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What is meant by the term "content" in the PS "Yandex" and Google?

It is very difficult to imagine the life of a modern man without the Internet. Every day, at least to check the business mail or read the news, we enter the World Wide Web. And every day we follow the rules of an unspoken user agreement, by default accepted by all users. And almost every day we use search engines, sometimes just to not enter the site address in the browser line. So it's easier.

If we come across terms that we do not understand, we google them. If we find something that interests us, we can also poendeksirovat. But sometimes, instead of the desired result on the screen, we see a terrible inscription that there is something wrong with the content on the page: it does not comply with some rules or is malicious. What is meant by the term "content" in the PS? Let's try to understand together.

Some terminology

Let us turn to the terminology. "Content" in English is "content". What is meant by the term "content" in the PS? The answer is very simple: any information we see on the web page: text, pictures, audio, video, hyperlinks and so on and so forth. Moreover, this concept includes advertising and various controls (menu buttons, for example), so you can safely say that absolutely everything that is on the site is its content.

Types of content for its purpose. Useful content

And now let's talk about what is meant by the term "content" in the PS more specifically. It is divided into four types, based on its purpose.

The first type is informative. This includes absolutely everything that can be useful in any way for the user: articles on a topic, product descriptions, various forum discussions and so on and so forth.

The second type is selling, or commercial. This is an appeal to buy a product or order a service, messages about promotions, discounts.

The third type is entertaining: funny stories, pictures, jokes, etc. This content does not help to sell, but it can provide coverage and recognizability.

The latter type is a training one. Perhaps, we can say that this content is the most multifaceted. It includes everything that can not only attract attention, but also teach the user. And to be limited in this case material on various sciences it is impossible. The training content includes videos with master classes, photo-instructions, recipes and so on.

Types of content for its purpose. Fun for the sake of

Next comes the commercial content, otherwise it can be called selling. Advertising, announcements of promotions and discounts, even descriptions of goods aimed at selling it - all this can be attributed to commercial content. Usually, when the site has too much of this information, it is not popular with users because of the obsession of advertising.

What is meant by the term "content" in PS "Yandex" or "Google", when we are talking about entertainment content? The answer in the title itself is everything that entertains the user and attracts his attention: pictures, jokes, anecdotes, videos and so on. Of course, the abundance of such information is not very useful for the site, but at the same time it will be much worse without it, because a solid text is perceived by a person harder.

Kinds of content by its form and the possibility of feedback

What is meant by the term "content" in PS "Yandex"? The answer, by the way, is not limited to just dividing by purpose. In its form, all information on web pages can be divided into two more types.

Static content is something that is unchangeable by a simple user. Affect this content can only administrator site. This type of web page content includes all articles, advertisements and so on.

Types of content. The problem of prohibited content

Dynamic content is something that in no way remains stable. Most often, he meets in various forums, he can include comments and reviews, it's easier to say that everything here is where the user can get the answer. Of course, the possibility of feedback is an amazing phenomenon, but constant monitoring of what appears on the Web is necessary. This is the user agreement. "Yandex" content in the PS checks by its content, the same deals with "Google", "Yaho" and other search engines. Materials of a sexual and extremist nature are sifted, with scenes of violence and cruelty, obscene language and so on. The selection criteria, of course, are tough, but at the same time the problem of prohibited content existed and will continue to exist.

A little bit about uniqueness. Copywriting, rewriting and copy-paste

So, what is meant by the term "content" in the PS? Correctly, any information that is issued by the search engines on the corresponding user request. Anyone who has ever looked for data on any issue, faced with the fact that on a large number of web pages, the text of the articles, if not completely identical, is very, very close. With what it can be connected?

There is such a thing as "uniqueness". Almost always, when filling out a new site with content, administrators take ready-made materials as the basis. And the question is how they work with them. Some are engaged in a banal copy-paste, civilized this method can be called plagiarism: they simply copy the finished information, sometimes even with entertainment content, absolutely without changing anything. There is also rewriting - processing of the finished text with preservation of the semantic load. A higher form is copywriting - writing a new unique text based on information from a variety of resources. In the case when such an article is written with an abundance of certain anchor words, for which the search engines will cling, giving out sites with such content first, it is already considered an SEO copywriting. The highest form of content is an author's article, which is completely unique and is written solely on the basis of the author's experience, without the use of any aids.

Thus, the term "content" in the PS is further complicated by a characteristic such as "uniqueness", which directly affects the popularity of the site among users.


What is meant by the term "content" in the PS? We can say that this is absolutely any content of the site, regardless of its content. Text articles, pictures, video, audio, links to other sites, advertising, even menu items - all this is considered content. Search engines are set to search for user-defined words in a huge array of content, so make sure that the materials of your resource are optimized to the maximum requirements of search engines. And users should learn how to correctly formulate their requests in order to get exactly what they need.

To do this, by the way, certain methods of formulating search queries that exclude the resources of some countries, for example, or that react to a specific word combination and do not take into account declining words, are used. Each of us can set such search criteria that will necessarily find the necessary information.

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