Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What does the family have a dream about? Dream Interpretation: Dreams of Deceased Relatives

Is it worth it to worry a person if in his dreams from time to time or constantly appear close or distant relatives? A dream interpreter will help to find the right answer to this question, if the dreamer resurrects in his memory the details of what he saw in the night's dreams. Do the relatives dream of what kind of events dream such dreams?

What does the family have a dream about?

Much depends on who the sleeping person sees in his dreams. What does the family do if it's their parents? The appearance of the mother in a dream in most cases foreshadows a joyous event in real life. However, there are exceptions, for example, dreams in which a person loses his mother and can not find it. Such a plot indicates rather the torments of conscience, which cause anxiety in reality. In addition, a dream is considered bad, in which the mother suffers from a disease. It is not excluded that the dreamer will soon have or have problems with the heart, respiratory system.

It's great if the father figures in the dream. In this case, in real life, the dream owner will soon receive a profit that comes from an unexpected source. Conversation with the father in nighttime dreams warns of danger, it is likely that in reality a person will soon expose himself in a disadvantageous light before others. To learn in a dream about a papal disease means in reality to face a serious illness. The dream in which the sleeper is fighting with his father only reflects the longing for his native people.

What does the family have a dream about? If in the night dreams of parents appear together, in real life, a dreamer can safely rely on support in a difficult situation. It can have not only the mother and father, but also other people. Talking with parents in a dream means needing their help or advice in real life.

Sisters, brothers

What other subjects does the dream book consider? A sister who appears in nighttime dreams can warn both positive and negative changes in the near future. For example, if she is silent in a dream, little trouble awaits a person in real life. To see in a dream a sister waving her hand means to face serious problems in real life, which will have to be solved on their own. Kiss sister - to wait for change for the better.

What other interpretations does the dream book offer? The sister and brother appearing together in a dream, dreams to the good, if they are having fun, are in an excellent mood. Such a dream indicates that in real life a band of luck has come. A dream is also good, in which a brother or sister is sick, it predicts an early release from a severe illness. If the sleeper communicates peacefully with them, a long life awaits him. Conflict with a sister or brother dreams of troubles that can affect various areas of life.


Why does the grandmother appear in a dream? It is necessary to recall her words in memory, it is possible that they contained some kind of warning, advice. Talking with my grandmother in the night's dreams awaits troubles in real life. Watch how she cooks - in the near future to meet guests. The death of the grandmother is mostly a dream as a warning, it is likely that in real life a person will become a victim of other people's machinations.

Above we consider the possible reasons why a grandmother appears in a dream. Should I worry if my grandfather dreamed at night? Perhaps, the dreamer has not visited his native person for a long time, so he is tormented by remorse. Also, the appearance of grandfather in a dream can be perceived as a kind of warning that the dreamer lacks wisdom, he makes the wrong decisions.

The deceased relatives

It is obvious that a person can dream a dream, in which not only living relatives, but also those who have already left this world, appear. Miller's dream interpretation says that you should not be afraid of such dreams. Close people, who are no longer alive, appear in nighttime dreams to warn about the changes that will soon happen in the life of the dreamer.

Exceptions are dreams in which the deceased invite the sleeper to him, call with them. Such a dream predicts an imminent death, and not only can one die who sees it, but also one of his family. It is also likely that a sleepless person or someone dear to him will find a serious illness.

In addition, it is worth remembering what character traits the dreamer had during his lifetime. For example, if you see a person in night dreams who has a reputation for being a cunning or a liar, you should beware of deceit in real life.

Memorial service, funeral

Above is told about the possible reasons why the deceased relatives appear in dreams. The interpreter also considers other subjects, for example, a funeral. If in a night's dreams a person buried someone from his native people, he needs to remember what the weather was like during the funeral rite. If it was raining, you should prepare yourself mentally for difficult times. If the sun was shining, we can safely count on changes for the better.

