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What are the signs of enterovirus infection

According to doctors, in the vast majority of people, signs of enterovirus infection disappear without a trace within five to ten days. However, in some cases, the disease can cause many problems with the heart, lungs, nervous system and even cause the death of the patient. The risk group includes mainly young children, including infants and people with low immunity.

Enterovirus infection: clinic

Each person manifests a disease in different ways. Some lucky people carry it on their feet and do not suffer at all, others experience a kind of cold, the third week can not get out of bed. Among the most common symptoms are elevated temperature (from 38 to 40 degrees), weakness, chills and joint pain. Somewhat later, nausea and diarrhea may occur. In individual individuals, the development of the disease is accompanied by the appearance in the mouth of small bubbles, which burst and turn into sores. We should especially highlight the so-called "hands-feet-mouth" syndrome. It occurs in young children and is characterized by the appearance of painful abrasions on the inner surface of the cheeks, palms and feet.

If you find signs of enterovirus infection in yourself or your baby , you should closely monitor the course of the disease. At the slightest suspicion of complications, consult a specialist. In this regard, we can name the following symptoms: first, pain in the chest and upper abdomen, which is repeatedly amplified during coughing and bending forward. Most likely, it indicates an inflammation of the lungs or heart envelope. Secondly, a permanent weakness. Thirdly, a feeling of lack of air, appearing with little physical effort. For example, many patients complain that they begin to choke, climbing the stairs and even just talking loudly. Such a symptom may indicate an inflammatory process, localized in the tissues of the heart. Signs of enterovirus infection also include severe headache, nausea and cramps in the neck muscles. In this case, it is necessary to check for meningitis. Fourth, the patient may be impaired coordination of movements, sharply worsen vision. If a small child falls ill, he refuses to eat, constantly cries, falls asleep with great difficulty.

Enterovirus infection: treatment

Remember that in this case you should immediately see a specialist. Time does not heal here. The thing is that the signs of enterovirus infection are the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. Then you can reduce the duration of treatment to a minimum. Enterovirus infection, the photo of the patient you see in the article, can manifest itself in different ways, therefore, at the slightest signs, one must visit the clinic without delay.

However, you can do something yourself. Provide the ill person with a copious drink (this is especially important for diarrhea and vomiting - so that there is no dehydration of the body). It is not recommended to offer the patient any tablets, especially antibiotics. To date, the means that would prevent the multiplication of enteroviruses, simply does not exist.

Possibility of infection

As a rule, infection occurs by the household way or during direct contact with the carrier of infection. The virus can be contained in saliva, mucus and stool particles of the patient. That's why it's so important to observe the rules of hygiene, do not use other people's towels and napkins, always wash your hands thoroughly. By the way, you can catch an infection in the public pool or locker room of the fitness club.

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