Self improvementThe Law of Attraction

The Power of Thought

Why do we think about the opportunity to change our lives only when we face threatening problems face to face? Whether it is physical health or the problems of personal relationships with the outside world, whether or not the problem is to be resolved is not factors that cause irreversible changes, but an underestimation of the forces of self-defense - both mental and physical.

The issue of vital changes is especially acute when there is a threat to physical health. But all have long been aware of cases when, under equal conditions of external pathogenic effects, not all are equally ill. It is known that during the epidemics of smallpox or plague, not all infected with them fell ill. The answer is simple - it is thanks to the protective forces of our psyche that the absolute majority of people remain healthy. Naturally, thanks only to the mental rejection of the disease, it is not always possible to be saved, but this pushes us to reflect on the improvement, development of these abilities of our consciousness. After all, cases are not rare when the ability to control the power of thought is so intensified that it leads to self-healing of a person even in hopeless cases. For example, self-recovery from cancer, tuberculosis and many other dangerous diseases are known. It's unclear why we not only do not try to manage these abilities, but sometimes we do not even suspect about their existence.

The power of thought is a part of those huge forces of the organism that can resist any diseases, it can lead our life to a completely different level of interaction with the surrounding world. But it will not be right to perceive it as a separate tool for achieving our desires. Applying the power of thought becomes possible only by achieving harmony of your inner world with the surrounding world, and this is a long and time-consuming process, and the achievement of positive results does not fully take place in everyone. There is nothing more difficult - the inner struggle of a person, occurring inside of us throughout our life, and coping with our negative desires, habits, weaknesses - is a task of prime importance.

Use the power of thought to achieve negative goals is meaningless. The concepts "The power of thought" and "Harmony" mean only the positive aspects of our energy. All negative forces directed from us have the property of returning and can harm us several times more. You should also be cautious about the fulfillment of desires, be prepared initially and be sure that this is what we want. That is, with the help of the power of thought, desires can begin to be fulfilled, but are we ready for this? We need to know clearly beforehand what exactly we need, and we know how to behave and what to do about it.

Naturally, on the way to full harmony and the embodiment of desires into the real, many difficulties await us, but realizing the benefits of the final result, we understand how important it is to change our lives without waiting for clashes with menacing problems. Go all the way from the realization of the need for change to the realization of desires with the help of the power of thought in life, the author of the popular blog, Yevgeny Gorobchenko, who on the basis of many years of research and practical lessons will describe how to use various techniques to achieve Goals.

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