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Ureaplasma in men: symptoms and treatment

The causative agent of ureaplasmosis, an infectious disease transmitted through unprotected sex, is the ureaplasma bacterium. Microorganisms, first isolated in 1954 from a patient with non-gonococcal urethritis, belong to the mycoplasmas family and consist of two species - Ureaplasma parvo and Ureaplasma urealiticum. From mycoplasmas, these bacteria are characterized by rapid growth, resistance to many antibacterial drugs, and the presence of the urease enzyme, by which they break up urea to ammonia.

Currently, medical circles are still arguing as to whether ureaplasma is considered a pathogenic agent or a conditionally pathogenic bacterium that normally lives in the human genitourinary system. According to the WHO classification (2006), the bacterium is considered to be the causative agent of sexual infections.

Manifestations of the disease

From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease usually takes 3-5 weeks. However, the incubation period with ureaplasmosis may be significantly shorter (3 days) and, conversely, continue for up to 2 months. Often, the disease occurs with minimal symptoms, or at all without any subjective sensations. Ureaplasma in men can be manifested by unpleasant sensations when urinating, itching and burning in the urethra. Thus there are mucous neoblivye discharge from the urethra, in some cases, can be observed and purulent discharge, urine becomes turbid, the temperature can be increased. In the future, ureaplasma in men leads to damage to the tissue of the testicles, the prostate, seminal vesicles. In addition, ureaplasma can promote the formation of urinary stones.

An important role is played by infection in the development of urethritis, and in some cases, and vesiculitis, epidemitis, prostatitis. Recently, it has been proven that ureaplasma, along with chlamydia, can lead to the development of reactive polyarthritis. In this case, joint damage is combined with conjunctivitis and urethritis, and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In addition, ureaplasma in men, in some cases, can cause infertility. Moreover, male infertility can be caused not only by the inflammatory process in the genitals, but also by the influence of bacteria on spermatozoa. Ureaplasmas are able to attach to the head of spermatozoa and disrupt the integrity of the membrane. Such spermatozoa lose their ability to fertilize. In the event that the ureaplasma in men leads to the development of prostatitis, the volume and quality of the ejaculate changes, the mobility of spermatozoa decreases.

Diagnosis and treatment

What methods are used to detect this infection? Ureaplasma can be detected by indirect, as well as direct immunofluorescence (RNIF, RPIF). However, more reliable is the determination of the presence of bacteria by the PCR method, which, to date, is the main one in the diagnosis of ureaplasmosis. The determination of specific antibodies is of less importance, they are detected only in 25% of ureaplasma carriers. Cultural methods are also used, in particular, sowing on nutrient media.

To many antibiotics, which are used in the treatment of mycoplasma infections, ureaplasma may be resistant. How to treat an infection? First of all, it should be a laboratory way to determine the sensitivity of the bacterium to various antibacterial agents. It is often prescribed at once two antibiotics for treatment. In addition, use drugs that restore immunity, prescribe local treatment. As a rule, 1-2 courses of therapy are sufficient to eliminate the pathogen. Failures in treatment are often associated with inadequate therapy or with reinfection, in the event that the sexual partner has not been treated.

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