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Viral conjunctivitis: symptoms and treatment in children and adults

In this article, we will most closely consider viral conjunctivitis. Symptoms and treatment of this serious disease will also be studied by us. In general, conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the eye mucous membrane, which usually causes an allergic reaction or infection (usually viral and less often bacterial).

Adult people can get sick with enterovirus, adenovirus (pharyngoconjunctival fever), herpetic, chlamydial, bacterial, allergic, chronic and acute conjunctivitis. In adolescents, the adenovirus and bacterial form of the disease are quite common.


  • Keratoconjunctivitis refers to the combination of inflammation of the eye mucosa and corneal disease (keratitis).
  • Blepharoconjunctivitis is a combination of common conjunctivitis with blepharitis (suppuration of the eyelids).
  • Episleritis is an inflammation that passes just like inflammation of the mucous eyes, only without lacrimation and discharge.
  • Conjunctivahalasis was first diagnosed by Dr. Hughes in 1942. As a rule, this pathology is common among the elderly. It affects one and the other eye. Symptoms at different stages of the disease differ: they either are absent or there is a strong pain syndrome, eye irritation, an epiphany develops, ulcers, dry eye syndrome and subconjunctival hemorrhages.

How is viral conjunctivitis manifested? Symptoms and treatment his doctors are testing now. For example, the pathophysiology of conjunctivahalasis has not been studied at the moment. Treatment of the disease depends on the intensity of symptoms. If a person does not bother, it is not required. In other cases, patients are prescribed moisturizing gels, preparations of false tears, antihistamines, instillations of corticosteroids and so on.

It should be noted that if the therapeutic treatment does not work, the surgeons must intervene: they excise the folds of the conjunctiva and impose a resorbable suture material on the surgical wound . Quite recently the Aesculapius started using the amniotic membrane also. Dr. Brod Baker and colleagues presented a clinical case of using fibrin glue used to adapt the conjunctival edge after excision of conjunctivahalasis.

Etiology, pathogenesis

Everyone knows that conjunctivitis is a viral disease. Let's study its types:

  • Adenovirus conjunctivitis man gets sick due to a virus, which can be picked up by airborne droplets. The disease appears in the form of epidemic outbreaks, usually in schools and kindergartens (children's groups).
  • Acute conjunctivitis is affected by infection with a stick of Koch-Weeks, pneumococci, a Morax-Aksenfeld stick, gonococci, staphylococci, streptococci. Usually there is an exogenous infection of the conjunctiva, there may be an autoinfection. Predisposing factors are overheating or hypothermia, myopia, conjunctival microtrauma, astigmatism, and infectious diseases. By the way, conjunctivitis Koha-Weeks (epidemic acute) is transmitted through the stained hands of the carrier and the infected objects. This disease appears in the form of epidemic outbreaks in the summer among toddlers living in hot countries. It is known that conjunctivitis, which causes gonococci (blennorrhea), appears in newborns at the time of passing the head through the birth canal of a mother suffering from gonorrhea.
  • Chronic conjunctivitis people get sick if they have a metabolic disorder, beriberi, ametropia or chronic lesions of tear ducts. This disease also occurs when irritant factors act on the conjunctiva - smoke, dust, chemical air impurities.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis refers to inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is manifested by reddening of the eyes, itching, swelling of the eyelids, photophobia, lacrimation.


What else is interesting about viral conjunctivitis? Symptoms and treatment in children and adults deserve our very close attention. As a rule, in people suffering from this pathology, doctors observe flushing and edema of the conjunctiva, swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eye protein, lacrimation, photophobia.

If it is an allergic conjunctivitis, the patients experience the strongest itch of the eyes, they have a slight eyelid edema, the organs of vision begin to ache. The chronic form retains only irritation and itching.

Let's figure out which viral conjunctivitis has symptoms and treatment. The photos of the affected organs of vision clearly show that this disease is very serious. In general, viral conjunctivitis, as a rule, occurs when the upper respiratory tract is infected with herpes. The disease can also develop with sore throats or a simple cold. Each person has symptoms in their own way. This nuance depends on the immunity, the degree of infection and age.

It should be noted that these conjunctivitis very often appear in one eye, and then the infection moves to the second organ of vision. In the corners there is a thread, redness of the vessels is observed, photophobia may appear, the conjunctiva acquires a bright red color (it is inflamed).

