Self improvementPsychology

What is self-control? Good qualities of a person

In the life of modern man there are many stressful situations. It is believed that the ability to keep calm and rational perception in any situation, even under difficult stress, is a real art. In emotional situations, not everyone is able to cope with their feelings and soberly look at the world. So what is self-control and how can it affect life?

What is self-control

Under the term "self-control" it is customary to take a collective image, which includes some character traits. They include self-control, determination, responsibility and courage. An indispensable condition for self-control is the effort of the individual, who realizes the need for decisive action. It is closely connected with the control of one's own emotional state, its observation and the tracking of feelings. Taking emotions under control is a fairly complex process and is part of a person's good qualities, despite the simplicity of limiting their appearance at first glance. This requires a large amount of additional energy to consciously prohibit any intuitive action.

When self-control is necessary

  1. Exams passage. Students often face stressful situations during sessions. Sometimes the excitement and fear of upcoming events at the emotional level are so strong that it affects the physical condition of the individual. And against the background of this availability of any knowledge are unimportant. In a panic state, it is difficult to cope with the task ahead. Therefore, self-control is necessary to block emotions and achieve their goals.
  2. Admission to a new job. Changing the usual comfort zone always causes stress in a person. Getting started in a new place is no exception, so knowing what self-control is is very important. And if you do not cope with inner feelings, it can very quickly lead to somatic diseases. Therefore, it is important to show self-control to join a new team and cope with the tasks set, to overcome self-doubt and rid the body of increased stress.
  3. Stress when interacting with a team. When faced with people, we often experience different emotions, but their manifestation is not always appropriate. Especially it concerns a workplace or an educational institution. We are often distracted during work, intrigues and other annoying factors can sprout in the team, but it's not worth giving in to emotions, you need to have inner strength, and self-control and self-control are important.
  4. Loss of a loved one. This is a real trauma to the psyche, not just stress. Therefore, people often fall out of ordinary life. The main problem is the intolerance of large concentrations of people. This causes different feelings. But often a person's loss involves a lot of events afterwards, so you need a great deal of self-control to cope with the storm of emotions that will be inside.
  5. Unserved resentment. Any initiative or creative impulse can be rudely criticized. But the most painful, this is when people close to whom a person trusts criticize. Here, self-control is simply necessary, otherwise reaction and experienced emotions can lead to mental health problems. Remember that manifesting the ego and your own uncertainty in the first place will harm you.

Spiritual self-control

Self-improvement is a very important and serious step in the life of any person. But to follow this path, it is worth crossing over many barriers. First of all, one has to acknowledge one's own shortcomings, and on the emotional level it is very difficult. Only the inner strength of spirit and perseverance will help to find the truth and develop spiritually. Therefore, every person who decides to cultivate, not only physically, but also spiritually, needs to know what spiritual self-control is.

The art of self-control

Own ego makes a person a lot of obstacles in all spheres of his life. Any new solution in life leads to excitability of the nervous system and a vulnerable state. For example, if a person has his own mode of life, and he decides to adjust it a little, add a new occupation to daily life, then at the time of this time the ego will actively resist. It manifests itself in the desire to do any action, just to delay the beginning of a new occupation.

Manifestation of self-doubt is also a serious problem on the way of a person. Fear of failure leads to laziness and anxiety. In order to transcend itself and perform the planned action, a person has to make enormous efforts to combat imaginary and real fears. Apparently, the importance of self-control for a person is great and undeniable.

The temptation to say "yes" to all your desires prevents a person from achieving certain goals. That is, for example, a person decided to lose weight and go on a diet. And he is offered to go to a party and eat a cake or visit a cafe where they cook deliciously. A person without self-control will step back from his intention and violate the conditions of the diet, willpower will allow him in another situation to cope with this temptation.

Development of self-control

To develop self-control, you need to take many steps and serious actions. This skill will help you to reach even the most unrealistic goals at first sight and to feel more confident in any stressful situation faster and easier. Willpower and the desire for self-improvement are the main factors that will help to understand what self-control is and develop it.

Exercise Development Skills

First, you need to accept your feelings. In order to overcome our own weaknesses, it is important to recognize their presence. A person can not have only good qualities, but he is able to develop them. Running away and not recognizing the presence of negative emotions is the same as making them your vulnerable place. Rest, practicing yoga and maintaining your own body in a tonus will help to cope with yourself. If a person is not able to relax, he can not take his feelings under control. Secondly, it is worth trying meditation. It is a wonderful way to restore your strength, balance your inner state and improve your mood. Being in constant stress without rest and inner balance, it is very difficult to achieve the set goals. And most importantly, what you need for self-control is obtaining maximum information. During the preparation for the stressful moment, a person takes it and calms down, this allows you to increase confidence in yourself and your own strength. When the cause-and-effect mechanisms become clear, the body takes something new in our life as already proven and familiar. This is the main thing that allows you to get rid of anxieties and fears. Only the control of emotions and one's own behavior can allow us to achieve new goals, to develop and to move forward. It is important to own oneself, without self-control a person stands still and rejects society, because of which somatic and mental diseases subsequently arise.

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