
What causes thrush? Informed - then protected!

Unpleasant sensations, itching in the perineum, the presence of strange abundant discharge and their frightening specific odor - the occurrence of these symptoms in women immediately associated with the emergence of serious problems and women's diseases. The first thing that comes to mind is necessarily associated with a venereal disease. And this is obvious, because the symptoms are "obvious". However, it is unacceptable to make early decisions, and even more so - to make a diagnosis and prescribe yourself a cure. Why? Yes, if only because women's troubles with the sexual organs may not necessarily be associated with sexually transmitted diseases. To do this, it is enough to remember how the thrush is manifested in women, and afterwards - it is necessary to pass tests and consult about the state of their health in order to understand the cause of such unpleasant symptoms.

Such a problem of an intimate plan, like thrush, can arise on an "even" place, without any preconditions and regularities. And, to say unequivocally, from what the thrush appears , it is difficult. No gynecologist will answer clearly, if only because the nature of this female disease at its root has a lot of inexplicable.

Candidiasis (most women call it thrush) science and medicine are known since the time of the existence of ancient civilizations and peoples. Hippocrates himself once studied the nature of the yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. There are many species of this fungus, about 200 species. By the way, this fungus is present constantly in the normal microflora of the vagina . Usually he does not have problems and inconveniences. Moreover, women do not even suspect that they are present in their bodies. But it's worth the slightest change to happen and the question of why thrush appears becomes important for a woman.

Causes of thrush

In order to appoint the right treatment for thrush, you should find out the cause of this trouble. Vaginal candidiasis can arise due to changes in climatic conditions, the intake of certain medications, and the change of personal hygiene. In short, anything that can affect the microclimate in the vagina or change the level of its acidity, is quite capable of leading to candidiasis.

A girl who does not know intimate sex life, and a woman of childbearing age, and one that has long experienced a period of menopause and reorganization of the body, can also get sick with thrush. By the way, every woman should know and remember what a thrush comes from, if only because it can not be treated and leave the disease without attention - is fraught with serious consequences. Complications are more common than imaginable. And, it should be noted, the consequences are very deplorable.

Especially it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of thrush to pregnant women. This fungus is not only able to infect a fetus or a newborn baby, but also become a cause or threat of abortion. Normal pregnancy can end with miscarriage, premature birth, and oxygen starvation of the fetus, which is especially reflected in the development of the brain and vital organs of the child.

Talking about the causes, which causes thrush, you can not keep silent and that the microflora in the vagina can change under the influence of contraceptive oral contraceptives. The explanation is that the pills are the first to kill the normal state of the vaginal microflora. So, they create all conditions for the normal existence and reproduction of the pathogenic fungus.

Reflecting on what causes thrush, we should immediately emphasize that it is necessary for both partners to examine and prescribe the treatment. Although thrush is not a venereal disease, it is transmitted sexually. If only one of two partners is treated, there is no guarantee that the thrush will not remind itself of itself in time, and the disease will not return as a boomerang.

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