
The reason for the red eyes. Is it all so harmless?

Every person has ever had red eyes in his life. This phenomenon does not look very nice and is accompanied by a sharp pain. This is due to the expansion of blood vessels that are close to the surface of the eye. Ignore such a symptom is not necessary, and with periodic repetition it is better to consult a doctor. The cause of red eyes can be both harmless and easily eliminated, and become a harbinger of a serious disease, for the elimination of which urgent medical attention is required. The intensity of the color change does not matter.

External factors like red eye cause can be:

- prolonged exposure to wind or too dry air;

- ingress of dust or foreign body into the eye ;

- stay in the sun for a long period of time;

- long stay behind the wheel;

- the reaction of the body caused by an allergen;

- a consequence of various injuries;

- increased eye strain (when reading or staying at the computer).

As a rule, removal of the stimulus or changing the situation in this situation helps, because each this red eye cause is not dangerous. Everything will come back to normal in a few days.

The cause of red eyes, which may be a manifestation of the disease, can be one of the following:

- Conjunctivitis, which is divided into acute and chronic. The first is due to the infection in the eyes. This disease is very contagious. When it is detected, it is necessary to engage in treatment, since its absence can lead to chronic conjunctivitis, which will periodically disturb.

- Changing (increasing) the pressure of the eye - glaucoma. In this case, a decrease in the clarity of vision is observed, and pain appears. As a rule, in this situation only one eye turns red.

- Prolonged visual load in the presence of such diseases as hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism.

- Ulcers on the cornea of the eye. This disease is caused by viruses and bacteria.

- Dry eye syndrome.

- Blepharitis. It arises because of inflammation of the eyelash follicles (when skin bacteria enter them). Outwardly this can be accompanied by the appearance of crusts on the eyelids.

- Expansion of blood vessels in hypertension.

- Incorrect selection of contact lenses or presence of defects in them.

To answer the question: "What if the eyes are red?" - it is necessary to find out the reason the doctor will help determine. Usually, ophthalmologists write out special drops that can narrow the blood vessels. Also, "artificial tears" (polyvinyl alcohol) or a protective agent for the cornea can be prescribed.

"What if red eyes?" - People's medicine can also answer the question. Especially popular are compresses made of herbs, potato slices, a piece of ice in a kerchief and washing in strong tea.

Do not forget about the simple gymnastics for the eyes, especially those who spend a lot of time at the computer. It will help to make a small break in work and relieve tension.

If after applying these simple methods reddening does not take place within two days, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor for qualified help.

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