Food and drinkSoups

Tarator: the recipe for the Bulgarian coolness

In the summer heat the Russians give their preference to okroshka, and the Bulgarians believe that there is no better option for dinner than the tarator. The recipe for this soup is so simple that even those who are not familiar with the art of cooking will be able to cook it.

Basis of the basics

Cold soup "Tarator" has long been a visiting card of tourist Bulgaria. It seems that without trying it, you can not talk about what you could really recognize this country.

So, the tarator, the recipe of which will be presented below, is prepared on sour milk or drinking natural yoghurt. Actually, it will take about five hundred milliliters to make soup for four persons. In addition, you should stock up and four strong cucumbers. It is better to give preference to soil grades, but it is also possible to purchase greenhouses.

To make the soup spicy, soup is used garlic in the number of four denticles, and for the flavor put dill, which will require about seven branches. A distinctive feature of the Bulgarian tarator from such soups from the Balkan countries is the addition of walnuts with a volume of half a glass. Closes the same list of ingredients, vegetable oil.

How to cook Bulgarian soup "Tarator"? The recipe is pretty simple. To begin with, yogurt (or sour milk) is poured into a deep container and actively interfered with it by a whisk for five minutes. In the end, you should get a lot of looks resembling half-dead proteins. By the way, do it better with a mixer.

Setting aside yogurt, you can proceed to chop the cucumbers. To do this, they rub on a large grater. But you can cut it with the finest straw. After that, all the resulting mass is put aside for ten minutes to the side.

While cucumbers start up the juice, it is the turn of nuts and garlic. For this, the latter is finely chopped and ground in a mortar with most of the nuts until a homogeneous gruel is formed.

Now it remains only to "assemble" the tarator. The recipe recommends that you first shift the cucumbers into yogurt and mix well. Then add the walnut-garlic mixture to the resulting mass, pour 100 milliliters of vegetable oil and bring to a homogeneous consistency. Then put the container with almost ready soup to the side.

Next, finely chop dill and the rest of the nuts, mix them with a little salt and send it to the soup. To disclose the taste of the cheater, you should stay in the fridge for about an hour, after which you can serve it to the table.

Small tricks - for the Bulgarian soup

The recipe, the recipe of which is presented above, sometimes undergoes slight changes in culinary circles, which, however, only improve its taste .

So, instead of classic yoghourt or natural yoghurt, you can safely use kefir with a low percentage of fat or yogurt.

Some culinary people like to experiment with the taste, for example: to give more sharpness put red hot peppers, of course, in the ground form, and to create a spicy game of sour and sweet notes, it is enough to add sugar. By the way, having mastered the classic recipe, you can try to include in it not only dill, but also other fresh herbs, for example, coriander.

In general, it is worth at least once to prepare a tarator to understand that the best soup for a summer time, perhaps, does not exist.

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