
"Vibrocil": a cheap analogue of the drug, instruction for use, feedback

From the earliest childhood a person has to face some diseases. Most often, patients turn to the doctor with complaints of a runny nose or nasal congestion. To treat such a pathology is not only possible, but it is also necessary. Most often, doctors recommend using drops or sprays for nasal passages. In this article we will talk about the tool "Vibrocil". A cheap analogue of the drug will become known to you after acquaintance with further information. Also you will find out the way of using this medication and reviews about it.

Form of release of the drug and its composition

The preparation "Vibrocil" (a cheap analogue will be described below) is available in the form of nasal spray, drops and gel substance. All these drugs have the same effect on the body. This is due to the composition.

The main active ingredient is phenylephrine. Also in the medium is dimethindene maleate. In addition, the preparation has additional active ingredients. These include benzalkonium chloride, monohydrate of citric acid, sodium hydrogenphosphate, lavender oil, sorbitol and water.

When should I use the drug?

The drug "Vibrocil", a cheap analogue and its generics are prescribed to people at any age. So, the remedy can be used to treat young children. However, it is worth considering the form of the drug and its dosage. Indications for treatment with this tool are as follows:

  • Nasal congestion in inflammatory processes (rhinitis, acute respiratory infections, ARI);
  • An allergic rhinitis;
  • Itching in the nose and sneezing;
  • Prevention of complications in colds in young children;
  • Before surgical intervention in the nasal passages and after it;
  • Otitis of different severity.

Are there any contraindications for using this medication?

The tool "Vibrocil", a cheap analogue or generics of this drug should not be used during pregnancy. This prohibition is due to the fact that the vasoconstrictor solution enters the bloodstream and affects blood pressure. A consequence of this may be hypertension, which becomes quite dangerous in the period of expectation of the child. Only in some cases (after a thorough examination) can this treatment be prescribed. At the same time, the risk for the baby is taken into account.

Forms of gel and spray are not assigned to babies, whose age has not reached six years. However, there can be no exceptions. If a person takes inhibitors, then use the drug "Vibrocil", cheap analogs of the drug and substitutes can not be within the next two weeks. When there comes an atrophic rhinitis and a mucous nose does not give in to any influence, it is necessary to refuse such treatment. With increased sensitivity to the constituents of the drug, you can not use it in any form.

Before using the product, it is worthwhile to consult with your doctor beforehand and to pass the examination in the following cases:

  • At high arterial pressure;
  • During exacerbations of heart diseases (arrhythmia, tachycardia);
  • With diseases of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus.

How does the drug work?

This drug is vasoconstrictive, antiallergic and decongestant. Getting on the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses, the drug immediately begins to act.

Phenylephrine has an effect on small vessels and narrows them. This allows you to breathe out and remove the swelling. Dimethinden removes itching, burning and eliminates sneezing. This is due to its anti-allergic effect.

The duration of exposure to this drug is approximately 6-8 hours. After that, the symptoms can return to the full. Accumulation of active substances in the blood and plasma does not have any effect on pathology. The drug acts exclusively locally.

Are there negative reactions to the remedy?

If you use the medicine "Vibrocil", analogs and substitutes of the drug, then after the application of the product, itching and burning may occur. However, doctors do not see any reason to stop treatment. Most often, the symptoms go away quickly and without consequences.

In some cases, the patient may complain of a worsening of the heart. In this case, most often there is shortness of breath, breakdown in the rhythm and so on. Also, pressure after use of the drug may increase significantly. In all these cases, it is necessary to cancel therapy with the drug "Vibrocil". Analogues, synonyms, generics will be more gentle treatment. However, they should be selected only after consulting a doctor.

Method of using the tool

Depending on the form of release, the way of applying the medication may be different. Let's consider all possible variants.


Most often, such a tool is prescribed for children under the age of six. The drug should be administered no more than four times a day. The interval between doses is approximately six hours.

Before using the product, you need to thoroughly clean the nasal passages. This can be done with the usual washing. At the age of the first year of life, children are prescribed one drop in each nostril. If the baby has already turned 12 months, then its dose will be equal to two drops.

If the drug is prescribed to adults or children older than six years, you can inject 3-4 drops into each nasal passage. The course of treatment is always determined by the doctor, however, the instruction says that it should not exceed one week.


This tool is used by adults and for children from six years. In each nostril, one or two doses of medication should be administered. In this case, the head should be placed vertically.

Insert the tip into the nasal passage and press the vial. Then remove it from the cavity and unclench your fingers. If you need to re-injection, you should first bring the vial out of the nose, unclench your fingers and only then repeat the manipulation.

Use the drug is recommended with an interval of 6-7 hours. However, the course of treatment should not be more than seven days.


Use this tool only for adults and children older than six years. Enter the substance deep into the nasal passage, which must be thoroughly cleaned beforehand.

During the use of the composition, you need to throw your head back. This will help the drug to penetrate deeper inside and more effectively affect the mucosa. Use this form is not recommended for severe colds. Before the introduction of the drug, the mucous membrane must be dried.

Drug analogues

As you know, a complete analogue of the drug is a drug with absolutely the same composition. If we talk about the tool "Vibrocil", cheap analogues have not been invented yet. However, there are funds with a different composition, but similar in their effect on the body. The drug "Vibrocil" is cheap, similar to the following: "Adranol" (the cost is about 100 rubles), "Naftizin" (about 40 rubles).

Both these preparations perfectly remove the swelling and stuffiness of the nose. As a result, breathing is eased, itching and sneezing stops. If you have a Vibrocil tool, the analogues are cheap for children: Snoop, Ximelin, Nazivin and many others. All these drugs have a pronounced vasoconstrictor property. Also, some of the preparations have seawater in the composition, which greatly accelerates the healing process.

The cost of all these funds is in the range of 50 to 300 rubles. While the price of Vibrozil drops is about 450 rubles. The spray will cost you even more (about 500 rubles). The gel will cost 300-400 rubles.

Reviews about the drug

The tool "Vibrocil" reviews is exceptionally positive. Patients claim that after using the composition, breathing relief comes in a few minutes. The effect of the same treatment lasts a long time (almost half a day).

The remedy (unlike some analogues) can be used for young children. Drops not only relieve swelling, but also allergy symptoms (itching, sneezing and so on). It is worth noting that most analogues of the drug have no anti-allergic effect. That's why you should prefer the medicine "Vibrocil". Patients claim that even after a week there is no getting used to this drug.

Doctors say that if you chose an analogue that only narrows the vessels of the nasal passages, then it is worth using anti-allergic drugs separately. It is worth noting that this can cost you much more than buying a Vibrocil tool. In addition, you can prefer the form of the drug, which will be more convenient. Such opportunities are not provided by producers of other means.

You know what kind of medicine "Vibrocil" has an application, reviews and analogues. Choose what's best for you. However, one should always listen to the opinion of specialists.

Summing up and concluding an article

You got acquainted with the drug "Vibrocil" (drops). Instructions for use, testimonials and analogues are described above. Remember that this medicine does not cure a cold coryza, but only alleviates its symptoms. That is why therapy with this drug should be comprehensive.

Ask for advice to doctors and do not be ill!

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