Generally, adults should study viral conjunctivitis. Symptoms and treatment in children of this disease can cause a lot of trouble. For example, in the case of adenoviral conjunctivitis, the upper respiratory tract is first affected. The patient's body temperature rises, swollen lymph nodes (most often in infants). Doctors note a scanty, non-purulent discharge and mild blepharospasm. Sometimes this disease is accompanied by the appearance of films and follicles (more often in toddlers).

Bacterial ailments of the eyes

Bacterial conjunctivitis occurs due to pyogenic (creating pus) bacteria. The first symptom is yellowish or gray, opaque, viscous discharge from the eyes. It is because of them that eyelids can stick together, especially after sleep. Of course, this is not the most important sign of conjunctivitis.

Doctors say that bacteria such as Moraxella or Chlamidia trachomatis can cause non-exaggerated, but uninterrupted inflammations without pronounced conjunctival hyperemia. In some people, a disease of this kind is manifested only by the sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

The next symptom that distinguishes bacterial conjunctivitis is the dryness of the damaged eye and the skin surrounding it. Pyogenic infections (acute) can also be the cause of the appearance of pain. Bacterial, as well as viral conjunctivitis, first harm one eye, and then easily move to the second eye. Usually, symptoms appear after infection only on the third day.

Other conjunctivitis

We figured out what the viral conjunctivitis is. Symptoms and treatment in adults generally do not cause difficulties. And do you know that there are conjunctivitis that appear due to the effects of poisonous and toxic substances on the person's eyes? The basic symptoms in this case are pain and irritation in the eye when looking up or down. Itching and discharge, as a rule, is not observed. This is a special group of conjunctivitis, which is accompanied by severe pain.

Acute conjunctivitis is accompanied by purulent or mucous discharge, as well as a feeling of rubbing in the eyes. The vaginal form of the disease begins with serous-bloody discharge, and after three or four days the patient has impressive purulent masses. There may appear corneal ulcers, infiltrates.

Koch-Weeks disease is accompanied by the smallest multiple hemorrhage in the scleral conjunctiva, which swells and takes the form of triangular elevations within the eye gap.

The Morax-Aksenfeld disease is characterized by a subacute and chronic course. It is usually located at the corners of the eye gap.

By the way, in case of chronic conjunctivitis, patients complain of burning, itching, tired eyes, a feeling of "sand under the eyelids".

Recent research has shown that it is people with blue eyes that are at greater risk of contracting conjunctivitis: they may lose vision for a long time, because their eyes are much more sensitive to light.


And now we will find out why people get viral conjunctivitis. Symptoms and treatment (photos presented in the article, it demonstrates this perfectly) do not look very nice. So, most often this ailment is characterized by a viral nature. Other reasons are allergies, bacteria, dry eye syndrome and all kinds of irritants.

It should be noted that bacterial and viral conjunctivitis is very contagious. They go from one individual to another in the event that the rules of personal hygiene are not observed. In general, it is better to hospitalize such patients or quarantine, otherwise all those with whom they have contact can get sick.


We found out how contagious the viral conjunctivitis is. Symptoms and treatment of it if necessary, you can check with doctors. But we will now try to study this important point. As a rule, the cause of this disease is difficult to identify. Doctors recommend to all patients to regularly wash their hands and comply with other personal hygiene regulations so as not to infect others. Usually, an ophthalmologist prescribes adequate therapy.

  1. Viral conjunctivitis. Symptoms and treatment of it is difficult to remember, but necessary. Doctors first recommend patients to use warm compresses and drops of false tears. For the treatment of this disease, ophthalmic preparations are prescribed, including interferon recombinant type "Alpha 2". Particularly well-known tools used in the fight against this disease are: "Ophthalmoferon", "Aktipol", "Poludan". Doctors also recommend taking Acyclovir tablets up to five times a day and in the morning to clean the eyes with an aqueous emulsion of furacilin. If a secondary bacterial infection has been applied to the patient, or he needs preventive maintenance of a damaged conjunctiva, prescribe drops containing antibiotics: "Significsef", "Ciprofloxacin".
  2. If conjunctivitis is caused by the herpes virus (herpetic), the doctor prescribes drops of "Ophthalmoferon" and drugs containing acyclovir. In this case, you need to urgently go to the ophthalmologist, because procrastination threatens with terrible troubles: you can completely lose your vision.
  3. Bacterial conjunctivitis usually does not require treatment, since they pass by themselves. However, ophthalmic ointments or drops containing antibiotics can speed up this process. Antibacterial drugs (topically) are prescribed only with a disease with abundant purulent secretions, and also when there are no characteristic symptoms of adenovirus infection (the appearance of follicles on the conjunctiva or enlargement of the lymph nodes).
  4. Allergic conjunctivitis occurs in humans when they come into contact with an allergen, to which the body experiences increased sensitivity. For the treatment of this type of disease, antihistamines are used in the form of eye drops or tablets. Such drugs relieve itching, but cause eyelid swelling and redness of the eyes. They act faster and less dry their eyes. And when using antihistamines, side effects appear: migraine, burning and minor pain in the eyes, insomnia. But the discomfort can be reduced with the help of drops of artificial tears. In difficult cases, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents. Some patients with persistent allergic conjunctivitis are also prescribed steroid eye drops. In addition, mixed medications, made of artificial tear, diphenhydramine, interferon "Alpha 2" are prescribed for the treatment of this disease.

