
Sleep - kinds of sleep. Pathological kinds of sleep

A full-fledged sleep is very important for maintaining the vital functions of the body. He performs several important functions that are responsible for the restoration of the body and the processing of the information received for the day. In ancient times it was believed that the best medicine for any disease is a dream. Types of sleep have their own characteristics and have different effects on brain activity.

What is the benefit of sleeping?

During sleep, the speed of operation of all body systems decreases, which contributes to complete rest. The respiration processes slow down, the work of the cardiovascular system and the functioning of the brain regions decrease.

The memory quality is also affected by the quality of sleep. During the night rest, the brain analyzes the information that came throughout the day, and then determines the necessary factors in long-term memory, and information debris erases from memory, unloading it and providing a full-fledged work the next day.

Fast and slow sleep have their own characteristics, which have a positive effect on the work of the human body.

Phases of sleep

There are two main phases:

  • Fast (stage of superficial sleep) - characterized by a slight increase in brain activity, it is in this phase that a person dreams of dreams;
  • Slow (stage of deep sleep) - no dreams, activity of all body systems decreases.

The phase of fast sleep has several stages:

  • Falling asleep;
  • Superficial sleep;
  • Deep sleep (delta stage).

Sleep for most people is an anti-stress factor. More than once it was noticed that during the night rest many everyday problems, conflicts, thoughts come to mind. Fast and slow sleep, cyclically replacing each other, fill the body with energy for the active next day.

Sleep cyclicity

Night sleep in healthy people has approximately the same number of cycles and their duration. During sleep passes about 4-5 full cycles with alternating phases of sleep. Immediately after falling asleep, the person comes to an orthodox sleep (slow), which has a duration of 45-90 minutes, by the morning its duration is significantly shortened.

Paradoxical (fast) sleep at the beginning of the night has a short duration, and by morning it is becoming more frequent. A full-fledged fast sleep provides a feeling of lightness and cheerfulness in the morning. If in this phase a person does not sleep well, then the morning will be accompanied by a feeling of lethargy and fatigue.

A person needs 5-10 hours a day to ensure health. Such a difference is determined by the individual with the characteristics of the organism, sexual and age indices, as well as the way of life.

Quality sleep provides the restoration of brain activity, maintaining the functioning of all vital systems, as well as the distribution and processing of information received for the day.

What factors affect the quality of sleep

Throughout the day the body should receive a uniformly distributed load of both mental and physical plan. It is observed that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from insomnia, fall asleep heavily and sleep badly. While a small physical load helps to quickly relax the body and the onset of a full night's rest.

Emotional fullness of the current day is also important for the full flow of sleep. Any outbursts or lack of emotions during the day affect the quality of the night rest. Therefore, it is important to evenly distribute the load on the body and influence it multifacetedly.

Creating during the day emotional states, alternating with the physical load, will eventually be able to get a deep and restful sleep. Types of sleep will also alternate evenly, restoring the body.

Characteristics of dreams

For one night a person can see a few dreams or one story that dreams during a paradoxical phase. In general, the duration of dreams lasts up to two hours. When dreaming, the sleeper has an active movement of the eyeballs (the eyes are closed at the same time), movements can be made both in the horizontal and in the vertical planes.

You can remember a dream only by waking up in a certain period. This should be a phase of paradoxical sleep. A quick sleep ensures that the dream is memorized to the smallest detail. A few minutes after the end of the paradoxical phase, the plot of sleep is completely forgotten. That's why it often seems to a person that dreams are not dreamed, since he wakes up in the phase of slow sleep.

Lunch time

Conducting medical research indicates a positive effect on the body of daytime rest - siesta. In many countries in ancient times it was considered an obligatory part of the day regime. If a week at least several times dozing in the afternoon about half an hour, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases will be reduced by a third.

From these studies it is clear that even an adult person needs a day's sleep. Types of sleep in this case have a different cycle and duration. In such a short period of time a person does not manage to reach a deep sleep.

Pathological kinds of sleep

There are three main pathological states of sleep:

  • drowsiness;
  • insomnia;
  • sleepwalking.

All of them negatively affect the process of recovery of the organism, lead to the appearance of disturbances in the work of the nervous system (psychoses, neuroses, depression, organic brain diseases).

Hypersomnia occurs against the background of human transmission of infectious diseases, anemia or nervous disorders. In such conditions, the body needs more hours for rest and recovery. Therefore, it is recommended to allow the body to recover fully, and only then return to the usual regime and stresses.

Insomnia occurs after stressful situations, information overload of the brain, sleep disorders, as well as excessive physical exertion. Often, insomnia indicates the onset of the development of somatic diseases or mental disorders.

The impact of external factors (for example, electric light) can also cause insomnia, especially if the body during the day received less than the necessary physical and psychoemotional load. Sleep in this case is too superficial, sensitive, a reaction to any external stimuli is manifested. The time of fast sleep in such people is significantly increased, so there is no qualitative rest of the body.


This violation of sleep is more often manifested in childhood, especially in children with unbalanced psyche. As a rule, this disease passes with age. The detection of symptoms of somnambulism requires careful attention and examination. In some cases, medical treatment may be necessary.

During a deep sleep, sleepwalking is usually less common than in the stage of fast sleep. The process of the dream is completely erased from memory, the person does not remember where he was and what he did, although in this state he is able to fulfill requests and perform familiar actions.

Any person, regardless of age and sex, needs a quality sleep. Types of sleep during night rest will ensure the restoration of tired body systems.

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