Arts & EntertainmentMusic

The effect of Mozart. The influence of music on brain activity

Long since scientists knew about the influence of music on a person. Music calmed and healed. But a special attention to its impact on human brain activity arose at the end of the twentieth century. Studies by American scientist Don Campbell have determined that classical music can not only heal, but also enhance intellectual abilities. This influence was called the "Mozart effect", Because the music of this composer has the strongest influence.

There have been various studies that showed that even a ten-minute listening to Mozart's music raises the IQ by 9 units. In addition, it improves memory, attention, mathematical abilities and spatial thinking. This was tested on the students, whose results in the tests improved after listening to it.

Why does this music have such an impact? The Mozart effect arises because this composer in the works withstand the intervals of loudness, corresponding to the biocurrents of the human brain. And the sound series of this music corresponds most closely to the timbre of the voice. In addition, Mozart wrote mostly in majestic tones, so his works so attract listeners and facilitate the work of the brain.

For many years, experiments have been conducted on the influence of music on children. The effect of Mozart is that his smooth and charming music has a calming effect, improves mood and stimulates the creative potential of the brain. When children under three years of age often listen to this music, they develop better. It improves speech, learning ability, coordination of movements and soothes with nervous overexcitation.

The effect of Mozart for newborns is also proved. Listening to his music before Birth, children are born more calm, less irritable, they have more developed speech. Such children are easier to reassure, and they are better trained. In addition, if you include it during childbirth, then they flow much easier.

Scientists have conducted numerous studies on the influence of classical music on animals and plants. The effect of Mozart extends to them. For example, plants produce more crops, cows increase in milk yields, and laboratory rats show better results in tests on the level of thinking.

There are so many examples where listening to music has healed people from many diseases. For example, Mozart's effect helped Gerard Depardieu is cured of stuttering. Listening to the sonatas of this composer can help patients with Alzheimer's disease and reduce the intensity of epileptic seizures.

Mozart's music is used to treat neurological diseases, to improve coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the hands. It improves hearing, memory and speech, and also helps to cope with mental problems. With what is it connected?

Scientists believe that Mozart's music has such an effect, because it contains many high frequency sounds. They resonate with the frequencies of the human brain and improve thinking. It is also proved that these sounds strengthen the muscles of the ear and improve memory.

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