
What can evidence of the presence of suspended matter in the amniotic fluid?

Suspensions in the amniotic fluid are freely floating particles. Their composition is heterogeneous. This, as a rule, the products of life of the developing baby. Normally, epithelial cells are found, gun hair and waste primordial grease. But in some cases, the presence of a large amount of suspended matter may be a sign of intrauterine infection. This condition is a health threat not only to the child, but also to the mother.

Suspensions in the amniotic fluid - causes

In the last trimester, the presence of meconium and blood in the amniotic fluid is a particular threat to the developing child. Normally, the original feces are released only after the birth of the baby. If this happened in the womb of a woman, the waters become cloudy. This indicates intrauterine infection. Also it is worthwhile to know that in some cases meconium can stand out in the last weeks of pregnancy with gluteal assiduity. These suspensions in the amniotic fluid give them a greenish-brown color. This may indicate fetal hypoxia. The color and consistency of the doctor can determine whether the baby's oxygen starvation was chronic, or it developed during the birth process. With a suspended pregnancy, suspensions are detected almost always. This is what concerns the presence of meconium admixture in the waters. The presence of blood is a great danger. If it was found in the amniotic fluid, then this is a clear sign of an acute condition - placental abruption. This is very dangerous for the mother and child. This situation requires immediate medical attention.


Suspensions in amniotic fluid can be detected with the help of the following studies:

- ultrasound of the fetus ;

- amnioscopy (with the help of an optical apparatus through the cervix of the uterus, water is inspected);

- Amnocentesis (water intake is carried out through the abdominal wall).

Of course, the most commonly used method is ultrasound, the rest of the studies are assigned only in case of emergency. Ambusous water discharged during the birth can also be taken for analysis.


There is no treatment for the presence of suspended matter in the amniotic fluid. This is just a sign that indicates complications of pregnancy. If fetal hypoxia is detected, drugs are prescribed to improve blood flow and increase oxygen metabolism in the utero-placental system. At the same time, the fetus is constantly monitored. If there are signs of intrauterine infection, antibiotics are prescribed. It is also necessary to sanitize the genital tract. In severe cases, early delivery is recommended. It should be remembered that the amniotic fluid itself does not represent a threat with suspicion. If the pregnancy is good and there are no pathological conditions, then this is not a cause for concern. But if meconium or blood is found in the waters, then it is necessary to conduct a series of studies. When pregnant, the presence of a large amount of suspended matter is a good reason for carrying out immediate delivery.

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