HealthWomen Health

What is the norm of delay in menstruation?

A regular menstrual cycle is evidence of the health and normal functioning of the female body. Every woman who is attentive to herself and follows the cycle can accurately name the day of the beginning of the next discharge. In this case, even a slight deviation (1-2 days) can seriously disturb. A number of questions arise immediately. Which delay in menstruation is the norm? Is it worth worrying about this? What is the reason for the delay?

The norm of delay of monthly

Not seeing the characteristic signs of monthly excretions, confirming the absence of pregnancy, that is, monthly, each woman begins to seek confirmation or refutation of her guesses. Different sources give different answers to this seemingly simple question: "Normal delay times are how many?"

The norm of delay of monthly, according to medical publications, varies from 1 to 7 days. And the main proof that you should not worry is the well-being of a woman in the absence of menstruation. If from the first day of the delay there are any troubles (pain, weakness, irritability, nausea, etc.), then you do not need to wait for the end of the "safe" period (5 to 7 days), you should see a doctor. Together, you will be able to identify the cause and delay, and ill-health.

Causes of menstrual irregularities

It is worth noting that the norm of delay of the monthly is still an individual indicator: the same reasons can differently affect the state of health and, consequently, the cycle of different women. But, one way or another, common signs can still be singled out. Identifying the cause of the violation of the timing of the menstrual cycle, the expert draws attention to the age of the woman, the way of life, concomitant diseases, the probability of pregnancy, taking medications,

The most probable causes of menstrual delay in women of childbearing age :

- Pregnancy;

- stress;

- hormonal disorders;

- cardinal changes in nutrition;

- climate change;

- physical exercise;

- infectious diseases;

- abortion.

As you can see, there are many reasons, and each of them can have many more features. Most of them carry no danger to the body (except for infections and hormonal disorders), if they are not aggravated.

Especially it should be noted violations in adolescents and women with the so-called menopausal syndrome. In both cases there is a change in the hormonal background, as a result of which the monthly delay can reach several months.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The most common, natural and safe cause of the delay is, of course, conception. As you know, none of the existing contraceptives and methods of protection does not give a 100% guarantee, so you never need to dismiss this option. In addition to the delay of pregnancy months, some other indirect signs may also speak: the change in sensitivity and swelling of the breast, changes in basal temperature, irritability, nausea, etc. Although there may not be these signs.

After giving birth, the woman's body needs time to recover and prepare for a new cycle. The standard norm of delay of monthly after sorts depends on the period of feeding. During lactation, the body produces a prolactin hormone that suppresses the work of the ovaries. After weaning the baby from the breast, the monthly should be restored within 1 to 2 months.

After the termination of pregnancy, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, delays may also occur, which can last from a few days to several weeks. Therefore, after such cardinal changes in the body of a woman, constant observation at the gynecologist is necessary until the cycle is fully restored.

The norm of delay of monthly in adolescents

During the puberty of girls, the menstrual cycle can drastically deviate from the norm. In most cases this is not a violation and after the restoration of hormonal balance the cycle is restored. The natural time for the appearance of the first months in girls is the period from 11 to 15 years, and within the first two years after the beginning the cycle should be restored. If this does not happen, then you should consult a gynecologist and an endocrinologist, as pathological abnormalities in the work of the ovaries and uterus are possible.

An indication of the correct functioning of the girl's reproductive system is vaginal bleeding every 28-35 days. And the number of days between excretions should be constant. In most women, the "dry" period lasts 28 days. The short cycle is 21 days, and the long one - 30-35 days. If the number of these days is constantly changing, then this indicates a hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal changes

The frequent cause of menstrual disorders are hormonal changes in the body of a woman. In this case, the concept of "norm of delay of menstruation" is generally absent, since this state is not at all a norm. Even if the delay does not exceed the accepted standards, but is repeated constantly and is accompanied by a deterioration of well-being, a trip to the gynecologist is a must. The cause of disruption of the cycle may be a serious internal disease, such as polycystic ovary. And the sooner it is revealed, the faster it can be cured.

To the violation of the hormonal balance and cycle can also lead to irregular intake of oral contraceptives (OC) and some other drugs. In this case, the norm of delay of the monthly after cancellation of OK or other drugs can be several weeks. The cycle should be restored within 2 - 3 months.

Stressful situations

When considering stress as the main cause of menstrual cycle disorders, the question of what the monthly delay rate is called safe specialists has the same answer - 5 days or more. Due to a strong nervous shock, the hypothalamus and the cerebral cortex, which control the reproductive system of the woman, are disrupted. The result will be a cycle failure for an indefinite period - until the nervous system recovers.

Stressful situations can also include physical and psychological fatigue: a constant nervous tension due to problems in the family or at work - a frequent reason not only for menstrual failures, but also for many other diseases.

Unusual physical activity, changing diet, diet - all this is also a stress for the body, which can respond in a completely unexpected way, with a delay in menstruation.

Climacteric syndrome

Over time, the work of the ovaries slows down, ovulation with each month occurs all the way until it stops. This is called climacteric dysfunction of the ovaries and appears absolutely in all women when they reach a certain age. Usually the syndrome begins to manifest at the age of 45 - 50 years, but these figures are not the rule. Due to unfavorable ecology, constant stresses and a wrong way of life, recent cases of menopause in women after 30 are not uncommon.

Violation of the menstrual cycle is one of the first, but not the only signs of climacteric dysfunction of the ovaries. The period of premenopause is characterized by frequent mood changes, irritability, irregular blood pressure, etc. The level of sex hormones decreases, resulting in a change in the rhythm and duration of menstruation. At the same time the norm of delay of monthly is not established: at someone all stops in 3 months, and at someone gradually dies down within several years.

What if there was a delay?

Since the norm of delay of monthly in a healthy woman does not exceed 5 - 7 days, you can safely wait. If after 7 days the menstruation has not begun, you need to run to the pharmacy for the test. Further, regardless of the result of the test, you need to contact the gynecologist: either to confirm the pregnancy, or to identify the reasons for such a long delay.

Depending on the results of the diagnosis and tests performed, the doctor will prescribe a treatment or vitamin preparations for the restoration of the body. In many cases, the delay is due to overwork and stress. Here the only remedy will be a proper rest and sleep.

When is it worth it to sound an alarm?

The first sign of many disorders and diseases of the female body may be a delay in menstruation. Normally, how many days of delay are safe and other similar questions should be asked your doctor during a routine examination, first telling you about your fears. Unfortunately, we too often forget to mention any changes, considering this fact not worthy of attention. Although constant delays, even for 2 to 3 days, in combination with abundant or, conversely, scanty monthly reports suggest a major change in the normal functioning of the woman's reproductive system.

Among the diseases that can manifest in this way, we can name inflammatory, tumor, hormonal diseases, polycystic ovaries, yellow body cyst and some others. If such processes can not be stopped in time, they can lead to infertility, cancer and other serious consequences.

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