
What helps with toothache without a dentist

In the world there is only a small number of people who do not know toothache. These lucky people the topic of our conversation does not concern. The task that we set ourselves is to find the answer to the "painful" question: what helps with toothache.

Since time immemorial, humanity has faced this problem. History is silent about the names of the first dentists. However, archaeological finds help to trace the development of dental art. The first drill for teeth was made by people of the Neolithic age (about nine thousand years ago). The tribes of the ancient Etruscans (the seventh century BC) already knew how to prosthetic teeth, many thousands of years there is a history of tooth powder. Over the years, there have been invented a great many ways to keep a dazzling smile. Prevention, treatment, removal, prosthetics - all this existed long before our birth. Something is successfully applied today, some approaches have been left in the past.

One can safely say: how much humanity remembers and knows - there is so much and there is a problem called "strong toothache". What helps with toothache in our modern conditions? So historically, the solution to this problem lies in two planes - dentistry, as a branch of modern medicine, and folk remedies, which are usually applied at the stage of "it hurts, but not yet enough to go to the doctor."

When you suffer from severe toothache - the easiest and most correct way to get rid of it - make an appointment with a dentist. And that's why it's right. Pain is a signal from the body that there is a problem: caries, inflammation, trauma, a crack in the enamel and the like. When we use pain medications, we eliminate symptoms (which helps with toothache), but we do not eliminate the cause that causes this pain. If the pain has ceased - we believe that the problem is solved. However, destructive processes do not go away with pain. They remain, develop and through time the pain returns to us. We again take something from a toothache, it stops for a while, and then everything repeats again.

How appropriate is it to take antibiotics for toothache? If you are suffering from severe toothache - antibiotics are not helpers here. They are usually prescribed after tooth extraction, in order to exclude the possibility of inflammation. It is very important that an appointment be made by a specialist. It is well known that antibiotics are medicines with a long list of contraindications and side effects. In human life there is no greater value than health. And if we are talking about the health of the child - you need to be cautious doubly. Self-medication can lead to disastrous results, a lot of time and effort will be required to correct the situation.

There are situations when the dentist does not get in the near future, and chemical drugs from the pharmacy do not really want to test your body for strength. This is just the case when "grandmother's recipes" - the only salvation. If the tooth hurts, even though the wolf howls - the logic turns off, thinking "what helps with toothache and what does not" is no time, and there is nothing.

What helps: from a toothache can relieve

  • Rinse (a teaspoon of salt + teaspoon of ordinary soda). Stir them in a glass of boiled water. Rinse several times.
  • Infusion of a root of aira (125 ml of a dry root to fill in 450 ml of vodka). Tincture to make in advance. Take: a tablespoon of tincture, three minutes to hold. Then spit it out.
  • The clove of garlic is cut along. It hurts on the left - on the right arm (wrist, where the pulse is probed) to attach garlic. Secure with adhesive tape.
  • Apply a piece of salted fat to the gum in the area of the aching tooth. After half an hour, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Recipes of traditional medicine from toothache "cart and a small cart." Someone helps one, someone else. Regardless, whether we believe in this or not - there are ways to get rid of toothache without drug intervention. Everyone, if desired, will find his own, cherished. It is important to remember that prevention and regular visits to a doctor solve the problem much faster and more reliably.

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