HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamin B for what is needed in the body? Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 for which the body is needed?

A complex of vitamins should always be present in the human diet. This is especially important in modern society, when it is difficult to find absolutely natural products, and people in the 21st century have a sedentary lifestyle. A person should receive enough vitamins, since the work of most people is connected with thinking activity, and they do not have time for physical activity. In addition, poor ecology contributes to health problems. Vitamins enter the body in small doses, but their health depends on their quantity and the work of all its organs.

Vitamin B for what is needed in the body? What are the consequences of its deficit? Let's find the answers to these questions together.

The discovery of vitamin B

Vitamin B for what is needed in the body? Before answering this question, let's talk about its discovery. This happened in 1912. The appearance of vitamin B is due to the Polish scientist Casimir Funk. After its discovery, it was established that this included a complex of substances in the composition with a nitrogen molecule. Nitrogen compounds are vitamins of group B, each of which has its own number. For each representative of the group has its own characteristic properties, they have much in common.

The intake of a complex of vitamins is more effective. The lack of vitamin B is most often associated with inappropriate nutrition.

Properties of Vitamin B

Vitamin B for what is needed in the body? A person gets supplies of vitamin B together with food. The body will not get a larger dose than necessary. It is excreted from the human body in the process of isolation. Stocks of vitamins need to be systematically replenished. Many face a lack of vitamins of this group due to excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, refined sugars. In the risk group are people who do not follow the diet, do not adhere to the daily routine, have bad habits. Vitamins B are excreted because of antibacterial and anti-tuberculosis drugs. Especially in need of it are those who are constantly facing stressful situations. The processes of synthesis are violated in ulcers, gastritis, colitis.

Main Purpose

Vitamin B for what is needed in the body? He takes part in human metabolism. B vitamins contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system, the growth and development of cells. Thanks to them, muscles function, energy exchange takes place, nutrients are absorbed, hair grows and does not drop out. They also play a significant role in the formation of immunity.

Vitamin B What is the body for? It is vital for people with great emotional and mental stress, stressful situations, those who forgot about proper nutrition. Taking it, we warn of cardiovascular diseases.

If there is a lack of B vitamins, then there will be problems with the skin, slow hair growth.

The group of vitamins B includes several elements. All of them perform different functions and contribute to the normal life of a person. However, they should not be abused. They need to be taken if the doctor has appointed. From excess in the body is worse than from lack.

Compatibility issues

Vitamin B1 can not be used concomitantly with vitamin B6, since thiamin will not be absorbed. The combination of vitamin B12 and B1 increases the risk of allergic reactions. Vitamin B12 contributes to the better absorption of vitamin B9.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 What is the body needed for? Thiamine refers to water-soluble chemical compounds. He was found first. The organism needs it daily. Must come from food, synthesized by the microflora of the intestine. Its peculiarity is the loss of 1/4 of its useful substances in the process of cooking, especially when in contact with the metal. Reduction of absorption is facilitated by strong alcoholic beverages and foods with a high content of citric acid and carbonate salts.

Vitamin B1 What is the body needed for? It participates in the metabolism at the cellular level. It is necessary for normal work of the brain, digestive, endocrine system. It has a positive effect on intellect and memory. Thanks to him the muscles of important organs are in a tonus. Vitamin takes part in the exchange of genetic information. Thiamine is found in many foods. Most of it in cereals and cereals, wholemeal, yeast. However, it loses its properties in instant porridges, cereal flakes, muesli. From products of vegetable origin, you can identify nuts, beans, peas, potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, onions, spinach. Vitamin B1 can be found in lean pork, eggs and milk.

The norm of thiamine for an adult is 1-2.5 mg, for a child - 0.5-2 mg. More people need to work in hazardous production, smokers who abuse alcohol. Thiamine is not toxic. In case of an overdose, there will be no danger to life. However, there may be side effects in the form of allergic reactions. In some cases, sweating increases.

Vitamin B1 is prescribed for cardiovascular diseases, impaired metabolism. It is used for diseases of the nervous system, with problems of the digestive system. It is indicated for problems with the skin and visual impairment.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 for what the body needs? Riboflavin is a yellow-orange soluble substance, it participates in the formation of energy. Thanks to it, wounds heal well, the body absorbs iron, grows well and develops children, it has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes. Also B2 is responsible for the skin condition. Therefore, it is often called anti-seborrheic.

Vitamin B2 for what the body needs? With its deficiency, eyesight deterioration, skin flakes, lips and tongue become inflamed. An anxious and drowsy condition appears, the head is spinning.

In the process of cooking, riboflavin loses a fifth of its useful properties. Disintegrates with the participation of ultraviolet rays, with thawing. To find vitamin B2 it is possible in leafy vegetables, croups, dogrose, green peas, cabbage. Riboflavin is easily digested from eggs, kidneys, liver, fish, milk.

