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What is Vkontakte ID and what is it for?

Many users of the popular social network "Vkontakte" paid attention that the address of their page on this resource consists of a certain set of figures. It is these numbers that are called strange and for many incomprehensible combinations of "ID". So let's find out what ID is and why it's needed?

Initially, this combination of Latin letters originated from the English word identifier and was widely used in various information systems. With the development of the Internet, the combination "migrated" to a number of resources, where it was required to identify a certain number of users. The most popular social network in the Russian-speaking sector of the Internet was not an exception. What is ID, users of Vkontakte learned almost immediately with the advent of this resource. It was this "identifier" that was placed in the address bar immediately after the name of the site and allowed acquaintances to find each other on the expanses of "Contact".

A few years ago, the user ID of Vkontakte was compulsorily included in the address of this user's page and could consist only of a set of digits. After some innovations in the address bar, you can now see not numbers, but letters - with their help, any visitor to "Contact" can come up with a more memorable address for his page. But the user ID of the network still remains completely "numeric" and unchanged. To find out, just go to someone's page and point to the "Send message". In many browsers, an inscription appears in the lower left corner, consisting of a short resource address, a write word and a set of digits, which is the same identifier. Find out the ID of your page can be much easier. It is enough to go into the settings and in the field called "Address of your page" you will see the figures you are looking for.

Knowing what an ID is and how to recognize it, the user can only win. For example, many applications and games ask to enter the identifier of their page or pages of their friends (for which in any game you can get some kind of bonuses). In addition, it is easier to leave a new acquaintance whom you want to see in your Friends, an identifier by which they will immediately find your page, than to force them to try to reconsider hundreds of your namesakes in search of the desired questionnaire. Thus, ID can easily serve as a kind of business card or, if you will, even a kind of address on the site.

Now that you know what an ID is, it does not hurt to figure out what it's for (except for getting bonuses in games and quickly searching for friends). First of all, the identification number is needed to assign your serial number to your profile / page / profile on various Internet resources. For example, the social network "Vkontakte" uses a digital identifier to link all files and links to one questionnaire. That is, even if you change the name or surname in the settings and specify another address of the page, then all information will come to you, not from the new address, but using the page number, that is, its unchanging ID.

Knowing what a user ID is, you can greatly facilitate your own life. In fact, this ID is very similar to the license plate of the car, your phone number or identification code. And it serves the same - it is for this number that it is easiest to establish your "personality" (to find your profile) on this or that Internet resource. So do not underestimate the need to know your ID on a particular site - perhaps knowing this identifier will some day simplify your life, since you do not have to explain long and indistinctly how new acquaintances get to your profile. And the knowledge of such "high-tech" things will help create the image of a person who understands modern Internet technologies.

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