HealthDiseases and Conditions

Twitching eye - an unpleasant and demanding attention pathology

The rapid movement of the eye of the interlocutor during the conversation, as a rule, is associated with insufficient attention on his part. You can take them for careless attitude to the speaker. However, such a phenomenon as a twitching eye, for some people is an uncontrolled process.

Description of the pathology

Twitching of the oculomotor muscles in medicine has a special name. This pathology is called nystagmus. In this case, it can be both congenital and acquired. Often the disease is professional. Suffer from him those people whose labor activity causes the need to focus on an object moving at high speed. The list of such specialties includes a worker on the conveyor and a subway engineer, as well as a miner. Nystagmus causes various diseases of the brain or eyes. Also nystagmus can be a consequence of intoxication, trauma.

Causes of an unpleasant phenomenon

The twitching eye is often a consequence of malfunctions in the oculomotor system. However, there are other reasons for the emergence of this pathology. If a person's left eye is twitching, the reasons can be covered in heredity. In the event that one of the close relatives of the child suffered from nystagmus, the chance of developing the disease is great. However, most often, both eyes twitch.

The twitching eye often occurs with astigmatism and myopia. Suffer from this pathology in albinism (a state of absence of pigmentation in the skin, hair and iris of the eyes). Often nystagmus overtakes patients who have received head injuries or have Meniere's syndrome (systemic dizziness).

To such an unpleasant phenomenon as a twitching eye, can lead to the use of certain types of medicines, including anti-cold. The cause of pathology is often infectious diseases of the ear. Causes nystagmus and alcoholism or drug use.

In addition, unpleasant sensations in most cases arise from a neurosis of an acute or chronic nature. Sometimes a twitching eye may indicate a psychological problem. Find out this will help consultation with a specialist. If this diagnosis is confirmed, the psychologist will help not only to identify, but also to work out the situations that are traumatizing the patient. Often, this is enough to ensure that an unpleasant phenomenon does not bother anymore.

Twitching of the muscles of the eye can be a consequence of trauma to the skull, concussion or bruise, as well as brain tumors. The phenomenon of twitching the right or left eye often accompanies ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Nystagmus arises with ailments of the middle ear, multiple sclerosis and encephalitis, regardless of their origin. The eye twitches with parasitic disease of the brain.

Treatment of pathology

Are you concerned that the left eye often jerks? What to do in this situation? The problem should not be eliminated by self-medication. Nystagmus can have dangerous health consequences, so if this phenomenon occurs, you should seek advice from a neurologist or an otolaryngologist.

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