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What is buggy? Khlestakovshchina is ...

It is never superfluous to re-read the classic works of Russian literature and take a fresh look at what seems to be well known. Maybe we missed something important at the first meeting?

Reread the classics

The comedy of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "The Inspector General" was presented to the public in the distant 1836. Since then, almost two centuries have passed and several historical epochs have changed. But the situation and the characters depicted in this work have not disappeared anywhere. As there is such a phenomenon as slavering, this phenomenal state of the soul, when a nonentity feels the starry hour given to it by fate. And he enjoys unexpected happiness. Comedy Gogol is still relevant. And not only because schoolchildren are offered every year to write essays on the topic "What is kleshakshchina?" The "Examiner" contains the answer to this question. But a simple attempt to re-read this famous work from the school program inevitably leads to the question of whether over the years, anything in Russia has changed except for the names of official posts. Of course, it has changed. The class of Russian bureaucracy has increased many times, and its well-being has improved noticeably. Officials became more confident in their complete impunity. And today they take bribes not only by greyhound puppies.

How was this comedy created?

It is generally believed that the design of this work was suggested to Gogol Pushkin. But in the very plot of the comedy "The Inspector General" there is nothing special. Such plot constructions, based on the fact that a person is mistaken for what he really is not, is more than enough in the world literature. But being transferred to the realities of the Russian Empire, such intrigue simply could not help but touch upon the foundations of the existing state foundations in it. Contemporaries testify that the idea of the Inspector General arose in Pushkin, when he traveled through the Orenburg province, gathering materials about the Emelian Pugachov revolt. Some county officials accepted the poet as an inspector from the capital, traveling exclusively to collect information that compromised them. Pushkin was in no hurry at all to dissuade them in this error.

With the highest approval

All who were involved in the creation of this comedy, could not fail to understand that her theatrical fate will not be easy. Since it was impossible not to notice that the burglary in it was, in addition, a dashing mockery of the state bureaucratic machine. The production of this play on the stage became possible only after Vasily Zhukovsky's personal appeal to the Emperor of the Emperor. The poet was able to convince Nicholas I that the comedy is not directed against the foundations of the state, but only ridicules the provincial officials who are being provoked. The Emperor allowed himself to be assured that such a satire can not bring anything to the administrative system except for the benefit. But before the audience the work appeared in a reduced form.

Main character

Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov, an official from St. Petersburg, by the will of chance circumstances turned out to be a very significant person. Of course, in his heart of hearts, he realizes that something is wrong here, and he is probably confused with someone ... But what does it matter when everyone around him stood frozen with a sense of sacred horror and trepidation? And the petty scribe from the metropolitan office is swelling, like a soap bubble, to an incredible size. As a result, the reader and the viewer are presented with an obvious answer to the question about what is Khlestakovism. This narcissistic nonentity, reached the peak of greatness in his understanding. But Ivan Alexandrovich carries a wave of inspiration, and he so much enters the role of an important person, that he already believes that he was on the top not by chance. What is buggy? This phenomenon is the loss of the coast and separation from reality. But at the same time it is also a readiness to perceive any insolent rogue as an important state person.


Brighter than anything in the comedy narrates about himself the main character. He does it with self-denial and inspiration. To the extent that he himself believes in the nonsense, which brings frightened officials. The nonentity felt its power over the audience and in its monologue revealed with maximum frankness. Khlestakov is not at all talentless when he talks about the imaginary meaning and greatness of his person. So, among other things, Khlestakov is also a poetic inspiration. Without this kind of drive and courage, the adventurer would simply not have taken place. The whole plot intrigue of the comedy of Gogol is based on the fact that in a narrow place the inspirational insignificance and the public interested in it came together. And they found complete mutual understanding.

Inhabitants of a county town

But no less than Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov, officials of the provincial town, clothed with authority, are also interesting. At all at them, figuratively speaking, "a stigma in a gun". They all have good reasons to be afraid of the appearance of a mysterious "inspector" in the settlement under their jurisdiction. There is no answer to the question of what is Khlestakovism, impossible without this provincial bureaucracy. Without them, this phenomenon simply could not take place, and a petty nothingness could never rise above them to the heights of glory and success. The city bosses and merchants, who pay bribes and offerings to him, are no less ridiculous than the "inspector" himself. The wife and daughter of the governor are represented with special expressiveness in the comedy. Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna compete for the attention of the visiting rascal. They do not have to be deceived, they are happy to be deceived.

"The governor is stupid, like a gelding sir ..."

Homerically ridiculous and at the same time a pitiful figure is the first administrative face of the county town Anton Antonovich Svoznik-Dmukhanovsky. This despite the fact that it's just not silly to call it a language does not turn. On the contrary, he is very clever and has calculated everything in advance. He has everything under control, reconnaissance and counterintelligence were properly built up, he was notified about the approach of the incognito inspector to the city long before the visit and he has the opportunity to prepare for this event. He was mistaken, like a sapper, only once. And this error has provided several generations of Russian schoolchildren with exam tickets on the topics "Inspector, Khlestakov and Khlestakovschina." Enough of the fact that in Anton Antonovich, some provincial governors saw a hint of themselves and in every possible way prevented the production of Gogol's comedy The Inspector-General in their cities. They had every reason for this. Almost everything turned out like, down to small everyday details and random coincidence of names and surnames.

Silent scene

A scene deafening in its expressiveness completes Gogol's work "The Inspector General". Khlestakov and Khlestakov celebrated the victory, and all the uyezd authorities remained in round fools. It seems that it could not be otherwise. But everything would be as usual, do not mistake the mayor about the incomprehensible guest in the city hotel. Where did the system fail? Is it random or natural? How did it happen that such an insignificant creature celebrated its triumph and left the rich trophies in an unknown direction, while a large group of influential corrupt people froze in a daze, unable to comprehend the scale of the catastrophe that struck them? These questions remain unanswered. One can only doubt that Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov will remember with ecstasy and this strange adventure, and that small town, where fate accidentally brought him to the end of his days. These were, of course, the best moments in his life.

Summing up

What did Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol want to tell us about his comedy? Khlestakov and Khlestakovism as a phenomenon deserve a separate interpretation against the backdrop of the events set forth by the writer. How does it happen that such a number, at first glance, is not absolutely stupid people gets under the influence of a perfect nothingness? Khlestakovshchina - is it exclusively a Russian phenomenon? Or has it blossomed so brightly on Russian soil because of the favorable circumstances for it? But a simple glance towards the modern political sphere makes it possible to make sure that the Khlestakovschina often underlies the success of many political leaders and smaller functionaries. To see this, just turn on the TV. And more fun than in politics, things are only in what is called a vague definition of "show business." Gogol's Khlestakov would certainly have made a brilliant career in it.

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