EducationThe science

The smartest animal in the world

It's no secret that every animal owns a unique form of intelligence. Of course, research on the mental faculties of fauna representatives is still underway, and scientists have yet to make a lot of interesting discoveries. But sometimes it becomes interesting - what does the cleverest animal look like? Where does it live? What abilities does he have?

In fact, for the title "the most intelligent animal in the world" claims several types at once. After all, the intellectual abilities of each individual representative is not so easy to assess.

In addition, researchers who determine the most intelligent animal, also need to pay attention to the habitat, the way of life, the physiological characteristics of the nervous system.

First I would like to mention primates. It is to this group of animals that modern systematics includes man. And some representatives of the series have a remarkable mind. The smartest monkeys are gorillas and chimpanzees. These species have a well developed central nervous system. They are able to build relationships with their congeners, have some linguistic abilities. In addition, it is believed that the chimpanzee expresses some typically human behavior traits - for example, they may feel sympathy or joy. And their memory is much better than the average person.

Another representative of fauna, claiming to be the "most intelligent animal" is the dolphin. Yes, these species are really smart, although it is sometimes difficult to investigate the work of their brains because of their habitat. It is interesting that animals never sleep, or rather their sleep does not quite correspond to the usual explanation of the processes of rest. The brain of the dolphin turns off alternately - when the left hemisphere rests, the right hand works, and vice versa. These creatures excellently succumb to training - during the war, British soldiers with the help of dolphins made real sabotage. For today swimming with dolphins is considered not only a pleasant pastime, but also an effective way of treating some mental disorders.

Clever and consider parrots. After all, every person knows that some species can talk, copy voices and intonations, memorize words and even make up full-fledged sentences. By the way, the smartest parrot in the world is Baggio, who helps his master in his work. The owner of a smart parrot is a tailor, and his pet can sew, holding a needle in his beak.

The title "the most intelligent animal" can be attributed to the sheep. Yes, of course, these animals are immensely cowardly, and have earned themselves unkind glory. But scientists say that they have a remarkably developed intellect. For example, recent studies have helped to establish that sheep have an immaculate memory - they perfectly remember the animals seen and people's faces.

Rats - another group of extremely intelligent animals with a developed savvy. For example, an old rat can bypass any existing mousetrap and do not fall for bait. More experienced adults can identify poisoned food - they will not only refuse such "delicacies", but will also protect young rats.

Elephants are one of the few animals (along with chimpanzees and dolphins) who recognize in the mirror their own mapping. In addition, representatives of the species have a well-developed memory, so they should not be offended. A female cares not only for her baby, but for the male - in some ways it resembles a family relationship.

Wolves are also considered very intelligent and cunning animals. They can communicate perfectly even at great distances. It is believed that the leader is the strongest male. But in some species the flock is headed by a female - it may not be the smartest, but the most dodgy.

In any case, each animal has unique mental characteristics that have yet to be studied.

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