HealthDiseases and Conditions

Signs of rickets

Such a disease as rickets, even in the modern world, has not lost its danger. As before, this is a fairly common childhood illness, which all parents are very afraid and are trying to prevent with all their might.

When a person hears about the main signs of rickets, the majority is a pale child with a big belly and crooked legs. In principle, this image corresponds to reality, but it is true only when it comes to a very advanced stage of the disease.

But there are also earlier signs of rickets in children, by which it is possible to recognize this strange disease and thanks to which it is easy to see and distinguish its forms.

To begin with, I want to introduce readers to the symptoms of congenital rickets in children:

  • The size of a large fontanel in children with rickets more than 3 cm;

  • Lateral and small fontanel are open;

  • Seams between the bones of the skull gap (diverge);

  • The level of phosphorus and calcium in the child's blood serum is very low;

  • Low mineralization of bones, which is easy to detect by ultrasound.

Now it is worth considering the signs of rickets in a tender baby. Such babies differ from healthy children by small growth retardation, greater sweating. The large fontanel closes them more slowly than peers, and the neuropsychic excitability of such children is much higher. Rickets can be seen if the bones of the skull of the toddler are supple, and the nape differs in condensation and bald patches.

The behavior of babies, patients with rickets, completely changes: they become listless, shy and capricious. They are constantly troubled by itching, and during sleep, the head of babies on the back of the head sweats.

The first signs of rickets appear already in the 2-3 months of life of babies. Therefore, mothers should be more attentive to their children, in time to notice the symptoms of the disease and prevent their further development. Noticing that the little sweats a lot, he often fusses, sleeps restlessly at night and lags behind in growth from his peers, you need to consult a specialist. To make a correct diagnosis, a doctor can prescribe a biochemical blood test.

With a mild form of the disease, everything is clear, and what signs of rickets are characteristic for a medium-heavy form? With this form all the symptoms only increase, and a few more are added to them:

  • The baby's chest is deformed - it can both bulge forward, and be sunken.

  • The abdomen becomes wide and large, this is due to muscle hypotension. Such a stomach is called a "frog".

  • Intercostal spaces are quite noticeable. Also noteworthy is the groove - the border between the abdomen and the thorax, which is called the Garrison's furrow.

  • The shape of the head changes: the nape becomes thicker, and the parietal and frontal tubercles become more pronounced.

Such a kid quickly gets tired, does not play active games, starts to walk late and wakes up easily. In some cases, children can tremble the chin and legs. The same children that do not stand on the legs, they can deform and become like "o" or "x".

Signs of severe rickets look particularly dangerous and frightening to others. They are manifested:

  • In severe deformities of the bones of the skull, limbs and thorax;

  • A pronounced lag in mental and physical development;

  • In shortness of breath (shortness of breath);

  • Increased heart rate;

  • In the increased size of the liver;

  • The obvious fragility of bones (from minor effects, they can even break);

  • Weakness. Such babies often can not sit without support, but they do not even talk about getting out of bed themselves.

As you can see, rickets are more than a dangerous disease, so try to closely monitor the development of the baby and do not ignore even the smallest, but suspicious symptoms. Rickets are much easier to prevent than cure. Remember this and even with the slightest suspicion, contact the specialists.

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