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Such an important anesthetic during childbirth

Pain and childbirth are not inseparable. This is known not by hearsay all the women giving birth and willingly share their impressions with friends who have everything ahead of them. In view of this many future mothers panically fear this process and want to get rid of the anguish associated with the birth of a child by any means. Anesthesia during childbirth can help to avoid all painful sensations, greatly alleviate the pains of the parturient woman and accelerate the appearance of the baby in the light. However, its use requires some caution.

Optimal anesthesia during childbirth is chosen by the doctor, based on the wishes of the woman in childbirth, and also depending on the condition of the mother and child at the time of labor. Properly selected drugs will help to cope with any freelance and unexpected situation during the delivery process. But how much they are safe for the health of mom and baby, and which of them is the best - this is what we will find out in this article.

All future mothers know that anesthesia during pregnancy is not as important as during childbirth. Even if you are concerned about some ailments, you need to cope with them on your own. The same applies to the process of birth, because this is the best medicine for the birth of a small miracle. For any specialist doctor, the health and safety of the newborn is one of the most important tasks. However, if there is a threat to the life of the baby or mother, you need to trust the specialist and choose the right remedy.

The strength and intensity of pain in all women vary and depend on certain factors: the first birth, or was already preceding, the position of the fetus and its size, the psychological mood of the woman, contractions of the uterus, and the tolerability of pain by the mother. And, even if the degree of pain is the same, it will be perceived exclusively individually due to the characteristics of each organism. Therefore, anesthesia during childbirth is carried out in accordance with the individual program.

In gynecology and obstetrics, there are some methods of anesthetizing labor, which can reduce or remove completely painful sensations. Such methods are appointed by the doctor depending on the current situation and the severity of pain for maximum safety of participants in the delivery process. All existing methods are divided into anesthesia and analgesia. Anesthesia is the intensive and complete elimination of sensations, including motor activity and the mind of the mother. And analgesia is a partial or complete decrease in sensitivity to pain.

So, anesthesia during childbirth implies the use of such basic methods:

  • Natural "anesthetics" are the hormones of happiness endorphins, which are produced during childbirth in large numbers and have a tonic and analgesic effect on the parturient woman;
  • Inhalation anesthesia - inhalation during the birth of an anesthetic, consisting of a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide;
  • Intramuscular and intravenous injections of anelhetics - can be used only in the early stages of the birth process;
  • Local infiltration anesthesia - this method of numbness in the perineal region can be used only at the final stage of labor;
  • Chans (Electrointestinal Injury) means the attachment of electrodes to the waist (on both sides of the spine) through which electrostimulation with a certain frequency and current is performed;
  • General anesthesia - used in cesarean section and exclusively in emergency cases. With this method, the muscles of the parturient woman are completely relaxed and she plunges into sleep;
  • Acupuncture - acupuncture in certain places for the purpose of blocking pain;
  • Waterbirth - in warm water, only the period of labor passes, and the process of procreation takes place in a special chair;
  • Psychoprophylactic preparation for the birth of a child means the visit to a pregnant woman of special occupations devoted to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Regional anesthesia - with this method, medicines are introduced into the lumbar region of a woman giving birth, capable of removing all the pain that arises. This kind of anesthesia is divided into epidural anesthesia - the injection is made into the outer shell of the spine, and epidural - an injection of anesthetic is injected between the discs of the spine.

Anesthesia during childbirth can also be performed with the help of the following medications: tranquilizers, narcotic analgesics, relaxants and anesthesia. Each of these medicines has certain side effects on both mother and baby.

Dear mothers, remember that all of the above methods of anesthesia during childbirth are not ideal, each of them has its pros and cons. And the best way of good birth is to feel confident in their safe resolution and understanding of the whole mystery of the process. Remember this! May all be well!

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