
Treatment of pancreatitis: drugs and folk remedies

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the pancreas. In simple words, it can be explained as follows: tissue is poisoned.

What does the pancreas do?

It has two main functions:

  • Regulates the indicator of sugar due to the release of insulin;

  • Participates in the processing system of food in the duodenum.

Pancreatitis implies a failure of the digestive system due to disruption of the pancreas, resulting in an excessive accumulation of enzymes in the duct. In this situation, iron releases juice, which destroys tissues and breaks its functionality. The connective tissue begins to replenish the damaged cells, but this process only recreates the volume, but does not restore the ability to produce hormones. New cells can not perform the functions of their deceased predecessors. And as a result, digestion loads the rest of the cells, causing acute inflammation of the pancreas . Pancreatitis can occur in acute or chronic form. Like other diseases, the first stages are characterized by bouts. And only in the absence of treatment they can flow into a chronic form.

Causes of pancreatitis

Like most diseases, this ailment can cause several causes, one of them or 2-3 in the complex. Here is the list of the most common:

  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or alcohol poisoning;

  • cholelithiasis;

  • Metabolic failure;

  • Drug intoxication;

  • Abdominal trauma or surgery;

  • Vascular disease;

  • Infection with parasites;

  • Infection.

Methods of treatment

There are several ways to get rid of this ailment. It all depends on the signs, the severity of the manifestation and the current diseases. To a surgical operation resort is rare, only in the event that purulent adhesions in glands have been found out. If you do not promptly intervene in such a situation, a person will die from blood poisoning. There are many ways to prevent or cure the disease. In such a case, as treatment of pancreatitis, drugs play a major role. But do not forget about folk medicine. Doctors of leading clinics believe that fast and effective treatment of pancreatitis in any form is abstinence from food. Hunger repeatedly reduces the production of enzymes, thereby poisoning the effect on the pancreas, too, is reduced to a minimum.

Examinations and immediate measures for pancreatitis

The development of modern medicine has made it possible to make the treatment of this disease quick and effective. Modern drugs allow you to give up surgical intervention and go to step therapy. Before starting treatment, appoint a test, general tests, ultrasound. Patients enter the dispensary mainly with acute manifestation of the disease. The first step in the appointment of therapy is the treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. If purulent formation was revealed, in addition to the main therapy, minimally invasive intervention is performed, antimicrobial sanitation of purulent formations.

A rapid positive effect is achieved by suppressing the breakdown of enzymes and removing toxins from the blood that inhibit the patient's recovery.

Use of medicines

Treatment of pancreatitis with drugs consists of the following:

  • Painkillers - Papaverin, No-shpa, Ketarol, Analgin;

  • Antacid preparations - "Fosfalugel", "Almagel", "Ranitidine";

  • Enzymatic means - "Creon", "Pancreatin", "Omez".

The correct treatment of pancreatitis, preparations for which only a doctor can prescribe, is impossible without antacids and histamin blockers. Such drugs are taken to protect the walls of the gastrointestinal tract from the destructive effects of the contents of the pancreas.

It is very important to begin timely treatment of pancreatitis. Preparations for him are most often appointed the same: "Omeprazole" and "Ranitidine." These drugs reduce acidity and are considered more effective than other drugs. But with excessive use of drugs, the norm of the secretion of juice and the process of splitting food in the stomach are violated. In certain situations, in the treatment of pancreatitis, preparations of another group are taken. They serve as substitutes for natural enzymes - Pancreatin, Creon 800, Creon 25000. Drugs reduce the production of pancreatic juice, which destroys tissues.

Unpleasant effects from treatment

To conduct correct drug therapy, a comprehensive treatment regimen is needed, which takes into account not only pancreatic changes in the gland, but also side effects:

  • constipation;

  • Failure of bile excretion in the liver;

  • Elevated temperature;

  • Excessive fatigue.

Chronic pancreatitis: folk treatment

If the disease has already left the acute stage, and the treatment has proved ineffective, then you will have a long therapy. Chronic pancreatitis is a prolonged inflammatory process in the pancreas. From this ailment, middle-aged women are more affected.

Chronic pancreatitis can become a consequence of such diseases:

  • cholelithiasis;

  • gastritis;

  • enteritis;

  • Occlusion of the gland vessels;

  • Infection;

  • Worms;

  • Poisoning with heavy metals.

At the first sign of the disease, you need to sound an alarm, but before you start treatment for pancreatitis in adults, the drugs must be agreed with the doctor. When treating herbs, it is recommended that you carefully select recipes. In the case of chronic pancreatitis without natural herbs it would be impossible to eliminate the disease with tablets alone. There are folk methods of treating pancreatitis that help restore the pancreas:

  • Reception of decoction from medicinal herbs from bile;
  • Application of infusion, localizing the inflammatory process in bile;
  • Eating healthy food five times a day;
  • Strict adherence to diet.

Folk methods of treatment of pancreatitis recommend to select the right medicinal herbs competently. They are divided into the following categories:

  • Relieving spasm;

  • Normalizing digestion;

  • Enveloping and protecting the mucous membrane.

To reduce the amount of bile in the same proportions, mix immortelle, dandelion roots, chamomile, tansy, sponges and pour into a liter jar, pour boiling water and leave for one or two hours in a dark place. Drink a decoction of one cup in half an hour after each meal. To remove the inflammatory process, plantain is used. It is rich in vitamins and natural hepatoprotectors. One spoonful of freshly squeezed juice is taken before meals for 30 days. After a break in two or three months continue the course.

For anesthesia it is necessary to take the crushed leaves of a dandelion, motherwort, cucumber, plantain and millennia. Two tablespoons of the mixture is added to the thermos with boiling water and insist for seven hours. It is advisable to drink it at night to relieve pain and reduce the production of bile. In such a serious matter as the treatment of pancreatitis, drugs prescribed by a doctor are not the only thing you can rely on. As you can see, herbs can also play a significant role.

Acute pancreatitis: treatment

Preparations for this stage of the disease are also appointed exclusively by a specialist. To provoke the disease in this form can the chronic course of the disease. If you do not detect the disease in time and can not be cured, pseudocysts may form on the glands. Growing and accumulating excess fluid, they will begin to squeeze other organs, thereby causing very severe pain.

Treatment primarily begins with a strict diet, at least a week drink only mineral water and tea without sugar. This is done to eliminate the provoking factor that causes spasm of the pancreas. From the chronic stage is not very different and acute pancreatitis. Treatment, drugs and diet are very similar. The main emphasis is on medicines:

  • Slowing the activity of the pancreas and relieving spasm - Festal, No-shpa, Mezim, Pancreatin;

  • Reducing the production of pancreatic juice and relieving inflammation of the tissues - "Duspatalin";

  • Reducing the secretion of pancreatic juice - "Pirenzepin";

  • Slowing the work of the gland, due to which it has time to recover - the hormone drug "Octreotide".

But better than any treatment has always been prevention. Once again, reconsider the factors that provoke the appearance of this disease. Let some of the items are not subject to our will, but everyone can give up alcohol and eat healthy food. This will greatly reduce the likelihood of getting pancreatitis.

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