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What does it mean "for the shmot explain" and how to behave if you hear this phrase?

Along with the ubiquitous spread of social networks, new youth associations and trends also appear, which can often cause considerable discomfort to surrounding people. Teenagers, impregnated with the spirit of Internet freedom, do not recognize the prohibitions. Today they can approach a stranger on the street and start making claims about ... clothes! What does it mean to "explain things" and how to behave if you hear this phrase in your address? It's time to understand the youth slang and the motives of adolescent behavior.

"Explain for your belongings": what does the convicted members of society mean

The roots of this phrase is due to the subculture of people who in one way or another were connected with places not so remote, that is, prisons. Indeed, in thieves' jargon a similar statement is also present. What does the phrase "explain for the belongings" (and in this case more correctly - "clothes") mean violators of the law? Today, almost nothing, except that the desire (expressed in a semicriminal tone) learn about the interlocutor in more detail. It is very rare to hear it in this context. From the dictionary use of the criminal world, the phrase migrated to the vocabulary of adolescents and here it began to be used extremely often, but it got used to surprisingly strong.

Youth associations, movements, subcultures: where are the origins?

It would seem, what can be bad hobbies, connecting young people together under the banner of a common idea? In fact, often the irrepressible energy of adolescents develops into aggressiveness, which can also be observed in this case. People who want to clarify for themselves what it means to "explain themselves" will be superfluous to know who usually uses this phrase - these are mostly young men aged 14-17 (sometimes even older) who refer themselves to " Right ", that is, the nationalist sector. Often, these guys are ardent football fans and can demand to tell what team the person is sick with. They are prone to vandalism and generally not too positive actions.

Why do they ask about this?

So what does it mean for "explain yourself" specifically? The thing is that the "right-wing mods" have their own distinctive attributes - camouflage pants with podvorotami, sneakers, sweat shirts and jackets of specific brands, paramilitary motifs and prints, in general, a certain style. Seeing the same distinctive symbolism on the other person, in the company of children who are not too tolerant and tolerant, the desire to find out about this person in more detail may arise - whether he relates himself to their movement, why he dressed just like that and whether he has the "right" for this. If the clothes, in the company's opinion, turn out to be "flamed", that is, counterfeit, and its owner is an unworthy representative of the movement, then an unenviable fate will await him.

What happens next?

What does it mean "for the shmot explain" - is clarified. Now it's up to the little one to figure out how such treatment can be fraught.

A group of adulterated young people may act differently, but their actions will always express aggression. They will not be a burden to beat, take away this or that thing, humiliate and write it on a mobile phone. Guys can even carry along bits or other means for potential beating of another person, for example, knuckle-dusters. Characteristically, they do not usually attack one by one, but feel strength and impunity only in the midst of their like-minded people.

How to behave and what to wear then?

So, one thing now is exactly known: what does it mean to "explain for things". How to answer this is a question arising from the situation. In fact, it is not necessary to answer - most obviously, that any answer will not satisfy the adolescents, and the risk of "piercing" is too great. If you get into a similar situation, you should not panic. If there is self-confidence, one should not be afraid of these peculiar "defenders" of one's own business, although bypassing them will still be the best option. When approaching the crowd should be as soon as possible to try to avoid their society or specifically go to a crowded place where they will not risk showing themselves.

If that means "for shmot explain" - it is clear, it remains unclear what category of people can hear such things in their address and, thus, fall under the sights of street hooligans. Typically, teenagers choose as potential victims of peers or those younger, but this is not always an axiom. So, there is a case where furious guys attacked a 40-year-old man and took away a camouflage bag about which he, of course, did not even know about the secret "prohibition".

In fact, everything is allowed to be worn, because Russia is still a free country, there is no official "fashion police" here, so there are no prohibitions on the clothes of the designer Gosha Rubchinsky, the brand Stone Island, Palace and others.

Let's sum up

Now, anyone, even an adult, will be able to tell his children or acquaintances what "it means for me to explain". Apparently, there is no deep meaning or subtext in this phrase, and, as a rule, it is simply a "prelude" to the commission of uncontrolled violent actions. However, we can say with certainty that although it is worthwhile to fear, it is no longer necessary to be afraid. The movement itself is gradually declining, and the tendency to use the expression "explain for the belongings" is, as a rule, preserved only on the Internet in the form of a joke over the remnant of the past and those people who have ever been engaged in such matters.

Today, and computer game enthusiasts are actively using the phrase "explain for things". What does the saying mean in this context? Only a request to tell about your character - about its assembly, objects, purchase of additional equipment and so on. Apparently, there is no threat in this, which means that the phrase is not so terrible or bad. It all depends on who pronounces it.

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