Of course, no one likes viral conjunctivitis. How to treat this ailment, we probably considered as detailed as possible. It should be remembered that if there was an incident, and a person fell ill with this unpleasant disease, one should not touch the eyes with hands. It is important to observe personal hygiene, you should only use your own towel and wash your hands properly so as not to infect other members of the family. In general, viral conjunctivitis occurs within three weeks. It is possible that the process of treatment can last more than a month.

Children's conjunctivitis

So, we continue to study viral conjunctivitis. Symptoms and treatment in adults who have fallen ill with this ailment, we considered, and now we will get acquainted with the childhood disease. It is very common among toddlers and is characterized by inflammation of the eye conjunctiva. In general, any ailment is always easier to prevent than to observe the sufferings of your child, torment him with bothersome treatment and endless visits to doctors.

Children's acute viral conjunctivitis is usually associated with child's hypothermia, as well as with allergic reactions or colds. To prevent this disease, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the baby's bed, its toys and facilities, observe the rules of personal hygiene. Little children need to wash their hands often, and older children should be taught to regularly take care of their skin. Rooms of children should be often ventilated, and air should be moistened with special devices.

In order not to have viral conjunctivitis in children, the symptoms of which are very unpleasant, you need to provide the growing body with a full and fortified food. Adults are required to monitor the cleanliness of the foods that the baby uses. By the way, the child should have a personal towel, he should walk at least two hours a day. Parents should be advised that during the walk their child does not come into contact with unhealthy children.

In general, tear fluid and eyelids are serious barriers to the growth of bacteria, viruses and infections in the eyes. But even they are powerless, when the immunity of the baby is weakened.

Symptoms in the smallest

Viral conjunctivitis of the eye in an adult or baby is easy to identify, because the signs of inflammation of the eye conjunctiva are identical. However, the kids react more violently to this disease: they become lethargic, anxious, they start to cry or to be capricious. Very often, the ailment is associated with an allergy, a viral or bacterial infection.

Basic signs of conjunctivitis in toddlers: the child complains about the feeling of sand in the eyes and resists, there is tearing, purulent discharge, after the eyelids stick together. Most babies get worse sleep and appetite.

Viral conjunctivitis in adults is characterized by impaired vision (objects become fuzzy, blurred). At children of school age there is in eyes discomfort, a burning sensation, sensation of presence of the alien body.

And how do parents characterize children's viral conjunctivitis, symptoms and treatment? Reviews about this disease are very different from each other. However, most adults say that you first need to rush to the ophthalmologist, who will find out what causes inflammation in the eyes of the baby, and will prescribe an effective treatment.

Perhaps the redness was caused by a small cilium that fell into the eye, or another small particle, and, perhaps, an allergic reaction to an irritant appeared. Inflammation can also develop due to a more serious cause - increased intraocular or intracranial pressure.

Burying the baby correctly?

If conjunctivitis occurs in a child who has not yet turned a year, instillation should be carried out only with a pipette with a rounded end. The breastfeed is laid on a flat surface without a pillow, but someone should hold its head. Lower eyelid should be drawn and drip a couple drops. Thus, viral conjunctivitis can be cured. Drops will be distributed by eye, and excess should be dabbed with gauze sterile napkin. Older children are better able to teach themselves how to do this procedure, because some do not like it when they touch their eyes.

It must be remembered that the cooled drops must be warmed in the hand before use. It is also forbidden to use overdue drugs, without labeling, or if they have been kept in the open for a long time.

We hope that this article will help you to learn instantly to recognize and treat viral conjunctivitis.

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