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Third degree burn: signs, first aid, treatment time

The third and fourth degrees of burns are most dangerous for human life and health, but the latter is diagnosed much less often. Let's consider in detail, under what conditions and from what you can get a third degree burn than it is fraught, how to provide first aid and how long will the treatment last.

Classification of burns in degrees

As already mentioned, burns are classified in degrees, depending on the depth of damage to the skin.

  • The first degree of burn. After contact with the affecting factor, the skin becomes slightly reddened and swollen. The trauma does not require special treatment and heals independently after 5-7 days. The scar from the burn does not remain.
  • Second degree of burn. Redness and puffiness is accompanied by a swelling of the upper layer of the skin and the formation of bubbles filled with a liquid of a yellow hue. When the blister is pierced, a bright red layer of skin is visible, touching it gives a strong pain to the victim. The probability of infection of the wound is high , therefore the healing period is about two weeks.
  • Third degree of burn. Characterized by the cessation of the vital activity of tissues (necrosis), the wound is covered with a crust of gray or brown color.

  • Fourth degree of burns. The heaviest and deepest damage to the skin. Typical features are blackening or charring the injured area, in certain cases involving the process of bones. The recovery period is prolonged, deep scars remain at the site of the exposure.

If a person has suffered cervical spine or joints with burns of the fourth degree, during the formation of scars will be markedly impaired motor activity.

Forms of third degree burn

In medicine, it is common to share third degree burns.

Form 3-A

When the trauma of this form is obtained, the patient has complete damage to the epidermis. The dermis is partially affected and shallow. The main part of the basal layer stops its life and dies. The germ layer, which is responsible for the restoration of skin cells, is partially damaged. The remaining, deep layers completely retain their functional abilities.

In the injured area, the patient feels almost no touch. Enhanced tactile contact is accompanied by increased painful reactions of the body. To accurately establish the diagnosis requires constant monitoring of the doctor and control of regenerative abilities of the skin.

Form 3-B

The defeat is characterized by complete necrosis of the skin on the injured area. To the degree of 3-A damage to the skin, the abortion of the vital activity of the subcutaneous tissue is attached.

In the clinical picture, doctors note the complete absence of pain and reactions to tactile contact in the patient. The process of blood circulation and metabolism of the skin is disturbed.

Concept and clinic of thermal burn

Thermal burns occur when contact with skin with high temperatures of various origins. With severe damage, tissue necrosis and severe redness occur. The surface of the site of exposure is dry or wet, depending on the nature of the thermal impact. When in contact with steam or boiling water, the patient will have wet necrosis. The skin becomes red-yellow or red-brown in color and covered with bubbles filled with liquid. The nature of damage can be compared with the process of melting skin tissue.

When contact with hot objects, such as an iron or iron, dry type necrosis occurs. The skin at the site of exposure is covered with a dense crust, has a dark color, in severe cases it can turn black. The boundaries of the wound are clearly visible. All degrees of thermal burn heal with the subsequent formation of scars on the tissues. In exceptional cases, with the preservation of even the smallest sections of the epithelial layer, regeneration of the skin is possible.

Concept and clinic of chemical burn

In a person who has received a chemical burn, treatment should be carried out for the intended purpose and after examination of the patient by the doctors. Defeat of skin of this type can be obtained by contact with aggressive substances, for example, alkalis or acids. If a person received a third degree chemical burn, all layers of skin on the injured area are necrotic. The top layer of the wound is covered with a dark, hard, immovable crust. Tactile contact is not sensitive.

The final diagnosis of the degree of damage is possible only after the rejection of the necrotic areas. The majority of burns are diagnosed in the third degree.

For those who received a chemical burn treatment and the process of healing wounds are long. Approximately three weeks is necessary for complete rejection of the scab. As a result, deep scars form at the site of the lesion.

Characteristic manifestations of a burn

The main signs of the third degree of burns are a change in the surface layers of the skin from a natural color to a dark reddish shade. In places where the epithelium completely ceased its vital activity, the skin color turns black, which indicates the necrosis of the tissues. The place of contact with the influencing factor is hyperpigmented.

Depending on the nature of the burn in the injured area, bubbles filled with liquid, crusts of a dense structure of dark brown color, places of erosion and ulcers may appear.

A third degree burn of category "A" is classified as superficial, category "B" is a deep defeat.

Third degree burns clinic

In most cases, patients who received a third degree burn, in addition to the main signs of injury, complain about the deterioration of well-being. With a global lesion, the body temperature can rise, a feeling of nausea with attacks of vomiting.

On the border of the injured skin area a small tissue build-up is formed, which forms approximately 2 months after the burn. This is due to the epithelization of damaged skin and the growth of a new layer. Its edges are convex, granular.

If the burn in diameter does not exceed two centimeters, its independent healing is permissible, however, it is necessary to create conditions for preventing the introduction of infection, as well as intoxication of the body. Such treatment with the use of antiseptic drugs is performed in the clinic.

When lesion of the germ layer, doctors note the formation of scars.

How to provide first aid to the victim

Cure a third degree burn yourself is not possible. Therapeutic procedures are a set of activities that help to remove pain and restore skin.

Due to such features, the victim's injuries should be delivered as soon as possible to the burn center or cause emergency help. Approximately 80% of clinical cases require surgical intervention.

The first aid complex is built on the following algorithm:

  • Isolation of the victim from the impact factor;
  • With a small area of injury, the injured area should be raised as far as possible;
  • Put a sterile napkin on the burn.

Then it remains to call an ambulance.

It should be noted that the patient who received a third degree burn is categorically prohibited from giving painkillers. This will only aggravate the process of collecting anamnesis and add ambiguities to the clinical picture.

Treatment of third degree burns

If the patient is taken to the burn center, it guarantees timely medical assistance. Patients with such traumas undergo therapy in a hospital. Independent treatment of third degree burns is strictly prohibited.

First of all, doctors remove the pain syndrome. For this, painkillers of the narcotic group are used. Surface of the wound is regularly sprayed with antiseptic, the rest of the preparations are administered intravenously according to the developed scheme.

The third degree burn is treated only in a complex way, so the anesthetics are prescribed:

  1. Means that block an attack of anaphylactic shock.
  2. Glucocorticosteroids, suppressing the inflammatory process.
  3. Regular change of dressings.
  4. Preparations of the sedative group.
  5. Medications that eliminate posttraumatic shock.
  6. Droppers for removing toxins.
  7. Droppers that fill the lack of fluid.

If the lesion is large, requires a surgical treatment in several stages of a third degree burn. How much trauma is treated depends on the area of the lesion. After 20 days, the process of reparation of the skin will be visible, the complete healing lasts about three months. With extensive damage to the skin by chemical means or by thermal action, the scar from the burn remains always and looks like a scar.

Inadmissible measures for third degree burns

If people are near the victim, they should know a number of actions that will not help the patient and aggravate the course of treatment.

So, with burns it is forbidden:

  • Wash the place of exposure to cold water, antiseptic and other medications;
  • Place frozen food or ice on the affected areas;
  • Remove clothing from the victim;
  • Give any medications.

The only true action that others can take for the victim is to transport him to the clinic as soon as possible or call an ambulance.

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