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What is a "Liquid Chestnut"? Reviews, instructions, description of the preparation

Modern woman is difficult to surprise something. We were offered to try the wonderful properties of the drug on the basis of the usual pineapple (for weight loss), then the Gojdi berries, green coffee, and, finally, a new product appeared on all pages and forums of the Internet. What is a "Liquid Chestnut"? This is another brand that continues the activities of its predecessors, promising rapid weight loss without any effort. As you know, this does not happen, moreover, if forced rapid burning of fat reserves is possible, it is always associated with a huge risk to the body. So some drugs of the stimulant class act. We will tell you in detail about what "Liquid Chestnut" is so that you can make an informed decision.

Miracle additive or useless and even dangerous product?

It is not entirely clear why this drug was so named. Probably to win the consumer by its unusual. What is the "Liquid Chestnut" is difficult to imagine, and the food additive that lies behind this name is not liquid at all, and has nothing to do with chestnuts. Particularly interesting is the fact that, according to the Federal Register of Biologically Active Additives of the Russian Federation, such a remedy is an "unidentified object". In other words, the remedy was not certified at the state level. Sellers explain this point wisely: they position the tool not as a dietary supplement, but as a product. This makes it possible to avoid registration in the register of dietary supplements, and also eliminates the need to confirm the composition. It is not entirely clear how a food product can dissolve excess fat and remove it from the body, if a person does not follow the diet, but more on this later. What is the "Liquid Chestnut", we will disassemble for each of its individual components, so that you have a complete picture. Still we will add, that any foodstuff, even at strong overeating, can not harm health, and here "the Liquid chestnut" - is quite.

What the producers promise

Many women who dream of looking good in the summer, after trying to advertise at least once tried to find out what the "Liquid Chestnut" is. Producers rush to convince you that this particular remedy is a panacea in combating obesity. Order "Liquid chestnut" without problems can be through online stores, while the seller, after the manufacturer, will assure that you are waiting for real miracles. Lightning fat burning, complete suppression of appetite, high tone and physical activity, wonderful cleansing of the body - all this you get without any effort, diet and exercise. Obviously, it is absolutely safe for the body and has no contraindications. The only restriction is the daily dosage of the drug: manufacturers warn that if it increases, the process of losing weight can go too far, that is, the body weight will quickly become critical. This should alert the buyer, since the agent that causes anorexia can not be natural and safe. In this case, you need to take into account that the "Liquid Chestnut" in the pharmacy is not for sale, which means that the manufacturer definitely has problems with certification.

Structure of the preparation

In the case of this drug, the question of the composition is very complicated. Different sources give a variety of information, while the amount of active substances contained in the novelty remains unknown. The main active ingredient is guaranin. This is the strongest stimulant, which is similar in composition to caffeine, only much more powerful and longer excreted from the body. As a matter of fact it is a drug, let and admissible to application. Any disease of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver is a direct contraindication to admission. No wonder "Liquid chestnut" in the pharmacy is not found: doctors and pharmacists know that these drugs can not be used without the supervision of a specialist.

Instructions for use

The preparation is a brown powder, which must be dissolved in any liquid except tea and coffee. The recommended dose is 1 teaspoon per cup of drink. This is the daily rate, which can not be exceeded. In this case, you can divide the reception twice, but it is advisable to do it in the morning, for example, in the morning and at lunch. In the evening, the drug should not be used, as this can cause insomnia. Usually the course is 2-3 months, after which you need to make a one-month break.

Miracle means "Liquid chestnut" for losing weight: true or myth?

In fact, despite the assurances of sellers that you can lose 7 kilograms per month without any effort, and enthusiastic reviews presented on advertising banners on the Internet, there is no complete confidence in the safety of this facility. And it can not be. Now we will discuss why.

You can order the Liquid Chestnut by clicking one button on the site, and where are the clinical studies and certificates? Why the whole composition of the drug has to be collected by grains, from different sources. At the same time, if you look for information not on sites where the drug is advertised, but on thematic forums, then information can be found quite a different kind. Someone did not feel any effect, while others describe various side effects and complications. Let's discuss in detail what is included in this additive and what effect these substances have on the body.