The norm of riboflavin for an adult is 2-6 mg, for a child 1-3 mg. More vitamin should be taken with anemia, gastritis, liver cirrhosis, eye diseases. His overabundance can not be, the digestive tract prevents this.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 - a white powder, soluble in water, is most resistant from the whole group to heat treatment, the action of ultraviolet rays and alkalis. A person gets it from food by synthesizing the amino acid tryptophan.

Vitamin B3 for what the body needs? Nicotinic acid is a participant in more than 50 reactions involving enzymes. It is necessary for the formation of hormones. One of its main functions is the release of energy, activation of carbohydrate metabolism. Niacin contributes to the normal operation of the brain, it prevents genetic damage. Beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.

Nicotinic acid in sufficient quantity can be found in low-fat meat, eggs, vegetable oil. It is smaller in green vegetables, greens, beans, mushrooms.
The norm of niacin for an adult is 20-60 mg, for a child 5-20 mg. Excess amount of vitamin leads to problems with the liver.

Vitamin B5 for what the body needs?

Panthenol refers to water-soluble vitamins. In the body gets along with food. It is also partially produced by symbiotic bacteria in the intestine. Easily destroyed under the action of external stimuli.

Vitamin B5 for what the body needs ? Pantothenic acid helps to break down carbohydrates and fats. Thanks to the production of acetylcholine, the nervous system works without failures. In addition, it promotes wound healing, produces cortisone, forms red blood cells.

The sources of the vitamin are meat, whole grains, bran, chicken, legumes, green vegetables, green tea. The dose of vitamin B5 is 5-15 mg. Deficiency of panthenol is unlikely.

Vitamin B6

These are water-soluble chemicals similar to pyridoxine. They get to a person with food, in some cases - during the synthesis of symbiotic microorganisms. Resistant to temperature, sensitive to light. Lose their properties during heat treatment. Their shortage is most often associated with taking antibiotics.

Vitamin B6 for what the body needs? He takes part in the formation of protein, enzymes, blood components, regulates the work of the heart. Responsible for the condition of skin and hair, nails. Due to a deficiency of pyridoxine, atherosclerosis, dermatitis, anemia appear, and the protective functions of the body decrease.

Vitamin B6 for what the body needs? With which products can you make up for its reserves? Vitamin B6 can be found in meat, poultry, cereals, potatoes, spinach, cabbage, strawberries, bread, beans, nuts, citrus fruits. The daily requirement of pyridoxine is 2-6 mg. Overdosing can lead to nervous breakdown. A lack of vitamin is indicated by fragile nails, hair falling out. A person becomes susceptible to infectious diseases. Pyridoxine must be taken with antibacterial drugs. Recommended for infants on artificial feeding, pregnant.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 for what the body needs? Folacin or folic acid has a bright yellow color. Many call it a vitamin of pregnant women. Assign her when planning a pregnancy. For future mothers, it is necessary for the normal development of the unborn child. It participates in the formation of the neural tube in the first month of life of the fetus. In addition, vitamin B9 is necessary for protein metabolism, for the production of red blood cells, leukocytes.

Vitamin B9 for what the body needs? In which products is it present? Vitamin B9 enters the body from green vegetables, sorrel, lettuce, asparagus, bananas, wheat. Slightly less in the egg yolk. The daily intake of 400 mg of folacin should be given to the body.

Vitamin B12

Cyanocobalamin has a bright red color, water soluble. It is found in large quantities in the liver. When heat treatment reduces the active properties. A person should receive 3 μg of cyanocobalamin per day. Vitamin B12 is found in fish, sea kale. A little it is in dairy products. The main task of vitamin B12 is energy metabolism, hematopoiesis. It helps digest folic acid. At its acute shortage there will be an anemia, there are problems with thinking activity, mental diseases.

What causes a lack of vitamin B?

Deficiency of vitamin B1 is caused by a monotonous diet, eating food, which is rich in thiaminase, which destroys it. With a lack of thiamin very often encounter alcoholics. In severe cases of vitamin B deficiency, a terrible beriberi disease occurs, resulting in unpleasant symptoms and a nervous system. The person becomes irritable, badly remembers, faces shortness of breath, suffers from headaches, peripheral polyneuritis, constipation, swelling, decreased appetite, heart aches. Many nervous disorders are associated with a deficiency of thiamine. This is one of the causes of depression, insomnia.

Vitamin B2 deficiency is indicated by inflammation of the lips and mucous membranes of the mouth, frequent dermatitis, lacrimation, burning eyes. Lack of riboflavin leads to loss of appetite, headaches, passivity.

Deficiency of vitamin B3 - a frequent phenomenon in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, problems with the thyroid gland.

Lack of folic acid in a pregnant woman prevents the correct development of the fetus, because of its deficiency, external deformities in the born baby are possible. In men, because of a lack of vitamins, problems with conception are possible. With an acute shortage of cyanocobalamin, there will be anemia, there may be problems with mental activity, mental illness.

If there is a shortage of niacin, memory problems, sleep disorders, pale skin, perverted perception of taste may occur. In severe cases, there is a pellagra, characterized by damage to the stomach and digestive tract. Possible mental disorders.

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