Self improvementPsychology

Thomas's test: the types of behavior in conflict

Conflicts between people arise inevitably. It is impossible to find two people whose opinions would completely coincide.

On the one hand, this is bad, and on the other - the presence of several points of view on the situation allows you to evaluate it from different sides and find the most optimal solution to the problem or problem that has arisen. Paradoxically, the correct resolution of the conflict can even strengthen and improve relations between people.

Behavior in a conflict situation

In order to properly overcome the conflict situation, it is necessary to choose the optimal line of behavior, but this is not at all easy. As a rule, each person has only one specific line, which he prefers not to change.

The issue of human behavior in conflict situations was closely engaged in the American psychologist Kenneth Thomas. He assessed the actions of people on two criteria:

  • How much a person seeks to defend his own interests in a dispute (assertiveness).
  • How much a person is inclined to take into account the interests of others (cooperation).

As a result of long research, the psychologist managed to distinguish five standard types of human behavior in a conflict situation. Later, in co-authorship with Ralph Kilman, he developed a special Thomas-Kilman test, which allows to determine which of these behaviors is most characteristic of a particular person.

Description of the procedure

In many sources this questionnaire is often called briefly - a test of Thomas. Its description takes only a few lines.

Each of the five ways of responding to a conflict is described with the help of 12 judgments, and they, in turn, are randomly grouped into 30 pairs. The subject has to choose from each pair of statements one that seems to him the most faithful.

The text of the questionnaire itself is widely known and it will not be difficult to find it. For all its simplicity, Thomas's test, the results of which may turn out to be completely unexpected, can bring tangible benefits and greatly facilitate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the individual.

Interpretation of results

The key to the test is a special table, with which you can determine to which type of behavior in the conflict the subject is most inclined. Having learned this type, one can easily predict how the conflict will develop and what should be done to resolve it as soon as possible.

Thomas's method assumes that each person is inclined to act in a conflict situation in one of five scenarios. For special visibility, they can be compared with the manner of behavior of an animal:

  • Shark - competition, competition.
  • A teddy bear is an adaptation, an endeavor to settle a conflict.
  • Turtle - evasion of the conflict, its avoidance.
  • Fox is a compromise.
  • Owl - cooperation.

Each of these scenarios has its positive and negative sides, and all of them are not universal, that is, they can not constructively influence all conflict situations without exception.


Man-shark in everything is inclined to follow solely his interests, absolutely not interested in the opinions of others. He does not recognize compromises and believes that the victory of one always means the total defeat of another. In an effort to achieve his goal, such a person, without hesitation, will go on their heads. In his arsenal may be even not quite legal and ethical actions, he can easily decide to cheat, forgery or provocation. "Shark" always seeks to possess all the fullness of information about the enemy, but will never take care of his good name or spiritual comfort.

This line of behavior can be justified only in an insignificant number of cases. Most often, this happens in acute crisis situations, when a certain person vested with certain powers must very quickly put things in order and present a result. In all other cases, the behavior of the "shark" is unacceptable and can quickly destroy any long-term relationship - both workers and personal.

Such dangerous addictions will easily help to reveal the test of Thomas. Conflict behavior of a person is a serious problem for others, and therefore, in dealing with him, you need to be extra careful.


The opposite of the "shark" is the "teddy bear". A person inclined to such a type of behavior can easily give up their interests to please the opponent. As a rule, this is the lot of people with low self-esteem, sincerely believing that their opinion should not be taken into account.

This line of behavior can be successful in the event that the subject matter of the dispute does not matter much. Yielding to the opponent, you can keep friendly relations with him, and the consequences of the conflict will be minimal. However, refusal to defend one's interests in any important dispute can negatively affect the life events of the person himself. He risks losing his respect for others and being considered spineless. Such people often become objects for manipulation.

If the Thomas test reveals a propensity for adaptation, a person must urgently start working on his self-esteem, with its increase, behavior will change.


People - "turtles" can not tolerate conflicts, and therefore in every way try to postpone or avoid clarifying the relationship. This position is characterized not only by the inability to defend one's interests, but also by extreme inattention to the interests of others. Such a person prefers to hide from the problem, and not try to solve it. The reason for this is the lack of self-confidence and the victim's complex.

This behavior can be justified if the cause of the conflict is insignificant for both parties. In any serious situations, it can lead to further growth of misunderstanding between people and an even greater accumulation of mutual claims. So painful for both sides, a protracted confrontation, sooner or later, ends with an explosion of emotions and a rapid clarification of the relationship. The sad consequences of this can be irreversible.

If the Thomas test showed this result, a person should be braver and not be afraid of problems. It is important to understand that only the solved problem disappears, the unsolved one deprives the person of his strength and makes his life absolutely unbearable. You can not hide from this.


Sly "foxes" always try to negotiate with the enemy. However, partial satisfaction of the requirements of both parties, as a rule, does not lead to the end of the conflict and serves only as a respite.

The weak point of the position of compromise is its complete dependence on the position of the opponent, and if he is not ready to give up even the smallest part of his interests, the "fox" will invariably be the loser. It may also happen that the opposing party excessively overstates its demands, and then generously "delivers them to the level it really needs. That is why, before compromising, it is necessary to have all possible information about the subject of the dispute, so as not to end up in a broken trough.

People, testing which showed such a result, should be more resolute and straightforward in defending their own interests.


The most optimal way to resolve the dispute is to find a solution that fully satisfies the claims of both sides. For this, undoubted diplomatic abilities and wisdom are needed. That is why people who are inclined to this line of behavior were conditionally called "owls".

People - "owls" prefer not to get carried away by the external side of the conflict, but try to understand its underlying cause. In addition, they are able to be honest with their opponents and perfectly adapt to his manner of communication. Thanks to such tactics, they easily turn the enemy into a partner, and the conflict is quickly settled through constructive negotiations.

If the Thomas test showed this result, you can safely congratulate a man. In his life there should not be any major quarrels and conflicts, and his own insight will help him achieve a great deal.

Value of testing

The Thomas-Kilman test is often used to test employees when hiring. By its results, it is easy to judge behavior in general. Thomas's method allows you to assess what position a person chooses in dealing with colleagues and superiors. Also, this information will give an idea of how the appearance of a beginner will affect the overall atmosphere in the team.

Pass the test Thomas will be useful to everyone. He will help to soberly assess their own behavior and understand what is preventing them from successfully resolving disputes and remaining in good relations with others.

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