Before we proceed to a detailed review of the composition, I would like to note the opinion of dietitians. Through numerous studies, they repeatedly prove that there are no miraculous additives that could provide fat burning without harming our health. For example, amphetamines, stimulants and drugs completely suppress hunger and spur the body. A person feels a surge of energy, but eats very little, the feeling of hunger disappears. As a result, excess weight melts before our eyes, but in return a person pays for years of his life. The heart, kidneys, liver wear out literally instantly, because they work in a furious rhythm. All the rest, safer additives, do not have any effect on adipose tissue, and therefore can not help lose weight. The only way to be slim and beautiful is a healthy diet and an adequate level of physical activity, not the "Liquid Chestnut". Doctors do not advise to order this medication, so you need to listen to their authoritative opinion.


This substance today is part of almost all the means for weight loss. Was not an exception and "Liquid Chestnut" for weight loss. What is it? In fact, guaranin, theine and matein are all analogous to the caffeine we know. In this guarana has the highest concentration in the world. Everyone, and if not all, many know the effect of famous power engineers: the appetite decreases, energy is added. So, the concentration of caffeine in guarana is about 3 times higher.

Wide studies of the properties of this substance have not been conducted, it has not been established that guarana is useful for improving mood or thinking abilities. The efficacy and safety of caffeine or guarana for weight loss has not been proven, nor has the tolerated dosage been established. In any case, you should not abuse stimulants, because this can negatively affect your health. It is thanks to this component that bad glory "Liquid Chestnut" is used. Buyers' comments, negative in their majority, are presented in large numbers today. People talk about problems with sleep, anxiety, stomach upset and increased heart rate. Especially significant are the comments of those who took the drug for a long time. It causes addiction and psychological dependence.

Contraindications for this substance is mass, despite the fact that the "Liquid Chestnut" for weight loss is positioned as a safe product. The drug can not be taken with high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, glaucoma, osteoporosis, heart problems, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases.


This substance is used to treat bronchial asthma, in fact it is an alkaloid, which has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, and also has a pronounced diuretic effect. In this case, the question of how much of it contains "Liquid Chestnut" for weight loss, remains a mystery. A dosage should be strictly individual, because he has a lot of contraindications. This is epilepsy, a stomach and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, hypertension, arrhythmia, pregnancy and lactation.


Another component, due to which the "Liquid Chestnut" is so well known. Buyers' comments - negative, of course - talk about the frequent signs of poisoning, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and increased urination. More serious consequences are cardiac arrhythmia, epileptic seizures, internal bleeding, a heart attack. So affects the body theobromine - a substance that is a psychostimulant, increases physical and mental performance. This very effectively reduces the need for sleep and reduces the feeling of fatigue.

Vitamins, minerals and amides

They were focused on when Malyshev's Liquid Chestnut was touting. It was stressed that the drug contains a unique set of substances that contribute to body cleansing and weight loss. In fact, this is a natural "bouquet" that includes guarana, that is vitamins B, A, E and the familiar minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Amid in the composition is a separate story, since it is not specified which of these substances are contained in the preparation. By the way, amides are a huge group of organic compounds that can be both harmless and dangerous, for example, psychedelic LSD.


Continue to consider the drug "Liquid Chestnut". Its components can act aggressively enough on an organism, therefore it is necessary to consult with the doctor before the beginning of the use. Next in the saponins appear, that is extracts of various plants. At the same time, it is not specified what exactly, and it is also not known in what dosage they are present there.


Find this drug in the reference books will not work. There is a version that manufacturers in this way designate wood tar or gum. There is an opinion that guar gum is not absorbed in the intestines and reduces appetite. There are no reliable studies on this matter. Do not forget that you can buy "Liquid Chestnut" in Moscow only through the network of online stores, which means that no pharmacy takes responsibility for the distribution of a poorly studied drug.

Side effects

Today we are talking about whether it is worth using the "Liquid Chestnut" for weight loss. Does this additive have wonderful properties? We examined the composition in detail, on the basis of this, everyone can draw their conclusions. Now let's take a closer look at the side effects. There are a lot of them: arrhythmia and tachycardia, high blood pressure and stomach diseases, sleep and attention disorders, psychological dependence. In this case, the positive effect of the drug on the body (weight loss) is not proven, but headache, confusion and insomnia are found in the majority of respondents. The long-awaited decline in appetite is indeed observed with prolonged admission, but here too is the danger. This is not a decrease, but a complete loss of it, which threatens a long treatment for anorexia.


It was said enough that everyone could weigh the prospective benefits and risks of using an additive. The opinion of doctors here is unequivocal: one can not use a poorly studied drug that threatens with such terrible side effects, without the supervision of a specialist. And no sane nutritionist will appoint him to his patient. Healthy eating, physical activity is the only way to solve the problem of how to safely and reliably get rid of excess weight.

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