think about self-treatment - you should immediately go to a specialist. With unbearable pain, you can take an antibiotic, and the ear itself is covered with a cotton swab.

Cases when the ears are ill can have a common cause - for example, the presence of a sulfur plug in the channel. Accompanying symptoms in this situation - stasis, hearing loss and pain when trying to penetrate the inside of the auricle. You can refer to LOR, or you can simply drip hydrogen peroxide into the channel, which will help the cork escape, which is easier to remove after this procedure.

By the way, the cold can not affect the entire body, but only the ears of a person. This trouble threatens those who like to show off in the damp and cold weather flaunting without a headdress. In this case, inflammation or otitis may occur. Bright symptoms will be pain with pressure, a possible increase in temperature and "lumbago". It is not necessary to address the familiar with the question: "Does the ear ache - what can I dig in?" It is better to go to the clinic to see a doctor. But if there is no temperature, then you can try to be treated at home. It is necessary to warm up the auricle a couple of times a day with a compress of salt. You can put in the channel wadded disks, soaked in pharmacy alcohol or any alcohol tincture. But if in 2-3 days the symptoms do not pass - necessarily to the ENT. And if there are discharge from the canal, severe pain and fever, do not prescribe any medications yourself. Only an expert will help in this case!

Our tips will help you to heal only for a while acute pain. Do not neglect qualified help, otherwise the consequences can be deplorable.

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