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The axiom of wisdom: everything that is done is done for the better

Folk wisdom knows no boundaries, for all occasions there are all kinds of proverbs, sayings, parables, aphorisms, and, most surprisingly, on all continents of the Earth the situations in instructive phrases are different, and the conclusions are the same. From generation to generation the same words are repeated, but sometimes it is pronounced purely formally, without realizing the profound meaning in which the spiritual law is concluded, and ignorance of this will not save you from responsibility. For example, this happens with the expression: "Everything that is done is done for the better."

Spiritual law

No one denies the laws of natural sciences (physical, chemical, biological, etc.), and, knowing them at least at the everyday level, people follow and obey them in their life. Nobody will jump from an airplane without a parachute (Newton's law), touch bare electrical wires (Ohm's law), dive into the water without knowing how to swim (Archimedes' law). Spiritual laws are also open long ago and are set out, for example, in the Bible or other religious teachings, and, of course, they are reflected in the oral creativity of peoples. The spiritual law: "Everything that is done is done for the better" is not a banal soothing phrase, not a call for better, but a chance to understand and accept what happened for further spiritual growth.

Understand and accept

"Everything that is done, is done for the better" - is heard from all sides on any minor issue. But as soon as it concerns serious tragedies, the human mind refuses to accept death as a science, it necessarily looks for the guilty (he or they, of course, always is), not understanding the main thing: they are involved in the incident to the last one. All for the better - this is not the slogan of optimists who are not afraid of anything, but the law that confirms the person's right to choose. The choice is made every second: go - do not go, do - do not, think - do not think, be silent - talk. In taking actions, a person chooses (albeit unconsciously) and the responsibility that will be incurred for this, so that the expression "fate has deprived" or "God punished" - in fact, soothing and justifying phrases for non-believers. No one punishes anyone for violating spiritual laws - only each of himself. This is difficult to accept, because it became a habit to make excuses. But how useless to scream in the sky and make excuses that I forgot the parachute, because I did not get enough sleep, it's as useless to wring my hands about the failed fate and look for the guilty ones.

Everything will be fine

Why does everything that is done - for the better? What is done according to the law is understandable, but who said what for the better? Probably because it's an axiom. It is accepted by the heart, and it is almost impossible to prove it to a closed soul. Once upon the dawn of civilization, man was given knowledge of all laws, but he preferred to cultivate natural sciences, because they opened the way to profit and power. But not paying attention to the spiritual commandments means to sign a death sentence for yourself, as you can see in the history of the last centuries: the more sophisticated and grandiose the discoveries, the more merciless people are towards each other, the more loudly they cry about the world, the bloodier the wars are than More drugs - the more diseases. But the universe still gravitates toward good, and therefore everything that is done is done for the better, even if soon there will not be a single person left in the universe.

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