Sports and FitnessTennis

Squash - what is it: sport or recreation?

There are many sports games. And each of them has its own history. Squash is no exception. He has a special origin. In the 19th century, in the elite British school for boys, tennis was one of the compulsory subjects. But due to the lack of sufficient space for this sport, students practiced the skills of the game, slightly changing the rules. The racket strikes were made in such a way that the ball hit the wall. Subsequently, simple entertainment developed into a sporting game.

The question arises: "Squash - what is this?" First of all, this is an exciting and dynamic match. From cute fun for the elite, squash is transformed into an excellent game with certain rules. Many imagine it as tennis. Squash, of course, is similar to it, as it is due to the history of its occurrence. Simple workouts have been transformed into an independent sport. However, talk about squash, this is tennis, should not be.

The popularity of the game with the ball and racket is growing every year. It is available to ordinary people, keen on sports. The status of the famous game has squash. What is this prestigious and at the same time accessible kind of competitions, proves the presence of clubs and fitness centers, where you can get training and enjoy an exciting duel. Squash will require considerable loads. This game develops the flexibility of the body. People engaged in this sport become strong and agile, they have good coordination of movements. It is possible to speak with confidence about squash, that this is a whole complex of physical activities aimed at improving the person as a whole. Particularly useful is this sport for the younger generation. Regular exercises have a beneficial effect on the developing organism.

Mastering the game squash is much faster and easier than tennis. It will require special sports equipment and equipped grounds. Produce rackets for playing both natural and synthetic materials. The balls for squash are two rubber pieces that are glued together in such a way that a cavity is formed inside. They are marked with a special marking, indicating jumping. You can buy sports equipment for this competition in specialized stores. Also it is possible to visit fitness clubs in which necessary things can be rented.

Do not forget about sports clothes for the game. It should be easy and convenient, do not constrain movement. No extra points will be special glasses, which will protect players from accidental impact of the racket.

Squash involves the participation of two or four participants. A single or pair game is organized on specially equipped venues. The match takes place in a court-bound court. The game space has a certain layout. The upper part is bounded by the out line, and the lower part by the acoustic panel.

The fans of the game talk about squash, which is a very simple game. The main rule of the match is to hit the wall after hitting the racket. Players make moves in order of priority. Touching the ball against the wall corresponds to the rules stipulated in the game. All movements and actions of participants during the competition have a certain value. Each kick of the ball can be effective. At the end of the competition, the winner is determined.

Squash is a popular game. Both professional and amateur can do this kind of sport. To maintain a good physical shape, squash is indispensable. You can learn how to play it in existing squash clubs or fitness centers.

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