
Staphylococcus analysis: how to take and where to surrender

Have you ever had to take an analysis for staphylococcus aureus? How to take such samples, what biomaterial for this use, we will tell in this article. From it you will learn about how to prepare for this research, in which cases this analysis is assigned, where it can be handed over and so on.

General information about bacteria

Before you tell us how to take an analysis for staphylococcus a medknizhki, you should tell us what this bacterium is.

Staphylococcus is a gram-positive bacterium that has a spherical or oval shape.

At present, about 30 species of this microorganism are known. At the same time, 10 of them are permanent residents of human skin and do not represent any danger.

Which bacteria can cause harm

Why do some patients get staphylococcal analysis (how do they take the biomaterial, we'll explain later)? The fact is that along with harmless, there are dangerous species of this bacterium. These include epidermal, saprophytic and staphylococcus aureus.

According to experts, such microorganisms are not only able to block the protective functions of the body, but also to isolate the strongest toxins.

To identify the dangerous species of this bacterium, they pass an analysis for staphylococcus aureus. How to take it, it is known to few. Therefore, we decided to cover this topic in the article submitted.

Such an analysis of the material is microbiological. In the course of laboratory tests, the type of a dangerous bacterium is detected, and its sensitivity to various antibiotics is also determined.

Which biomaterial is used

Now you know what the analysis for staphylococcus is prescribed for. How can I take the biomaterial for further investigation? Before answering this question, it is necessary to find out where it is taken from.

Most often for a laboratory study, a smear from the throat or nose is used. However, there are cases when sputum, blood, breast milk, a conjunctiva smear, a single portion of urine, feces, a substance that is secreted from the ear or wound, rectal and urogenital swabs (along with the secret of the prostate gland) are necessary for analysis.

Which of the above materials to use, should be determined only by the attending physician.

Where to pass the analysis for staphylococcus aureus

Most patients do not have the faintest idea of where to take such an analysis. In this case, we recommend that you consult with the doctor who appointed him.

Most often, the fence, as well as the study of the biomaterial is carried out in hospitals or clinics. In addition, the analysis can be carried out in narrowly directed laboratory centers and private clinics.

Preparing for material collection

How to prepare for such a study, as an analysis for staphylococcus aureus? How to take it right, so that the results are not false? It depends on what kind of biomaterial is used for this. However, in any case, it is strictly prohibited before taking it to take antibacterial drugs, as this can directly affect the results of the study.

The blood test for staphylococcus should be performed only on an empty stomach, in the morning. In this case, in a few days before taking the material, in no case should you drink antiviral drugs and use antibiotics (even local effects).

Before delivering phlegm, the patient should drink a large amount of fluid (8-12 hours before the clinic visit).

2 days before the delivery of urine, it is required to exclude the use of diuretics. And for 3 days before the collection of stool should be abandoned laxatives and herbs, as well as tablets that directly affect his color and peristalsis of the intestine. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to enter any rectal suppositories and ointments.

Before taking the urogenital smear, the representatives of the stronger sex can not urinate for three hours. As for women, the sampling of the same biomaterial should be carried out a few days before menstruation or 2 days after the end.

Fence from the mouth and nose

Now you know what you need to do before you pass your biomaterial for analysis on staphylococcus aureus. How to take a sample (blood, smear), you should not worry. After all, this responsibility falls entirely on the shoulders of specialists. It should only be noted that such a fence is carried out very quickly and painlessly.

Most often, a smear from the pharynx and nose is used to identify dangerous staphylococcus species. This is due to the fact that if in such biomaterials a bacterium is found, it is surely found in others.

Before passing this analysis, the patient is recommended to prepare. To do this, he needs to stop eating food and water 8 hours before the test.

Biomaterial sampling is carried out only in the early morning. Before visiting a polyclinic, the patient is forbidden to brush his teeth, rinse his mouth, throat and blow his nose. If you do not comply with these requirements, the results of the study may be inaccurate.

Who writes out the direction for analysis

Now you know what the analysis for pathogenic staphylococcus is doing . How to take the biomaterial for the study, we also told. Now I want to tell you about who can appoint such an analysis.

Staphylococcus aureus is called a conditionally pathogenic bacterium, which manifests itself with weakened immunity or impaired microflora composition. In the absence of proper treatment, it quickly leads to infectious and inflammatory lesions of local and systemic nature.

The way the tests for staphylococcus aureus (enterococcus, streptococcus) are taken, we found out. But who is sending patients to such a study? It depends on what kind of defeats they have.

The most common injuries are:

  • Skin covers (impetigo, carbuncles, folliculitis). In this case, the dermatologist sends the analysis.
  • Mammary glands (mastitis) - mammalog.
  • ENT organs (tonsillitis, otitis, antritis, laryngotracheitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia) - otolaryngologist.
  • Urinary tract (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis) is a urologist.
  • The digestive system (enterocolitis, peritonitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, paraproctitis) is a gastroenterologist.
  • The osteoarticular system (arthritis, osteomyelitis) is a surgeon, an orthopedist.

How is the analysis for Staphylococcus aureus

How is the biomaterial used to determine staphylococcus aureus? In the case of throat and nose use a tool reminiscent of a long cotton swab. It is carefully carried out on the mucous membrane, and then placed in a sterile and tightly closed jar.

To determine the harmful bacteria in the laboratory, the biomaterial is sown. Do this on nutrient media. After about 20-24 hours specialists noticeably grow colonies. It is this that confirms the fact that the bacterium is present in the material obtained.

In addition to the fact that the analysis on staphylococcus aids in determining its presence in the human body, such a study makes it possible to reveal its sensitivity to certain antibiotics.

When appointed

The biomaterial for analysis of staphylococcus is recommended for suspected infection, which can be caused by this microorganism. In addition, such a study is used in the diagnosis of nosocomial diseases.

If the person is not sick and has no complaints, then such an analysis can be assigned during regular and planned professional examination of medical personnel and public catering workers, as well as in the presence of pregnancy.

Often such a study is conducted to treat diseases that are caused by staphylococcus. This method allows to diagnose the existing deviation and evaluate the effectiveness of antibacterial treatment. It is also used to detect bacterial transport and the proper selection of medicines.

Analysis results

Today, there are no problems with where and how to pass the test for staphylococcus aureus. To carry out the collection of material and conduct a laboratory examination can both employees of a regular hospital, and specialists of private clinics.

As a rule, the result of such an analysis is never in doubt. There can only be 2 options: the growth of bacteria and its absence.

A positive result of the analysis indicates the presence of an acute infection, which is caused by staphylococcus, as well as its asymptomatic carriage. As for the negative, it indicates the absence of bacteria in the body.

Staphylococcus aureus, which does not cause any discomfort to the patient, is not subject to therapy.

Who is at risk?

Currently, there is a special group of people that is most susceptible to the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by staphylococcus. It includes medical workers, patients with weakened immunity, serious injuries, surgical wounds, burns, as well as farmers, the elderly, children, drug addicts, soldiers, nursing mothers, prisoners, cancer patients infected with AIDS, patients with diabetes and those on Hemodialysis.

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