
What is the standard business card format?

A business card is an integral part of doing business. Every entrepreneur who wants his business partners to know about his company must have it. Of course, you can show a creative approach - change the format of the business card, decorate it in different colors, draw catchy pictures on it. However, it is better to leave it for your advertising campaign aimed at the target audience. When it comes to a business card, your goal is to briefly and clearly provide basic information that can be useful to your partner or client for contacting you. To do this, it is better to follow the standard business card format and the relatively business form of the content.

Standard format

Many people who do not do business believe that the business card format is absolutely free - you can make such business cards as you want. However, in fact, this is far from the case. After all, there are certain standards that should be respected - although, of course, no one forces you to do it. So, if you are doing business in Russia, then the business card format should be as follows: 9 by 5 centimeters. This is a typical size that is used everywhere, so you should stick with it. First, your business card will look neat and familiar to all customers and partners. Secondly, most people fold cards into a business card, which has a certain size. And it just fits under the cards nine by five centimeters. So do not ignore the rules. Of course, they are not mandatory, but there is a certain business culture, and the standard size of a business card is one of the rules of good tone.

European format

If you are going to print out your business cards, then you should contact a specialized company that will provide you with a prompt, efficient and high-quality service for a small fee. Most often you need a business card on a computer, a Word document format. Then you can easily make the right number of cards of standard size.

There is, however, another format with which you will not have any difficulties. If you are going on a business trip to Europe, then you will need a business card of a slightly different format. Their length should be a little less - 8.5 centimeters, and the width is slightly larger - 5.5 centimeters. Similar settings are available in most companies that make business cards, so you can safely apply for the service. Again, all you need is business card templates in Word format.

Custom size

As it was said before, the standard format is only the norm of decency, there are no established rules by which your business card should have specific dimensions. However, you should understand that the production and distribution of non-standard business cards is associated with a number of problems. None of the firms involved in printing cards, there will be no necessary settings for machines and machines for cutting. Therefore, you will definitely be required to pay extra for the trouble. When the cards are made, you will lose a lot in the effectiveness of their use, as they will not be placed in the standard business card or will drop out of it, so the likelihood that the client or partner will lose your business card is greatly increased.

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