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What is the density of sunflower oil? What is the density of sunflower oil?

Sunflower oil is created on the basis of vegetable fats, which are extracted from the seeds of this plant. This type of product is considered the most common among residents of Russia and nearby countries.

Chemical composition of sunflower oils

The composition of the advantage is given to fats, which constitute approximately 54% of the product. The concentration of carbohydrates is about 25.5%. Proteins and fithin occupy 2.3%. Tannins - 1,7%. Also in the composition there are phospholipids, vitamins (A, E), carotenoids, organic acids such as tartaric, citric and chlorogenic.

In sunflower oils there is a considerable number of glycerides, which together create a certain barrier for the development or appearance of the sclerotic process in the human body. Because this product is very useful.

The density of sunflower oil is about 921-928 kilograms per one cubic meter at a temperature of about 10 degrees. This product in its raw form has a rich, pleasant taste and smell.

Conditions and principles of seed storage before use

It is known that the oil density directly depends on the savings system . Therefore, if some conditions are not met, manufacturers will neglect their duties, then the product resulting from such storage of components will simply be substandard. Such oils, as a rule, are very cheap.

Seeds processing stages

  1. Preliminary their clearing from various impurities before manufacturing of oil.
  2. Seed conditioning by the principle of humidity.
  3. Direct storage.

Maintaining the level of seed quality has the main task - protection against spoilage, so that the density of sunflower oil made from them reaches the required level, and the losses remain minimal. These principles also determine the storage system for primary products prepared for operation.

Types and density of vegetable oil (sunflower), purpose

1. Raw.

This kind of oil is only filtered, so it is most useful. In this product biologically valuable components are saved as much as possible. What is the density of sunflower oil crude depends on the temperature of its heating. For example, if it is +10 degrees, then it turns out 922-929 kg / m 3 .

2. Hydrated.

This product is obtained by mechanical purification and hydration (through oil heated to 60 degrees, water is sprayed, the temperature of which reaches +70 degrees). Proteins and mucus precipitate, and the main part separates. The density is 915-918 kg / m 3 .

3. Frozen.

Obtain by removing from the sunflower oil waxlike components of natural origin, which give the raw product a hazy color. If the product is "freezed", then in its title it indicates. It is used for cooking fried foods or when extinguishing, since this type of oil has no odor that can be transmitted to food. Ideal for deep fryer. It produces culinary fats, margarine, is used in the production of canned products, in the manufacture of soap and paint and varnish goods. The density of sunflower oil (kg / m3 - unit of measurement of this indicator) is 901-905.

Refined and unrefined oils

1. Unrefined.

It is cleaned mechanically. There are three varieties: the highest, the first, the second. This product is suitable for cooking salads, second courses or dough. The answer to the question about what the density of sunflower oil is unrefined is the following: 914-918 kg / m 3 .

2. Refined.

This type of oil is transparent with a weak color, because it is thoroughly cleaned of contaminants (treated with alkali, free fatty acids are extracted, bleached, etc.). The density is 916-919 kg / m 3 .

3. Refined deodorized.

Obtain under the influence of water vapor in a vacuum, completely destroying the aromatic constituent of the product. There are a couple of types: "P" and "D". It is used to produce products for toddlers or diet products. The types differ only in that the physico-chemical and acid number indicators are different. Type "D" is softer and harmless. The density of sunflower oil (g / cm3) is 0.904-0.909.

Choose a product for your own needs and purposes. What is the density of sunflower oil, its quality is not very much reflected. This index affects mainly the viscosity and fat content of the product.

How to store butter properly at home

Such products, as is known, there are three main malicious enemies: oxygen, storage in warm conditions and light. From this we can draw a logical conclusion. In order not to rid the substance of useful microelements and not to lower the density of sunflower oil, it is necessary to hide it from light rays, put it in a cool place and store it in a sealed container. The temperature for storage of the product is approximately + 7-21 degrees. Do so that the product that is not currently consumed has no contact with metals or water.

Unrefined oil is stored for about four months from the date of its production, and refined - six. Experienced housewives, in order to keep the product longer, add to it, directly into the container, a few pinch of salt and a handful of washed and dried beans.

How to treat sunflower oils

  1. Do not leave the product in a frying pan, on the stove without supervision. It can get very hot and self-igniting. If this happens, cover the dishes with a damp wet rag, but do not pour water.
  2. Do not fry foods in overheated oil, because it will fire and spoil the smell and taste of food.
  3. You can not pour the product into a heated dish, because its temperature can be very high, and the contents can burn with fire, which will lead to a fire. This is especially true for substances with high density.
  4. You can not store oil under light, which provokes the development of oxidative reactions that destroy all useful trace elements in the product. By the way, unrefined substances quickly lose their color and burn out. These processes, fortunately, in no way affect the quality of the oil.
  5. Do not reuse the product. Oil, when reused, does not give food any useful substances, because they are burned off during the initial application. If you do not follow this rule of use, then toxic compounds of a mutagenic and carcinogenic nature, formed in the substance, fall into the stomach.
  6. Do not use an overdue product as food, because the risk of digestive disorders is great.

How to prepare food before frying

  1. Raw potatoes must be washed thoroughly under running water before cooking to rid its surface of starch. If this is not done, then when roasting it will become sticky (the pieces will stick together or stick to the bottom of the pan). You can still dry potatoes with paper towels, this procedure will speed up the appearance of golden crust and all evenly cooked.
  2. Before frying, the meat also needs to be dried by wrapping it with a napkin, etc. The problem is the same: the water left in the product gets into the oil, and from this it smokes and starts to shoot.
  3. If the ingredient for preparation is presented in the form of minced meat, the liquid that was added to it (cream, milk, etc.) should not exceed 10% of the main content. All because it will flow out of the dishes when frying and accumulate in the form of clots, provoking "shots".

Vitamin component

All oils are a storehouse of vegetable fats. They contain a sufficient number of kilocalories, not allowing the body to go into a non-working condition, fatigue. The energy reserve is replenished when using with the food of sunflower oil of any kind or type. This is especially true in the cold periods of the year and in case of illness. Sunflower oil does not give a head start in the content of kilocalories to animal fats, since it has an energy value of 900 per 100 grams, and creamy oil - only 738 per 100 grams. The product is assimilated by almost 100%. It is an excellent example of a set of biologically active microelements.

Most people follow the principles of proper nutrition, maintain a balanced strong physical health, both their own and those close to them. It should be remembered that with the use of sunflower oil, the offspring will be healthy, the nervous system is perfectly formed, and the bone tissue is strong. Also, cardiovascular diseases are prevented.

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