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What is the cult of personality, the origins of its appearance

What is the cult of personality? The first thing that comes to mind is the admiration of millions of people before Stalin, Hitler, the idealization and exaggeration of their merits and merits. Such unintelligible admiration, obedience and fear were inherent in people at different times. And it was not always connected with something animate.

Religion and cult

Even ancient people in one way or another bowed before the elements, gods and unknown phenomena. If you analyze the first customs and rituals, it becomes clear what a cult is and where it originates. Its appearance extends deep into the centuries, and development is closely interrelated with religion. In ancient Egypt, people worshiped the afterlife and animals. The concepts of religion and worship are very similar by definition. Basically, this is mass worship. But the object of worship can differ: with the cult of personality - this is a specific person, and in religion - the higher forces, which lie under different concepts. Depending on the religion, it can be God, Karma, Fate. The cult of religion is also different in that a person tries to interact and communicate with higher forces in every way possible. However, with some deification of the priest, the preacher, the head of the church, the leader of the group, one can speak of a sect. It is in it trying to impose overvalued authorities of their teachers and group leaders.

The cult in antiquity

What is a cult in antiquity? In the depths of the centuries these were rituals and rituals. Ancient cults were directed to deities. Belief in something unknown and incomprehensible helped the person to survive in different times, sowed hope and confidence in the future. In many corners of the earth, ancient cults had an indissoluble connection with sacrifices. At the same time, the best gift for the Supreme Reason was human life. So far this ritual has its supporters.

What is the cult of Kali or the cult of the Naga? Their origins are to be found in ancient India. The cult of Kali is associated with the worship of the Goddess of Black Ma. There is an opinion that it exists until now. The worship of the ancient Serpent, which gave wisdom to the tribes, is called the Naga cult. And such currents as Krishnaism, Shaivism, New Age are quite young and are developing not only in India.

Ancient cults in the modern world

The greatest part of the ancient cults has survived to this day in Africa, Asia and Oceania. Primitive religions and cultural traditions of antiquity are literally immortalized here. Despite the fact that civilization is increasingly supplanting tribes with the old way of life, they still believe in witchcraft, in the close relationship of the world of the dead to the world of the living.

To communicate with the spirits, statuettes, various accessories, tomtams are widely used. Fetishism is of great importance not only for any tribe. This applies to the entire nationality. Sorcerers are the main seers and the rulers of fate. It is possible that such a cult of personality is not known to these peoples. But the cult of the sorcerer there obviously takes place till now.

Causes of the emergence of the personality cult

Where did this phenomenon come from and why? It is obvious that the cult of personality develops favorably there, where power becomes the main goal of the ruler of the country. This "disease", fortunately, does not amaze all those in power. However, it develops magnificently and strikes a society where there are a lot of unconquered people, the so-called marginals, who are also poor. These people are always unhappy with everyone, they feel aggression towards the whole world. Here in such a society and the cult of personality arises. It is easy to manipulate such people by satisfying their desires. Masses of people fall under the influence of an influential person with signs of "God's choice". Subordinating to themselves the marginals, the management becomes easier and easier.

As a rule, the reasons for the personality cult lie in the crisis, in which the country is at that time. Rising prices, rampant crime, unrest cause desire and the need for a strong ruling hand. And it is always there. So Adolf Hitler came to power. However, having obtained the desired, the leader becomes a tyrant and a despot.

Cult of the personality of statesmen

The cult of personality has never ended with something positive for the country where it was formed. What is the personality cult for Russia? These are the epochs of Lenin and Stalin, which led to the death of millions of people. All dissenters and opponents of the regime were mercilessly erased from the face of the Earth, regardless of status and social status. Hitler came to power thanks to the slogans that were popular, promising his nation's golden mountains.

Stalin also became a leader, skilfully outscoring all competitors. He cleaned up all those who could stop him, and created near himself a suite of the most loyal and trusted people. And his subjects helped him create the image of a solid, wise, infallible father of the entire Soviet people.


What is the cult of personality or religion was well understood by pharaohs in Ancient Egypt, khans in China and monarchs and feudal lords in Europe.

With the emergence of states, the deification of the ruler takes place, giving him supernatural qualities. Communists, condemning such a worship of someone or something, themselves gave birth to such a phenomenon in the countries where socialism was built.

History shows us that society itself is happy to develop and nurture the personality cult of the incumbent ruler. Moreover, the less freedom of speech in this state and freedom of action, the more favorable the soil for the growth of the personality cult. Maybe the descendants get it from their ancestors through the blood and soak with the mother's milk, as this phenomenon often manifests itself in those countries that have already experienced it repeatedly in the course of their history.

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