A dream in which one and the same relative is constantly buried, hints at the mistakes made by the dreamer in the past. It is possible that the time has come to think about the possibility of their correction. A wake, seen in a dream, warns that a person will face a difficult test. Having endured it, you can safely rely on reward from fate.

The coffins, in which the deceased relatives lie, mainly dream of trouble. In real life, the dreamer should be as careful as possible, avoiding risky transactions and contacts. If a person is buried in a dream, who lives in reality, this character is waiting for a great success.

Resurrection from the dead

What else do the relatives who have left this world dream of? Dream interpretation also describes such an unusual story as the resurrection of the deceased. In order to understand its meaning, it is necessary to remember in what mood the revived person was. If it was good, in real life, a band of luck will soon come. The bad mood of the resurrected relative promises serious problems in reality.

Some guidebooks on the world of dreams suggest that such a dream indicates that his master receives the blessing of the deceased. In the near future, there will be changes that are most likely to be positive.

Visit of relatives

To dream of close relatives who have come to visit means to earn a wake. However, this is only true if the dreamer was delighted at the night's dreams by an unexpected visit, and accepted the guests with pleasure. Bad omens are considered to be conflicts that occurred during the visit, very likely quarrels in real life.

There are reasons for concern, if the relatives come to visit, whose visit is accompanied by unpleasant troubles, causes inconvenience to the owners of the house. It is not excluded that when someone is dreaming about a dreamwoman, someone spreads gossip, and he can become a victim of deception.

Holidays, feasts

What do the relatives dream about, if they gather at the table in night dreams? Such a dream promises a family holiday in real life. Also, sleep can predict interesting waking hours, meetings with people who are not related to the dreamer by kinship. If the owner of the dream is not married, he can soon meet a couple.

Drunken relatives rarely dream of good. Such a story suggests that deep down the dreamer dreams of going into his fantasies, hiding from the real world. To observe in a dream how one of the relatives marries means to successfully resolve all family conflicts in reality.

Family of the husband

To what the relatives of the husband can dream? It is necessary to recall the mood in which was the dreamed relatives of the spouse. If these people were friendly and cheerful, in real life you can not be afraid of family conflicts, the marriage will be successful. Foreign relatives, quarreling with each other or with a dreamer, such night dreams promise conflicts with the household.

Do not be afraid when you see a mother-in-law in a dream, such a dream promises a truce with the enemies, good relations in the family. However, the father-in-law appears in nighttime dreams is not at all good. It is very likely that in real life a storm will soon break out, which can spoil the wife's relationship with her husband.

Relatives of the ex-husband can appear in the dreams of a woman who is not able to forget the relationship that ended. It is not excluded that she is jealous of the new girlfriend of the former spouse.

Quarrels, conflicts

What does the relative dream about, if the dreamer sees himself quarreling with them? The guide, written by Freud, assures us that this is a reflection of the problems that appeared in childhood. It is not excluded that the owner of the dream can not part with any children's complexes, forgive the offenses inflicted on him many years ago by native people.

Longe's dream interpreter claims that a person who has conflicts with relatives is a self-sufficient person. He is able to cope with all problems on his own, does not tolerate any restrictions on his own freedom. A fight with relatives in a dream can warn that in real life a person is tired of their misunderstanding, their unwillingness to compromise. The blood of someone close to them is a promise of news that may turn out to be good or bad.

A crying relative may also appear in nighttime dreams. The noble dream book states that such a story speaks about the problems that exist in the relationship with this person in real life. It is very likely that he is offended by the behavior of the dreamer. It is also possible that the master of sleep is about to commit an act that will cause suffering to someone close to him.

Intimate Relationships

People are traditionally scared of dreams in which they enter into sexual relations with someone from their family. Get rid of these fears will help interpret dreams. Relatives with whom a person in night dreams have sex, are just the closest people to him. He completely trusts them, fully relies on them.

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